Subj: Stinky Log Date: 94-07-09 00:21:48 EDT From: L7s

Hey, So here I am in Denver with an evening off with every good intention of writting out a tour diary ( a "log" if you will) but wouldn't you know it, Star Trek is on, oh well, I'll try again after tomarro's shows. finch-

Subj: Pre-show FLAKING Date: 94-07-11 04:51:59 EDT From: L7s

STINKY LOG STARDATE July 4th - 6th We said goodbye to our friends, dads, lovers and dogs on, Monday July 4th and headed east on the 10 freeway. The first show and the pre-show rehearsals are in Las Vegas and you know what that means!! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! One armed bandits til' the sun comes up! Suzi won big time. I lost it all. We saw Don Rickles one night and Phillis Dillar the next. The rehearsals are at 9:30am (ouch!) the morning of the 5th and will be our only chance to practice and get our sounds right. It is also our first oppertunity to see our stage set up and running (this is our first attempt at dressing our stage and Vegas makes it seem all so natural!). The set is hard to describe. It is sorta a snow/ice drift fantasy. It was designed by a guy who puts these types of things together for the Santa section in malls at christmas. It looks cool, suspended icicles, snow drifts on our amps and a ten foot snowman with carrot nose and black stovepipe hat. There is one tiny problem though, this guy has never had to make one of his sets portable or have to withstand weather or be taken apart, put into boxes, then put back together again. All that could go wrong went wrong. The opaline coating that gives the flakes their snow-like glimmer started to come off when touched, all the boxes the sets came in where the wrong sizes, and to top it off, a warm, desert, wind kicked up and one of the snowflakes went renegade, flying off it's pole and landing in the arms of one of the union guys (ooops). Live and learn. Hopefully this will all work out. I will keep you posted. finch

Subj: Introduce the Band"SUe meet DEe" Date: 94-07-13 14:43:46 EDT From: L7s

Let Me Introduce the Band.."SUzi meet DEe..."#3 (non-dated material)#3 This injection is designed to give you an idea about who we are,the names, the sights, the smells, the sounds, if you will... Suzi Gardner (L7 guitarist and vocalist), Dave Ratt (soundperson), Joe Double-O'Neil (SnowRangler, HinkleyTech and stageminder), Donita Sparks (L7 vocalist and guitarist), John Brubaker ( guitar techie), Demetra Plakas (L7 goddess of thunder-drummer), Rod Doak (tour manager, distributor of the meal tickets), Lenny Douglas (drum tech and quite the dancer), Jennifer Finch (that would be me and I play bass and sing), Dean Menta (bass tech for the first few shows), Dav Michael (assistant creator of the snow scene and on the road for the first few shows) and Craig All our bus driver who we are stealing from Pearl Jam.

Subj: CREW point of VIEW... Date: 94-07-13 14:47:51 EDT From: L7s

CREW point of VIEW/more on Lost Wages...#4 (Information pertaining to July 6-July 8) Have you noticed I started numbering the entries for easier sorting? Cool? well then, I thought to spice things up I would have various other people from the the entourage kick down their two cents every once in a while. Some stuff will be redundant, sorry, but everyone has their own special moments and perspectives and I figure that will add a new spin on things (besides it will take the heat off of me every now and then). Lenny was the first person I thought of. He's the one in our group that is motivated enough to find all the cool thrift stores, record stores, and collector shops. He's big on finding good deals and is a great dancer. We are working out swing dancing routines in our spare moments. This is Lenny's take on the first few days of this tour...

A pair of 50s salt and pepper shakers and a ceramic green thing were the only conquest from around 9 Las Vegas thrift stores. Depressing. Hot, sweaty days were cooled down by a refreshing water park across from our hotel. Full of Chlorine, urine; Rad Fun! Mr. Warmth himself, Don Rickles, is a legend and I saw him! That's what Las Vegas means to me. Oh yeah it's also where Lollapalooza '94 kicked off. We now have a day off before the second show, Denver, and this town's thrift community has offered up much more then Vegas. Quite pleasing. Our camp is a happy one. Everyone is in harmony. Should make for a pleasant tour. The crowds seem to like the drum sounds I've given them. I haven't met that many of the other people on the tour yet but everyone seems cool so far. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds of all people have befriended us. Anyways that's about it for now. LENNY D.

Subj: LET IT SNOW!!#5 Date: 94-07-13 14:52:55 EDT From: L7s

LET IT SNOW!!#5 (general info pertaining to show Preparation and stage crew Perspiration) Since the idea of having a snow scene was conceived it has been a logistical pain in the tushy. Donita first came up with the idea to have snow falling on the stage while we played. Great idea, bad mess. It then evolved to painting our gear white and having a back drop depicting a winter scene (you know, the oil paintings usually found in motels, with snow caped mountains, big ol' evergreens and a little hunting lodge off in the distance with the chimney going full force). Then one day while Suzi and Donita were driving to our practice room in North Hollywood, they passed a store front that displayed a fifteen foot pink snowman. Ideal they thought but never really pursued it. It was Suzi who returned to the area a week later to pick up some drapes at a secondhand store. This store happened to be next to the snowman shop. She decided to check it out. The place was a prop house run by a man named Mark Canepa. Sue told him the snow scene idea and inquired about the cost of the snowman out front. It turns out (destiny is a powerful thing) that he designs (among other things) snow sets for malls during the holidays. We hired him on the spot. I mentioned earlier the problems we have faced with this set. The Lollapalooza crew hate it and for good reason, it is a pain in the ass, but it looks so cool! Their was a threat at one point to bail the snow, but we basically said LOOK.... "No SNOWman no SHOWman!" "NO ice NO dice!" "The SNOW must go ON!" "NO drifts NO riffs!" "NO snow NO show!" "No frost get LOST!"

AND our snow tech, Double O, "The hardest working man in SNOWbusiness" would like to add... "Theres no business like SNOW business!!!!!"

Subj: Nick Cave and the Bad Fern Bar Date: 94-07-13 15:00:33 EDT From: L7s

Nick Cave and the Bad Fern Bar (July 10th) As Lenny had mentioned before (please see Crew Point of View), the Bad Seeds have befriended us. Their dressing room has been next to ours for the past two shows and they are very, nice, people! While we were watching them play last night in Denver, Nick requested that we "shout mindless patter that would amuse the 'Americans' in between songs" We obliged him with a chorus of "Fuck Shit Up" We are big fans of theirs, some of us are really BIG fans. On this night off in Kansas City, a Sunday I might add, is Bad Seeds bassist, Martyn's Birthday. We all decided to meet in Dee's room then head for a local bar. Unfortunately the only thing we could find open was a sports/fern bar violation (ya' know the kind with fruity shots served in test tubes by overly tanned waitress). As we walked in a local knuckle-head took one look at Nick and said "look there, it's Elvis!!" Ouch! It was an all nighter with everyone eventually showing up at this place. When the bar closed down, some of us took it back to D'Arcy from Smashing Pumkins hotel room.

