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The Band!!!!

We all came up with the name of the band "Last In Line." First we were called "Area-54" but we had to change that because some other local bands were called that before us, so we had no choice to do so. Jay and I have been playing together for a long time, we just never had a bass player to get a band together. So my friend Dana(if you read this thanks alot babe), had a friend named Jimmy that played bass for about 3 years. So we auditioned him for our band, and he fit in perfectly with us and we all got along, it was awesome. Then after a couple months he got sick of the music we were playing: "Punk", so he quit the band because he wanted to play "Ska" all the time. Then he really got his head straight and came back with us once again and now we're all together today and staying together and playing for people who like us, love us, and people who enjoy our music, cause we're playing as "LAST IN LINE"!!!!. Thanx for your time and appreciation for looking at our website if you have any questions at all feel free to email me at, thanks alot. or Jay at Updates for 3/18/02: Attention everyone Last In Line is dead and will be under a new name soon, casue we lodt our bassist he moved to another band, and were in searching for new bassist. © 2001-2002 Last In Line
