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    It's better to let someone think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it to them. -

    Breaking Benjamin
    So Cold

    Quote Of The Week
    Have you heard lately that people are putting sunscreen up there ass so when they take a shit outside it has UV protection


    August 4 th 2004
           Wow I haven't updated my site in awhile. I don't know if I just didn't have the time or was too lazy. Anyways though I'm going to be 18 on Saturday. It seems wierd though. Life seems like it moves so fast. This is going to be my last year of school too. I'm a little nervous but I think everyone is. I'm still not sure what profession I want yet. Warp tour is on Thursday but I'm probably not going. It sucks but what can yah do right. Another thing wierd about this summer is I haven't been to the campground Indian Brave the whole summer. I practically grew up there meeting a lot of cool people. I know I'll pay a visit before school starts again. I also have my liscence now too. I probably have had it for nearly 4 months. I have a car too. It's a 1995 Hyundai Elantra. It's not the best car in the world but it gets me from point A to Point B without breaking down. Well I'm gonna get going It's 1:25 AM and I need to be at work at 11. Works pretty cool now because this is the second week I've been in the kitchen. Well I better get going. Hopefully I'll keep up with my site more.

    November 27 th 2003
           Yeah i know I haven't updated my site in a while but what can I say I actually got a live. I finally got a job. It's at Eat in Park. Im a stupid bus bitch but it's all good when I see my pay check. I still haven't gotten my license and I'm still pissed about that. But what the hell. I can't help that shit. I'm just gonna take lessons there around 200 bucks. So thats gonna make my wallet empty again. Another good thing is today is Thanksgiving and have 5 days vacation from school. My bestfriend Josh is spending the night and my sisters boyfriend Josh2. There playing video games right now. Hey video games are cool but don't resort your whole life to them like these 2 ass's do. I'm probably gonna get hit for that one. Also got X-men 2 on tuesday. A sweet ass movie. If you didn't get it then go to your local Walmart and get it. It's worth it. Well thats it for now really didn't update my site. Hopefully I'll get to it sooner or later.

    June 18 th 2003
           Wow I haven't updated my site in a while. Well i got a new jackass link at top.Some stupid shit my friends and i did. What can i say we have no life.Also got a Ground Zero link at the top too.For people that play Starcraft its just a game that you can play on the internet for short terms. I have my own clan called Ground Zero of course.Also put a chatroom on my site.Finally!!! I would like to make my own but Ill have to wait till i get better.Also today is my sister's boyfriends B-Day. Happy Birthday Josh2. Well thats it until my next update.

    November 23 rd 2002
          Today was pretty boring so I decided to update my site.My site had a couple of problems the last couple of days but I'm pretty sure I fixed them all.Also had an early Thanksgiving at my house today.It wasn't that bad but I'm going to my dad's on Thanksgiving to really celebate it.Today my dad and I picked up some food for it.I also worked on my Resident Evil Site too.It's comin pretty good but I might have to cancel my Stunts Gone Wrong Site because of lacking equipment.We'll thats all for now until I update my site again.

    October 27th 2002
          Hello I know I havent updated my site in a while cause I've been so busy.But I have made a couple changes.I have a image link so know there's something to do while your at my site.There not porographic pictures niether for all the perverts that want to know.There funny images.I also made an email button to.If you have any ideas or suggestions about my site just email me and I just might take your advice.I'm still also working on the Stunts gone wrong link to.We'll I better get goin.

    August 7th 2002
          today was very exciting.we'll to start it off today is my 16th birthday.I know you wish me a happy birthday right.Just kiddin.Also today my sister Melinda had her baby today.That is some cool shit.Except now she's gonna get all of the gifts and im gonna get nothin.I know that's not fair but who gives a shit life is not supposed to be fair.Her name is Madison the same as my grandma's last name.we'll got to go celebrate my birthday see ya.

    August 1st 2002
               Today is of course a shitty notin new. My friend Zach white and his friend got into a lot of shit and i wish i was there. Real soon we are going to put a new section on this website it's going to be called stunts gone. It might take me a while to get it set up but when I do there is going to a lot of funny shit on it.

    July 30th 2002
    Today was a good day. The Resident Evil movie came out today and my sister got me it for my birthday"how thoughtful." Also My friend Travis got the movie too and got GTA3 also called Grand Theft Auto 3 for PS2.that game is the shit!Beaten the hell out of old ladies and runnin people over with cars. What all more could ya ask in a video game except a blowjob.Okay my friend Travis said u can get a blow job in GTA3.

    July 21st 2002
              I just put this on the internet not to long ago so i am still making adjustments on it. You should check out the images section up near the top for funny images and animations. Down below is just me bullshitin about my everyday life which is shitty for the one's who want to know. That's it for now until i improve my site.

    Copyright 2002 Created by Patrick Winterhalter