Subj: Cervix Dilate and Water Breaks Date: 94-07-13 15:04:55 EDT From: L7s

the Cervix Dilates and the Water Breaks #7 (July 12) We gave birth today! Our Stinkin' record is finally out of the birth canal and Slash Records has bitten through the umbilical chord! We named her Hungry for Stink! A bouncing baby Cd! She is our fourth (our 1st, a "self-titled" album was born in 1988 on Epitaph Records, "Smell the Magic" came along in 1990 from Subpop and little "Bricks are Heavy" popped out in Spring, 1992.) They are our children and we love them equally!

Subj: Bio- Degrading-part 1 Date: 94-07-18 18:45:03 EDT From: L7s

Bio- Degrading (#8) (1985-1994) I thought I would post our bio for any of you who may not be familiar with us. I guess the first thing you should know is WE HATE BIOs!!!! In fact this is our first official one ever. First off they always sound contrived. Second, I guess we always felt that if someone wanted to interview us they should be a fan and already know what we are about and go from there. Well life does not work like that (cruel world that it is) and we got tired of getting asked the same questions about who plays what and where we are from and all that. I guess we were never really prepared for (or at least never thought about) the amount of attention that has been given us. We have labored over this thing for months and have given all sorts of grief to our management and record label over being so tardy with it. Our very good friend Bob wrote it. He writes for Flipside and has seen just about every live, LA show we have done . I then edited it and each of us had to approve it (democracy is a wonderfully, slow moving turtle). Well anyway, this is the official version (with out the nifty record company paper of course).

L7 Biography by Bob Cantu (Flipside Fanzine)

There are certain bands, the and Mototerhead for example, whose look, attitude and live musical flurry combine to create a feeling of a passionate rock 'n roll carousal that is positively contagious. L7 is such a band. As Sub Pop Records Jonathan Poeman once stated, "L7 are a real primal rock machine!". Tumultuously blending many music styles, L7 emerges with a sound that is distinct and instantly recognizable. L7 are a "democratic band" of personalities with no single front person.

The band consists of: Jennifer Finch, bass and vocalist Suzi Gardner, guitarist and vocalist Donita Sparks, guitarist and vocalist Demetra Plakas, drums

(Continued In the Next Entry)

Subj: Bio-Degrading-part 2 Date: 94-07-18 18:49:07 EDT From: L7s

(Bio-Degrading part 2)

The L7 story began when Donita Sparks, a Chicago suburbs transplant met former Sacramento resident Suzi Gardner in Los Angeles in 1985. Both had played in various, local bands and the instant chemistry between the two had convinced them to form a new group. Jennifer Finch, who had been playing and living in San Francisco at the time, moved back down to her native Los Angeles to join the two in 1986. Together with their original drummer, Roy Koutsky, they began playing the local club circuit. This line up recorded the band's once hard to find, self-titled first album that was produced by Brett Guretwitz (of Bad Religion and owner of Epitaph Records) and released on the Epitaph Records in 1988.

After a period of drum vacancies had occurred, the band solidified it's line up in 1988 when Dee Plakas, also from the Chicago area, was enlisted to play drums. For the next two years the group tightened and hardened their sound in the dank, dark night clubs of Hollywood before ever-increasing legions of fans. 1990 saw the release of the band's Sub Pop E.p.Smell The Magic, which was proceeded by theShove b/w Packin' A Rod, 7 inch, vinyl, single. The later's A side became an instant indie classic anthem which endeared them to college radio stations across the country. Eventually their track record of consistently sold out local shows, two U.S. tours ('88 and '89), headlining tour of Europe ('90) and British tour ('89 supporting Nirvana) and various U.S. regional tours came to the attention of Slash Records. In 1991 the band signed on to their roster which includes, Violent Femmes, X, the Germs and Faith No More.

The band's major label debut Bricks Are Heavy was co-produced by Butch Vig and released in mid 1992. A diverse collection of pop, punk, and heavy rock, it earned a spot on Billboard's new artist and pop album chart and yielded a radio hit with "Pretend That Were Dead".

1992-93 were busy years for the band. The group spent their time doing a couple of U.S. tours, performing "Pretend.." on the United State's David Letterman show and Britain's the Word, tours of Japan, Australia and Europe, the Reading Festival, an additional freezing, winter, European support slot for Faith No More, and two Brazilian festival dates.

In addition to their promotional tour, L7 played and organized a number of stateside benefits for Rock For Choice, an organization they founded to raise awareness in the rock community of the growing threat to our civil liberties, women's rights and a woman's right to a safe, legal abortion. Bands that have participated in Rock For Choice concerts have included Nirvana, X, Bikini Kill, Joan Jett, Pearl Jam, Hole, Mudhoney, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and many others. One of L7's goals was to set up Rock for Choice as an in house project of the Feminist Majority Foundation (who are the beneficiary organization) Since the onset of Rock For Choice, L7 have been slowly stepping back from their active roles, allowing other co-ordinators to take over. Rock for Choice is now a full time project and L7 act as consultants when needed. More info on Rock For Choice and the Feminist Majority Foundation can be obtained by calling: 213 651-0495

1994 looks to be another busy year which has already seen L7 performing a song called Gas Chamber for the soundtrack to the John Water's movie Serial Mom and a Japanese tour. Their new release, Hungry For Stink features twelve songs co-produced with Garth Richardson and is probably their heaviest to date. The albums first video, Andres, was co-directed by Donita Sparks and Steve Hanft (who's credits include Beck's Loser). These songs will undoubtedly get a decent workout as L7 joins the Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins and etc. at Lollapalooza this summer. See ya' there! -Bob

Subj: Buy Low Sell High #9 Date: 94-07-18 22:40:34 EDT From: L7s

Buy Low Sell High #9

Hey I just thought I would print our discography too (being the hard sell kind of person I am. LOL). All the non-compilation stuff is still available and a few of the compilations are still around but most of them have "bought the ranch".


Hungry For Stink (Slash) CD, Cass, LP (1994) Bricks Are Heavy (Slash) CD, Cass, LP (1992) Smell The Magic (Sub Pop) CD, Cass, LP (1990) Shove b/w Packin' A Rod (Sub Pop) 7 inch (1989) L7 self-titled (Epitaph) CD, Cass, LP (1988)

L7 Have Tracks Featured on the Following Compilations:

Alternative Energy (Hollywood Records) ('93) Teriyaki Asthma (CZ Records) 7 inch vinyl and full length versions ('90) Virus 100 (alternative Tentacles) ('92) International Pop Underground Convention (K Records) ('92) More Songs About Anger, Fear, Sex and Death (Epitaph Records) ('92) The Grunge Years (Sub Pop) ('91) City of L.A. Power/the Big One (Flipside) ('90) Radio Tokyo Tapes Part IV (Chameleon Records) ('89) the Melting Plot (SST) ('89) Everyone Has A Shonen Knife Who Loves Them (Gastanka) ('89) Tantrum (Cocktail) ('88)

Subj: Color Coordination #10 Date: 94-07-18 22:43:38 EDT From: L7s

Color Coordination and the System (July 8) Denver #10

(OOps) I spaced out on telling y'all about the Rock the Vote commercial spot we did in Denver back on the 8th (it must have been the altitude!). The folks at Rock the Vote have this new campaign called Rock the System which is currently dedicated to educating people about health care reform. To do this they raised a bunch of money to assemble a nifty booklet with simple explanations of this very complicated subject. They then got a bunch of band people to blab about the book on film with the hopes of encouraging everyone to call and order this bit of free information. . Not only does it's main body of text demystify this tangled web of confusion but, it also includes hyper-text sections of vocabulary and short explanations of related words and expressions. Very easy for my two minute mind to digest, even as we are bouncing down the highway.

