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Chris and Me Pics of my Chicks
Yep, this is me.
This is my sister, Lauren. Isn't she a hottie?
This is my favorite cousin in the whole world, Ben, with his favorite band in the whole world, The Impossibles. He's the one in the chili shirt with the red hair and cool-nerdy classes. He's a big red dork. He rocks.
This is my best guy-friend, Gavin. He's way cooler than that tool from Bush.
This is my step-bro, David. He's the bearded one.

Presenting: THE BADASS BACKGROUND PAGE! Go on, check it out, you know you want to. i put up whatever badass background is gracing the desktop of my laptop computer at the moment.
Badass Background Week
Here's a crappily done page for pictures from Jacque's trip to nyc last summer. I haven't put any real work into the page yet, i just threw the pics up there. enjoy!
New York Pics
Me and Chris Pics of my Chicks Badass Background Week