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Here she is.



Whatever you call her.

The most beautiful person ever.

Alyson Hannigan.

Bow down before perfection!

Here's my other website. damn, i'm high tech. My Livejournal

And more high techiness. An MP3. Sing Sing Death House, by the Distillers.

Wanna tell people about my suck site? click this link and tell your enemies! I'm a tool! Tell people!


 long live Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson! by the way, i just checked the site and i made it! Andrew, member 436. Score! I love willow.

NEWS(yeah, right!)

start around midnight, august 8th - holy shit, dude. i totally forgot i had this site. seriously, does anyone come here? anyone at all? didnt think so. how the hell did my little counter doodad get so high? thats gnar, dude. i have fans! anyway. i learned bonelesses today. honest to alyson bonelesses. thats about all i accomplished today. also took about 8 aspirin and washed it down with jack daniels. yummy. anyway. maybe i should make this an actual website. nah, fuck that. i know, i'll review the new antihero video.

WOW! Video Review MADNESS!!!!!!

Yeah. So. The new Anti-Hero video, Cash Money Vangrants, is a totally excellent video. Way better than that bootleg 3000 piece of shit. although elissas part ripped. but back to antihero. TNT had the first, and the best part. he skates to fang. mostly his big blasting skatepark airs mixed with a few street tricks, a radical noseblunt at burnside, and more style than you can shake a stick at. Frank Gerwers part was sick too. He skated to ODB, bitch. he's a pretty good street skater, more on the style points than the tech steez. The end montage had the best part. A Peter Hewitt line at Louisville where he does a back 5-0, back 50-50, a fucking HUGE (seriously, about 25 feet long) back 5-0 to fakie in the 11 foot bowl, a couple fakie kickturns in the fullpipe to slide out. Fucking epic, dude. for the credits, they play Black Sabbath's War Pigs, the best metal song ever recorded. They play the whole song, even after the credits are done. I liked this video. Two thumbs up!

Whoa! take my poll!  this site sucks

SEND ME HATE MAIL. I like it.                 

This is Brody Armstrong and Shirley Manson. The singers for the Distillers and Garbage, respectively. Damn, they're hot. Especially Brody. But she looks a lot better with her mohawk. Punker chicks rule. Unfortunately, shes married to Tim Armstrong. Dude, that sucks. But on the plus side, because they're married, both the Distillers AND Rancid are gonna be on the warped tour this year. I'm hell stoked. I just hope they don't play them back to back on different stages, cause then you always miss either the last few songs of one set or the first few of the other. Blows big monkey balls. Doesn't it though? I'm trying to convince my dad to let me go on a road trip and see the show in Sacramento as well as the one in San Francisco, but I doubt he'll let me. Stupid head.




This is the hottest girl in the universe. period. shes talena atfield, former bassist of the all girl canadian metal band Kittie. Spit is one of my favorite albums ever, i love brackish, and the metal version of paperdoll is good too. at my old school i would put up pictures of talena on my guitar case and all the preppy little girls would go "eww! shes so ugly!" they couldnt understand how i could be attracted to this kind of girl. i guess they didnt make the connections that of the 3 girls i dated that year, one of them was addicted to booze and cigarretes, the next was the firsts little sister and was actually crazy (im serious - anybody seen Girl, Interupted? she had that same problem. she was having sex with guys for money, and she went ballistic sometimes, she attacked her mom with a knife. they sent her to an asylum for a week) and the last one never wore anything other than black and liked to cut herself.  i hope i can find a nice metal chick to settle down with one day, we can go to ozzfest and mess up our childrens minds.

by the way, i ripped all this off from different websites. hope nobody sues me.