These public service announcements are always done in front of special screens that allow the editors to put in other images behind the subjects (in this case, that would be us). Last time we did a p.s.a. for them, back in 1992, we had a problem with the background screen, which was blue and Donita's hair, which was blue. It seems that her hair would disappear and she would look like a Hair Club for Men candidate. The problem was solved (although we do think for the most part "Bald is Beautiful") with a temporary, black, spray-in, hair dye. This time we had the same problem, but with a different dye job/screen combination. The screen, which was black, and Donita's hair, which is now (you guessed it) BLACK. The problem was solved with the borrowing of a baseball cap. Oh well!?! Color coordination never made a strong presence in our camp anyway.(LOL) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THIS FREE BOOK call 1-800-ROCK VOTE

Subj: Come On Down the Road! #11 Date: 94-07-18 22:45:59 EDT From: L7s

Come On Down the Road! Milwaukee (July 14, 1994) #11 Raynard, Nick Cave's tour manager, sat me down today to have a serious talk. He wanted to express to me that he had heard rumors that we felt like we had over stayed our welcome in Nick's dressing room and he wanted to make sure that we understood that was not true and we should come around as often as possible. I said that I had alway felt welcome around Nick and the others. Raynard's reaction was "well then it must have been Donita and Dee that had confessed the imposition". I immediately smelt something fishy. I knew we were hardly being distractions and those two had to be up to something. I assured Raynard my not coming around was due to checking out other Lollypoplooser activities and I promised I would watch from the stage if I wanted to (I had been watching from the audience the last two dates) and I would hang out backstage anytime I wanted, no need to feel like an pest. I went looking for the two of them right away.

Nick and company were just about to hit the stage when I found my sisters in the dressing room. Well it seems that they were indeed pulling a prank that was three days in preparation. They had lead the Bad Seeds to belive that Donita was feeling that her "rowdy" behavior was an embarrassment (not) and she felt too humiliated to come around. All of this in preparation for TODAY, when Nick would be crooning the first verse of "Papa Wouldn't Leave You Henry".

As he began the song which goes "I went out walking the other day,(the something something) around my neck, My head had sung with screams and moans, the night I spent among her bones....." I was making ready at the side of the stage with the video camera. By the time Nick had made it to the first chorus, which, by the way, goes something like this, "Come On Down the Rooaad, Come On Down the Road." OUT COMES DONITA. A vision of loveliness, dressed in a brilliant red, Mariachi blouse, shorts and to "top" of the ensemble, a very large sombrero. And if that wasn't enough she was ON ROLLER SKATES. She rolled across the stage, doing a cha cha on wheels avoiding guitars, cables, and pointy black boots. Spinning and Grooving. And when the song ended, Nick and she and the microphone cable fell into a pile (the proof is in the bruises!).

Subj: What's The Big DEAL??!! #12 Date: 94-07-18 22:51:55 EDT From: L7s

What's The Big DEAL??!! Chicago (July 15) #12 Basically I spent the entire day yelling at security guards while I waved my laminate (pass) in their faces (Doesn't the name L7 mean anything in this town!??!...) This venue sucks. All I want to do is watch the bands from the house! I'm with an old time friend of ours John Connors, who by the way is running our fan club, and his fiancee, Gloria Alverez. Gloria is awesome, also an old friend of ours. About two years ago she decided she wanted to be a soundperson. She got her shit together, apprenticed in LA clubs, worked her butt off and now she is traveling the world doing front of house sound for Beck. Get it Girl! We finally convince a head rent-a-cop that we will move from the seats we have planted ourselves in when the ticket holders get back. We end up moving in a few minutes anyway because the sound sucks in this over sized shed! (who ever designed these out door- indoor, metal, venues should be forced to live in them and deal with the horrid sound!)

Later that same day I copped a press/photo pass from the Lollapalooser press officer so that I can hang out in the photo pit in front of the stage to watch the Breeers. With insta-matic camera in hand I had it made. After the third song all the other photographers had to split but I got to stay. It was so cool having all that elbow room! "Saints"(I think thats what it's called) is defiantly the hit song of the summer ( that's the one that goes "Summer is Ready When You Are......" It rules! I also got some great shots up Kim Deals nose.

Subj: Family Frenzy #13 Date: 94-07-18 22:55:40 EDT From: L7s

Subj: I'm Pig Biting Mad.......#14 Date: 94-07-30 16:07:49 EDT From: L7s

I'm Pig Biting Mad!!!!!! Pittsburg #14 (July 30)

I have a few things I got to tell you all about. First I am bumming because I twisted my foot in Montreal and torn a ligament. I am on crutches and I have had to play two shows now sitting down and one show proped up on the monitor.

Second, I'm bumming because I am so far behind on this diary-thing, it is getting ridiculous. Sometimes it's hard to motivate enough to sit down and just get it all out but I'm working on it. Sorry....

But all this FAILS in comparison to how truly disturbed I am about the recent shooting of yet ANOTHER doctor in Pensacola FL. WHAT THE F...CK IS UP WITH THAT?!!?!@#$% WE ARE PIG BITING MAD- OUT OF CONTROL PISSED!!! I am including the news report below for you to check out :(

With that said, I am going to go watch Nick Cave and try and chill before we head out for Philly. The rumor is he is going to play the "Ship Song" today. later, finch


PENSACOLA, Fla (Reuter) - Two people, including a doctor wearing a bulletproof vest, were shot and killed and a woman was wounded outside an abortion clinic Friday and police arrested a militant anti-abortion protester for the shootings. The incident was the second fatal shooting at a Pensacola abortion clinic in 16 months. The suspect, Paul Hill, was described as a former Presbyterian minister. He leads an anti-abortion group that advocated ``justifiable homicide" against doctors who perform abortions, authorities said. ``That's nothing compared to what is being done to the pre-born," Hill said as police led him away, handcuffed. The violence mirrored an incident March 10, 1993, in which abortion doctor David Gunn was shot in the back and killed as he arrived for work at Pensacola's other abortion clinic. Hill had appeared repeatedly on radio and television to defend the anti-abortion activist who killed Gunn, saying he believed using force against abortion clinics and doctors was justified. ``We're saying that both born children and unborn children should be defended with force if necessary," he said during a March 8 interview with CNN. Police Sergeant Jerry Potts said the dead Friday included Dr John Bayard Britton, 69, a Fernandina Beach, Florida, physician who worked regularly at the clinic. Potts said Britton, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, was shot in the head. The second victim was identified as James Herman Barrett, 74, of Pensacola, a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and long-time abortion rights advocate who was acting as an escort to the clinic for Britton. Injured by the bullets was June Barrett, 69, Barrett's wife, who was hospitalized in fair condition. Police said the victims were killed with shotgun blasts outside the clinic as they arrived together in a truck. Hill was charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder, authorities said. He was to appear Saturday at the Escambia County jail before Judge C.J. Roark III. President Clinton Friday strongly condemned ``the senseless shootings" of three people, including two who were killed, outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida.

Transmitted: 94-07-29 18:57:13 EDT

Subj: Grasping At Straws #15 Date: 94-08-05 03:07:28 EDT From: L7s

Grasping At Straws For A Topic #15 (St. Louis, Day Off, Columbus, Ohio-July 17-July 19)

Not a lot has happened on these last few days. Perhaps I am blocking?! (I am going to ask around and see if anybody remembers any events or had any interesting experiences, hold on I'll be right back).......................(Ok I'm back) Brubaker seems to remember buying some boots. Dee recalled that the venue in Columbus was under construction and there was no ceiling on our dressing room. I just remembered that it was also the same day we snuck into the Beastie Boys room and played on their miniature equipment (little amps, guitars and a little drum kit) and we made a lot of racket. Dave Rat said it would be cool to mention that we all went out to a band/crew dinner on the night off. After the dinner I went home and everyone else went out to a local bar. Suzi would like to add that she lost her umbrella in Columbus.

Oh well, as my good friend Kelly ("Dickless") Canary says, "Plant Ya Now And Dig Ya Later", -finch

Subj: New York New York #16 Date: 94-08-05 03:19:19 EDT From: L7s

New York New York #16 (July 20th- Cincinnati, oHIo to Ny)

I heard a rumor today that Kim and Kelley Deals' father use to drive the Breeders around the country in his Winnebago when they toured. I don't know if this is true or not and I forgot to ask him today when I met him (and their Mom). They seem like very, very cool parents (and people ofcourse). Unfortunately we did not get to spend to much time hanging around. We left right after we played our 2:30pm slot for the airport. We are going to spend tomarro, our day off, playing the New Music Seminar in New York City. We arrived in Ny in the early evening and all met up at the Fez club to see our friends Sweet and Low Orchestra. They're sorta a mixture of a much hipper, Cabaret Style, featuring electric celtic jigs, waltzes and some country with folk story telling running over and under and through the whole mess. (sorry about the adjective abuse, it's just that I'm having trouble nailing down what they are about. How about I describe them as a band with songs about drunken sailors!) They were ultra-cool and sharp dressers to boot. They even have a very prestigious line up ( a super-group if you will) with the likes of Zander Schloss (he was in Thelonious Monster, the Circle Jerks and an actor in Repo Man), Mike Martt (he too was in Thelonious and was also in Tex and the Horseheads), James Fearnley (the Pogues') and Dermot and Kiran Mulroney (Dermot is an actor and I am spacing on what films he has been in, but he is famous I swear!). The evening ended at a lower east side deli. later skaters, -finch

Subj: New York Pity #17 Date: 94-08-05 10:15:58 EDT From: L7s

New York Pity #17 (July 21- Ny, Ny)

I could easily make this a whine fest. I dislike leaving tours to play shows, especially BIG shows and I really hate music seminars. One because they are always JINXED and two because they are so ridiculous. The first seminar we played was South By SouthWest (aka. South By So What). This show rated high on the "Spinal Tap Alert" list. All the bands had to share a dressing room which was a womens bathroom with overflowing toilets, the stage was put together so poorly it broke and we had to buy our own drinks. There was just an overall disregard for the bands that make the music that make this kind of event possible in the first place. Also, it was an outdoor show and all the kids who could not get in threw cow tongues over the fence into the crowd of industry types(actually that was a high light)

but back to today..... After an afternoon of doing press (an Entertainment Weekly interview and photosession. Thit was also the day I did the Mtv/AOL commercial (oops, I mean "news" piece) we headed for the show.

Next is the list of mishaps that has me ONCE AGAIN SWEARING NEVER TO DO ANOTHER INDUSTRY KISS ASS SHOW AGAIN!!: 1. The equipment rental place messed up and we had all the wrong stuff. 2. Between each song we took time off from being a primal rock machine to fumble with unfamiliar knobs and cringe at the sound that was coming out of 'em. 3. (I have to take a break from the list to add that I was the only who loved the SVT amp head that I got, it sounded GREAT!! WELL, THAT WAS UNTIL IT BLEW UP half way through the set.) 4. I threw a bass player hissy fit in public (so embarrassing) 5. Other things went wrong that had to do with the ever so unnecessesary politics and posturing of this type of event and I don't want to bore you with the gory details.

In all fairness I will list the good stuff that happened to:

1. The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black and Mother Tongue opened the show they were GREAT! 2. Seeing all of our New York friends was groovy. 3. Ummm, oh yeah we played "Packin' A Rod" which we haven't done in a while.

(After I look back at this entry I realize it is kind of vague in regards to what is an "industry" show and why do they exist and why did we agree to do this one in the first place and all. Personally, I don't have the energy to get into it, maybe if there are any other bands, music industry folks or gig goers who want to go into any explanations, please feel free to post responses.) I'd like to know myself!! peace, jennifer

Subj: Fascist Fish Police #18 Date: 94-08-07 11:49:43 EDT From: L7s

Fascist Fish Police #18 (July 22- Indianapolis)

We woke up at 5 am to catch the 7:30 flight to Indianapolis and our 2:30 pm time slot back at Lallapolooza. OUCH!!! It hurt but we made it. I just didn't bother to go to sleep last night. I opted for that "overall dizzy/ over-tired feeling" to the unbearable "waking up just when you get into a heavy sleep" nightmare.

After we played the show, Dave Ratt, Suzi, Double "O" and I all went "Venue Fishing". Dave Ratt turned us on to this sport. All of theses large, outdoor concert sites we have been playing have small human-made lakes that are used to store water to irrigate the grounds, keeping the grassy areas green. To keep these bodies of water from getting stagnant, they create an echo system with snails, frogs and FISH. Hence, "Venue Fishing!"

Dave first took me fishing back in Denver and two more times after that in various other cities, but each of three times we had tried to fish, security would kick us out (Fascist Fish Cops!) I can not tell you how many fish we caught, there were so many. We were hauling in small bass, catfish and crappy. (by the way, we let them all go back to their fishy lifestyles after we humiliated them by making them pose for pictures with us) I could barely drop a line and something would attach itself! And the best part.... NO Fascist Fish Police In Site!

Today is also George Clinton's Birthday!

Subj: Crew View No. Two #19 Date: 94-08-07 11:50:46 EDT From: L7s

Crew View No. Two #19 (July 23-Flint, Mi.)

Hello everyone this is Double O Joe, I'm in charge of the snow, but that is not really relevant to this entry. Tonight we are staying in Flint, Michigan, about an hour from Detroit, and a half hour from Lollapalooza. All the other bands are spread out across lower Michigan. In other words, we are out in the boondocks, by ourselves, with nothing to do. But we found an excuse to leave the hotel. Humble Pie was playing down the street. Jennifer was denied entrance due to a lost ID and an unsympathetic doorman, so I'll tell you about it. Who says downtown Flint can't rock. A group of us led by Bass (as in fish) Master Dave Rat walked from our hotel to the club and tried to exploit our laminates for free admission. We got in for half price and were treated to a 70's extended rock jam wank-a-thon. It was painful to see the band that was Peter Frampton's stepping stone to superstardom playing to 50 people in a cheesy rock club. Actually it was just painful to see them. Kind of like watching a car accident, I wanted to leave but something compelled me to stay. They played lots of their hits and kept asking how the crowd was doing. Lots of high pitched "yeahs" and "alrights" from the singer. After the show Donita got attitude from the band who didn't seem to realize they were no longer playing stadiums. Hey guys, maybe its time to hang it up and go to work at Guitar Center.

Subj: Do 2 Shows=2 Meal Tickets?#21 Date: 94-08-07 11:51:27 EDT From: L7s

Do 2 Shows=2 Meal Tickets?#21 (July 24 Detroit, Mi)

For anyone who doesn't already know Lallapolooza has three main event focuses. The main stage (that would be us), the second stage (that would be the Flamming Lips, Verve, Luscious Jackson and others who swap off on any given week) and what they call the "The Mind Field" (which are the vendors, political booths and the Revival Tent where poetry, spoken word, political forums and the likes take place). Every once in a while we all get boarded with our "assigned stations" and make nuisances of ourselves in other people's areas. It's all very welcome actually, keeps things stirred up and interesting. I've seen James from the Pumpkins perform in the Rival tent as a drummer, poets on the Main Stage, band members working in the political booths and more.

Today was L7s turn. After the Flamming Lips did their thing that they do so well (check out their bio and discography posted somewhere in the Warner's Board) we jumped on stage to do an impromptu set. The audience requested songs (no we don't do "FreeBird", that joke is way to old to still exist) and we ended up doing a few songs we haven't played in years. It was a great stress release and most of the other Main Stage people came down to check it out and get involved. Steven from the Flamming Lips played drums on "Shove" while Dee took some time out to dance, the Bad Seeds sang back-up on "Andres" and Kim Deal stood to the side of the stage and screamed the whole time!

C'ya, -finch

Subj: Crew View"ChefandHammers"#21 Date: 94-08-09 03:56:25 EDT From: L7s

Crew Point of View- "Chef and Hammers" #21 Cookin' with Donita by Double O Joe (July 25-Detroit)

Donita barged into the dressing room in a huff, screaming about Fascist Fashion Police in the press area. It seems the security battleaxe (whom Donita referred to as "Reba") had a problem with Donita's attire. Ms. Sparks looked stunning in a white chef's ensemble: hat, apron and tongs. Apparently "Reba" didn't want anyone mistaking the beer swiggin' musician for an employee of the restaurant/press area. Words were exchanged, a cease and desist order was issued regrding the wearing of the chef gear. Reba held firm for all of chefdom, Ignoring donita's status as a "mainstage artist" (and essentially reason for Reba having a job that day). Donita ran out exasperated, her rational, level-headed reasoning an exercise in futility. She was then briefly haranged by some drunk guy who felt he had to stick his two cents (canadian) in. More on him later.

The crew present (consisting of Joe, Rod, Danny, Kirk, Dee's husband-ed. note) had been quietly discussing post structualist feminist theory and its impact on transgender politics and babe magnetism when Donita arrived. Upon being apprised of the situation we immediately jumped into action. The months of training were about to pay off. When its time to take care of business the L7 road crew is ready. We donned chef hats and followed Chef Donita back to the scene of the confrontation. Reba and her table full of security goons were no match for Donita and 4 guys in chef hats who can't hold real jobs. The restaurant manager was summoned. He reinterated Reba's argument about the high moral standards of their kitchen staff, and claimed Donita was spoiliung said reputation by simultaneously drinking beer and wear chef gear. He called for the return of the chef clothes but we had made our point, and we were leaving. WITH the chef attire.

The drunk guy (mentioned earlier) returned, still trying to add in his worthless commentary. He was ready to kick some ass, and our tour manager Rod Doak (now refered to as the "Hammer" since this event) was only to happy to call his bluff with a "WELL C'MON" to each of the drunk's manly challenges. This all occured at the back door of the restaurant, with us outside and fat, drunk and stupid inside.

Pushes were coming to shove between "The Hammer" and the drunk. Donita, in a valiant effort to keep the peace, grabbed Rod's hand as Danny "Terminator" Baird slammed the door in the drunk's face. Donita had accidently grabbed Rod's watch which flew into a nearby bucket of mop water at the exact moment the door slammed. Our mission over, Donita, Rod "The Hammer" Doak, Danny "The terminator" Baird, Kirk "Peacekeeper" Canning and I returned to our dressing room victorious.

by Joe "the Snow" O'Neil

Subj: "Fishing For Sympathy" #22 Date: 94-08-12 01:16:03 EDT From: L7s

"Fishing For Sympathy" #22 (July 27-Montreal)

This is the day I hurt my foot. I do not have a good recolection of all todays events (nothing like selective memory to get you safley through life), so to do this entery I asked Rod Doak to describe what happened form his point of view.....

The grounds we played today was the site of the1967 Worlds Fair. The stage was set in a large field surrounded by trees with a series of connecting ponds and lakes. It is very scenic and relaxing but even more important than that, it is the best fishing we have encountered so far on the tour. Dav Rat and I took advantage of the situation right after L7's set. Unfortunately this was also the day I remember to take my walkie talkie with me. Just as I was baiting for the largest wide mouth bass of my fishing career the walkie talkie squawked to life. It was one of the Beastie Boys crew informing me that Jennifer had fallen and she couldn't get up. I didn't know whether to laugh or keep fishing so I did both. At Jennifer's insistence I fished my back towards the accident site. Upon arriving I discovered it was no joke. She was surround by Red Cross volunteers reading from page fifteen of their emergence manual, desperately trying to decide if they had a break or a sprain on their hands. After a little prodding we decided it was just a twist (it will be up to her to tell you how she did it). Cool I thought, stick her in the emergency tent with an ice pack, she'll be fine an I can get back to fishing. On returning to the fishing spot I discovered my partner Dav Rat had reeled in MY three pound big mouth bass. What the hell I thought, it is a beautiful day and there are plenty more where that came from. On my first cast, as felt a couple of good strikes and was waiting for the third and final strike, the walkie talkie started screaming and hissing. (damn I forgot to leave the thing back in civilization!). This time it was a message from the hospital tent. I heard words of torn ligaments, broken bones and ambulances. Tossing my pole down I headed for the tent. Upon my arrival Jen was laid out on a stretcher with friends, band members and crew standing around her like it was a death bed. Little did I know all these people had gathered because they heard a rumor she may be prescribed pain killers (LOL). It would seem that the previous diagnosis was under some question and the injury was now being treated as a possible break. The Red Cross volunteers, under the guidence of their trusty medical emergency book, had fashioned a splint out of beer cartons and torn bed sheets. I was informed that she should be taken to the hospital to be examined. I rode with her in the ambulance. As we drove, one of the medics pointed out some of Montreal's tourist attractions. He gave us a history of the fair grounds, pointed out the local amusement park and named the bridge we went over. Then our tour guide lead us to the emergency drop off area and that is were we spent the rest of the day. We got back to the venue just before dusk. I propped Jennifer and her new crutches in the dressing room where she could get ooohed and aaahed over while I slipped out the back door with fishing pool in hand. I made sure to leave the walkie Talkie BEHIND!

Story told by Rod Doak. Typed by J. Finch (that should explain typos, spelling errors, and poor grammer)

Subj: There Are No Pines or Knobs #23 Date: 94-08-12 01:22:09 EDT From: L7s

There Are No Pines or Knobs in Pine Knob#23 (July 29 Detroit, MI)

Oh my lord were back in Pine Knob!!! OUCH that's gotta hurt. I feel like I live here now! Get me outa here! I hung out in the Beastie Boys room to escape the depressing conditions of our pathetic, opening act trailer that has been our dressing room for the past three shows here. My foot hurts and I've had to play sitting down. Brubacker (now known as Chez' Tech. with his chef hat) set me up with an easy chair, side table, a lamp, couple of books and a plate of appetizers on stage. Mark from the Beasties made an appearance during "Shove" and while he went bouncing from one side of the stage to the other he stopped to grab a chip and some dip from my table.

I am now in a soft cast and getting kind of good on the crutches. Dav Ratt showed us a trick he learned one tour where he sticks his legs through the upper opening, placing his feet on the hand rail part and uses the crutches like stilts. Mac, the Bad Seeds guitar tech can balance them straight in the air on his head.

John Brannon from the Laughing Hyenas showed up. Brubacker was stoked 'cause he has the title of one of their songs, "Loves My Only Crime" tattooed on his leg.


Subj: Bus Ride to Bent #24 Date: 94-08-12 01:23:14 EDT From: L7s

#24 Bus Ride to Bent (July 30 Pittsburgh,Pa)

We played the show, we watched the Bad Seeds then we got the heck out of there and headed for Philly. We ended up kid-napping Nick, James and Marty of the Bad Seeds. We all sat in the back lounge of our bus with guitars singing which ever songs we could all remember at least some of the words to. Eventually the guitars got put away and we started grooving to Suzi's Wilson Picket tape. It was when Dee threw on her new "Best of Tom Jones" and "It's Not Unusual" came on did the shit hit the fan! All ten people in the room started going off creating full disco cyclone. I'm talkin' Dancing- Falling- Getting Up and Dancing some more, all in a room that measures 8'x10', swaying back and forth down the highway at top speeds. Drinks spilled, food spilled, people spilled. At one point Donita and Dee got lifted and passed back and forth. I had to sit out a few and hide my foot from the mayhem.

We got into Philly early. Double O rallied the troops into the lobby, then into a cab and off to Kyber Pass (which claims to be one of Philadelphia oldest pubs and also one of the places we play every now and then). Brubacker was already there. This is his home town and he seems very much in his element. It was a sorta dorky, collegiate, night. Donita and I watched the band and avoided the cliental and did whatever it is people do until closing time. When the bartender yelled last call, She, Dav Rat, Brubaker and I took it back to Brubaker's house to check out "Bru World". We hung out there looking through his vintage collection of country music until about four am.

We left Brubacker and his dog Wolfie and headed back to the hotel. I got into my room in time for the start of Orson Well's movie, "the Stranger". I called Dee up to tell her (she likes old movies) and instead I got invited to her room where there was a party going on attended by those who did not go to Kyber Pass. I shined the movie to continue the party that started on the bus eleven hours prior. When that scene started to fizzle out Prudence (the Bad Seeds assistant) suggest we find an all night dinner. Actually we didn't need an all night dinner since it was light out by that time. So that's how Prudence and I spent the rest of the morning. I think I finally went to sleep at nine am. -finch

Subj: Donuts for All My Friends #25 Date: 94-08-12 01:31:46 EDT From: L7s

#25 Donuts for All My Friends ( Aug.1st- Philadelphia, Pa.)

We love Philly. We first came here in 1988. We were on a national tour supporting Bad Religion and although those guys are the coolest, the tour was an ass dragger. We would be lucky if 50 people showed up to any given show, promoters would attempt to rip us off and just the general you gotta "laugh to keep from crying" situations. But Philly, well that was a different story all together. We had decided to break away from the Bad Religion fiasco for two days to play a few shows at the persuasion of our good friend Paul Bearer. I had met Paul a year earlier when I booked his legendary band the Serial Killers in L.A. and they crashed at my house for the duration of those shows. In turn he and his manager Larry Kay hooked us up in Philly and we stayed with them. The shows were at J.C. Dobbs on South Street and at (get this) an old age recreation room during the evening when all the seniors had left. We made a bunch of friends, ate a bunch of cheese steaks and had such a BLAST. We have always had good shows in Philly since.

Today was no exception. All of our Philly friends showed up (with the exception of those who have moved LA). Paul Bearer was in full form (he is one of those people I will LOVE FOREVER). It was Suzi's birthday and we got the whole audience to serenade her while the crew (who are still wearing those pesky chef hats) passed out birthday donuts to the audience. I also stood for part of the set (I AM HEALED!!almost).

Later that evening we all went to a club called the Coppa on South Street where Paul knows the bartenders (always a plus). Various Breeders, Bad Seeds, Luscious Jacksons, Smashing Pumpkins and the Verve were all players in tonight episode of "Rock and Roll Damnation, Inc.".

Stay Fly, -finch

Subj: Driving the Shoulder#26 (part 1) Date: 94-08-13 00:22:22 EDT From: L7s

Crew View-Driving the Shoulder#26 (part 1) (Aug. 3-Providence, R.I.) By Double O Joe We sat in a Los Angeles parking lot style traffic jam on the Rhode Island highway, our speedy trip to the show now an impossible dream. The kids in the cars around us kept jumping out to piss in the bushes or change seats. Basically it was a slow moving tailgate party, which is fine if you don't have a life, but we do. L7's road crew is a precision machine, It takes a special breed of social reject and months of rigorous training. Even then, few make it. But back to the traffic jam: After some waiting our bus driver Craig "Kick it in the Tail" Wall pulled onto the shoulder and took up the slack. Craig is a first class driver, he flew helicopters in Viet Nam and raced on the monster truck circuit briefly before signing on. He's highly respected among the other lollapalooza drivers for his ability to shave hours off the drive times and his control at high speed. Craig maneuvered our custom motor coach as only a master could, having more than a few near misses with kids who didn't look at where they were going. We didn't stop until some "good citizen" blocked the shoulder because it was illegal. He wasn't a cop, just some asshole who took it upon himself to uphold the law. (Remember kids, always pay attention on a highway, even if traffic is stopped and never take the law into your own hands).We finally got him out of the way and made it almost to the exit ramp when traffic stopped dead again. The clock was ticking, we had gear to set up, a show to do. Lenny and I decided to jump on our skateboards and try to get there ourselves. We skated past stopped cars for 2-3 miles, swerving to avoid people and potholes, resisting the urge to pummel the idiots who yelled "do a trick". At one point we were speeding down a hill, Lenny in front, when some guy ran out from behind a van. Lenny had a second to brace himself before slamming into the guy, leaving him in a pile on the ground. Always look before crossing the street kiddies. We got closer to the gig and asked some security guards for directions. This led us down some back roads, requiring us to ask more directions which sent us down more back roads. We asked for directions 3 or 4 more times, finally ending up on a golf course with the stage a couple miles off in the distance. There was a lake and a fence between us and the venue, and we could hear the Boredoms playing in the distance. There is another lesson here: Never ask a Rhode Islander for directions. We were f*cked, we should've stayed on the bus, with the air conditioning, the iced beverages and as we found out later, young gals flashing the remaining crew members. Lenny and I found our way back to the road and were rescued by the Cannabis Action Network, who pulled up in a van and drove through every roadblock until we made it backstage. We had 15 minutes until show time and thanks to Nick Cave's crew our gear was half set up. But that was not the end of our troubles. I'll let Jennifer take over from here...........

Subj: Driving the Shoulder (part 2) Date: 94-08-13 00:27:59 EDT From: L7s

Driving the Shoulder #26 (part 2)

We (the Band) left an hour after the crew, enjoying our status as "the Talent". Everyone took a cab except for me, I hitched a ride with our Reprise/Warner rep. Helena. Helena and I left about fifteen minutes before the rest did with two hours to do what should have been forty minutes. We were flying down the highway up until we hit the same log jam that the bus was entangled in. We sat and we sat then we would dribble forward a few inches than sat some more. We finally rolled up to the cause of the back up. It seems that the city decided to shut down the main highway to our destination (someone in the promotion dept. failed to communicate with the city). We pulled to the site of the blockade and I politely told the state trooper, who was directing traffic away, that I was one of the artists performing and if it was possible for us to go through and he just yelled "KEEP MOVING RIGHT" I asked again and showed him my laminate and you know what he told me?!, "FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND KEEP MOVING!!" Ouch! "Follow directions"?! We went another forty five minutes south out of way to another highway, asked directions in a small town, went up then down a mountain, through a military base, down a dirt road then BOOM I pulled up backstage just in time to MISS our set. That's Gotta Hurt! What was even more f@cked is that the cab driver who everyone else went with knew a short cut that landed them there on time.

We ended up playing one song ("Andres") at the end of the Bad Seeds set on their equipment and they even kicked down with the backup vocals they do so well. After we got off stage, a few not so cool, political events occurred that caused Jim from the Bad Seeds and I to resort to beer bottle tossing and porta potty tipping to blow off some steam.


Subj: Electrocution Avoidance #27 Date: 94-08-13 00:38:53 EDT From: L7s

Mud Slinging and Electrocution Avoidance #27 (Aug. 4- Cleveland, OH.)

I am in one of the Carolinas at the moment and I met this guy named Paul LaFata. It turns out that Paul had just moved to Ohio from PA to go to school or something. The day that he had moved all his stuff into his new place L7 had once again left the Lollypoploozers tour on our day off to get on an airplane to do another show. We left Providence, RI. at 10:00am and landed in Ohio, played the show in the pouring rain, then got back in the plane to return to New York that night. Paul tells me that he had a great time at the show. Being the responsibility delegator that I am, I asked him to write about his experience while I go watch A Tribe Called Quest...... Later, -finch

Fan entry regarding Endfest 94- Geauga County Fairgrounds, Cleveland, OH August 4, 94. I Just moved to Cleveland when I picked up the local scene magazine. Since I just missed Lollapalooza here, I was happy to see L7 was back in town to kick ass. Oh by the way, The day before I had a experience getting to Cleveland from Reading, PA. I jetted off in a 4 seat plane and was to arrive in Ohio at 3:00 p.m. Due to hazy conditions the pilot decided to make a 180 and take me back to PA. Well, considering I had to be there the next day for the "Biggest Musical Event" in Ohio history, and the pilot refused to fly me back out there, I had to resort to the first class accommodations of Greyhound. This turned my 6 hour car ride into an eleven hour bus ride which got me to Cleveland at 3:30 a.m.. This arrival gave me about 8 hours to sleep, eat and drive the hour it would take to get to the fairgrounds. So I get to the place in the light of the sun and about 5 minutes later the sky is dark gray and it pours for the next 2 and half hours. I get soaked, Drink lots of beer and wander around the tiny vendor village. They also had a floatation machine. How cool. Once the rain subsided the sky became nice again. L7 took main stage around 7:00. And what do you know, RAIN. But the rain didn't dampen the appetite of the crowd. There was mud wrestling, mud slides and mud pies being made left and right. It was lovely. Security even looked like they were enjoying the pit crowd. hey got to throw the kiddies in the mud. Real cool. Anyway the girls in L7 blew my head to the sky .

-Paul LaFata

Subj: "Fire Eating Lesbians" #28 Date: 94-08-14 14:07:15 EDT From: L7s

"Fire Eating Lesbians" #28 (Aug12-13, Atlanta)

Every now and than one of the Lollapalovehandle bands will play an extra gig at night or on a night off. Most of these shows are unannounced and are the best bet for a fun evening. On this, the night of the 12th of Aug., everyone (and I'm talking all of the 300 plus people who are part of Loafapaloosers) agreed to meet first at the warehouse where Tribe was playing than head over to the club that George Clinton was playing. Boy do those two bands work hard putting in all the extra shows. We should do one, one of these days. I didn't go. I stayed home (the hotel) and played on the computer. Ironic isn't it, that I am writing a dairy about events that are going on yet I miss most of the good stuff because I am staying in and WORKING HARD writing (this is a cheap, sympathy ploy to get Warners to buy me a new, lighter, faster, COLOR, computer. One that the sound works on and the "s" key doesn't get stuck! Is it working yet Max?). Oh well, I guess I once again have to live vicariously through the lives of my technophobic, party girl bad-ass, band-mates once again. I was told the next morning that Dee was last seen dancing on stage for George Clinton with Nick Cave in tow. Get It Girl! Donita told me that the high light of her evening was when a man with a tracheotomy played the harmonic through the whole in his neck. Wow. She went on to describe the mechanics of the event to me as we drove to todays venue. GOOD MORNING! Once at the gig, I met with two friends who I know from this silly computer thing. Will Dandy and JonEntropy. I had never met them in person, and they turned out to be very cool. They came on a good day. During the last segment of our set a performance art, troop of 12, brilliantly painted people, came up on stage to dance. They were joined by Torment, the Transvestite Road Poet and three Lesbian Fire Eaters. The Fire Eaters came backstage before their performance in the Revival Tent and taught us how to eat fire. Donita did it. I did not (as you all know, I am very accident prone). I left the grounds early to catch a plane to LA (where I am now) because I am going to play bass in Hole for their new video. If any more fire eating or any other hijinx occurred in my absence, I will have to fill you in on later.

Hot Hot Hot, -finch

Subj: Fan Club in Full Effect #29 Date: 94-08-18 12:13:50 EDT From: L7s

I just talked to my friend John Connors in LA. John is picking up our mail from the P.O. box so the post office stops sending us those annoying "Pick-Up or Lose It" notices. We get just about a ton of mail every month now and when we are on tour it is not always for sure that it will be collected and cared for. This is where John comes in. He is not only going to pick up the mail but together, we are going to create a data base of addresses and every three months or so send out a flyer with news, tours dates, a t-shirt order form, and general info. on the band.

If you would like to get on this mailing list, send a postcard (not a letter, cause they waste to much paper) with the words MAILING LIST on it to this address:

L7 Po Box 3928 Hollywood, CA 90078

(Don't forget to say hi to John somewhere on it. He gets kinda bored, being all alone in the huge L7 Head Quarters)

If you can, send a postcard of the city you live in. I want to try and cover the walls of my house in postcards this year.

We are going to try and do this mailing electronically as well as snail mail style by the end of the year, but I am kind of lazy about these things, but I will try.


Subj: Feast of Snakes #30 Date: 94-08-21 14:36:18 EDT From: L7s

Feast of Snakes #30 (July 14-Miami)

We sat and waited for the answer to the big question. Will we be going to New Orleans for an extra day off or are we staying in Florida to do tomorrow's show? Earlier today word came down the pipe that the Deland grounds (tomorrow's show place) was covered in water. That would not have been a problem on its own, the point of contention was not the moisture but what lurked within it. Reports came back that along with the wet coverage came an enormous family of water mocchosins. It seems that these slithering lovelies decided to take a vacation from the nearby river that would normally contain them. The Bad Seeds and Green Day (Mike their bass player had just gotten back from having dental surgery earlier this afternoon) took off early in the day unaware of the tropical storm/snake conditions. boy are they gonna be surprized when they get there!

Around midnight a roar of glee was let off when we got the news that the show was definetly off! We were disappointed of course but had no remorse as we high tailed it to the "Birth Place of the Blues".

(Friends Don't Let Friends Live in Florida) -finch

Subj: First Half of the "Stink" Tour Date: 94-09-10 13:50:32 EDT From: L7s

Finally, I got almost all the tour dates for our "Hungry For Stink" tour coming up in Sept/Oct! I am still waiting on confirmations for the second half and I will get you those dates the second I know anything. BTW, our good friends Wool and the Melvins will be opening the shows. C-ya There, jennifer

L7 - FALL 94 Mon Sept 26 The Warehouse-Toronto, Canada Tue Sept 27 St. Andrews Hall-Detroit, MI Wed Sept 28 OFF Thu Sept 29 State Theater-Kalamazoo, MI Fri Sept 30 Vic Theater-Chicago, IL Sat Oct 01 U W Stock Pavillion-Madison, WI Sun Oct 02 First Avenue-Minneapolis, MN Mon Oct 03 OFF Tue Oct 04 Jon Stewart Show-New York, NY Wed Oct 05 The Academy-New York, NY Thu Oct 06 Avalon Ballroom-Boston, MA Fri Oct 07 Lupois Heartbreak Hotel-Providence, RI Sat Oct 08 Montclair State University-Upper Montclair, NJ Sun Oct 09 Trocadero-Philadelphia, PA Mon Oct 10 Metropol-Pittsburgh, PA Tue Oct 11 OFF Wed Oct 12 Bogartis-Cincinatti, OH Thu Oct 13 Newport Music Hall-Columbus, OH Fri Oct 14 The Odeon-Cleveland, OH Sat Oct 15 Hammerjackis-Baltimore, MD Sun Oct 16 NSECT Club-Hampton, VA Mon Oct 17 OFF Tue Oct 18 TBA Wed Oct 19 40 Watt Club-Athens, GA Thu Oct 20 The Edge-Jacksonville, FL Fri Oct 21 Jannus Landing-St. Petersburg, FL Sat Oct 22 The Edge-Orlando, FL Sun Oct 23 The Edge-Ft. Lauderdale, FL Mon Oct 24 OFF Tue Oct 25 TBA Wed Oct 26 Masquerade-Atlanta, GA Thu Oct 27 OFF Fri Oct 28 Tipitinais-New Orleans, LA

Subj: The Lastest On the Next Tour Date: 94-09-17 05:16:14 EDT From: L7s

I guess I should have warned you all that some dates may get moved and messed with (my fault sorry). Here is the lastest so far. I will most likely have to post another revision again in a week. European/British dates will be on there way soon too. BTW. I just saw the tour posters that TAZ is doing for this tour and they look extra cool! L7 - FALL 94 with The Melvins and Wool (confirmed dates as of September 14, 1994)

Mon Sept 26 The Warehouse Toronto, Canada Tue Sept 27 St. Andrews Hall Detroit, MI Wed Sept 28 OFF Thu Sept 29 State Theater Kalamazoo, MI Fri Sept 30 Vic Theater Chicago, IL Sat Oct 01 U W Stock Pavillion Madison, WI Sun Oct 02 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Mon Oct 03 OFF Tue Oct 04 Jon Stewart Show New York, NY Wed Oct 05 The Academy New York, NY Thu Oct 06 Avalon Ballroom Boston, MA Fri Oct 07 Lupois Heartbreak Hotel Providence, RI Sat Oct 08 Montclair State University Upper Montclair, NJ Sun Oct 09 Trocadero Philadelphia, PA Mon Oct 10 Metropol Pittsburgh, PA Tue Oct 11 OFF Wed Oct 12 Bogartis Cincinatti, OH Thu Oct 13 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH Fri Oct 14 The Odeon Cleveland, OH Sat Oct 15 Hammerjackis Baltimore, MD Sun Oct 16 NSECT Club Hampton, VA Mon Oct 17 OFF Tue Oct 18 TBA Charleston, SC Wed Oct 19 40 Watt Club Athens, GA Thu Oct 20 The Edge Jacksonville, FL Fri Oct 21 Jannus Landing St. Petersburg, FL Sat Oct 22 The Edge Ft. Lauderdale, FL Sun Oct 23 The Edge Orlando, FL Mon Oct 24 OFF Tue Oct 25 TBA Nashville, TN Wed Oct 26 Masquerade Atlanta, GA Thu Oct 27 TBA Memphis, TN Fri Oct 28 Tipitinais New Orleans, LA Sat Oct 29 Fitzgeraldis Houston, TX Sun Oct 30 Deep Ellum Dallas, TX Mon Oct 31 TBA Austin or El Paso, TX Tue Nov 1 OFF Wed Nov 2 Club Rio Phoenix, AZ Thu Nov 3 Soma San Diego, CA Fri Nov 4 Huntridge Las Vegas, NV Sat Nov 5 Warfield San Francisco, CA Sun Nov 6 TBA Palo Alto, CA Mon Nov 7 OFF Tue Nov 8 La Luna Portland, OR Wed Nov 9 DV-8 Seattle, WA Thu Nov 10 Warehouse Vancouver, BC **Please note changes -- Nov 2-4

Subj: Jon Stewart Show Date: 94-10-04 02:43:04 EDT From: L7s

Hey Ya'll, I just wanted to remind everyone that we will be on the Jon Stewart show on Tue. Oct.4th. I am in NYC right now (we flew in from Mpls. this morning) and boy am I excited, I dig this town big time! BTW, for all the NYC locals in the house, if you were at the Luckoftheloozers poet tent you might have caught a preformance by our good friend Torment. Torment is throwing us a party after the filming of the JS show at around 12:30am. It is open to the public and is at Ben Hills 511 Greenwich St. at the cornor of Spring. The other night in Mpls. after our show, I went out to dinner with our booking agent, Peter Davis, his girl friend Cindy, and the gals in Babes in Toyland. We ate a kickass family style Itailian dinner. While I was stuffing meatballs into my mouth, Peter leaned over the table and started giving me a world of shit for not completing the tour diary yet! I haven't even realized time has slipped by so frigging fast it's like living in a wirlwind!!! Well anyway I guess I am just leading up to yet another apology for still not finishing the damn thing!!! I still may try (I actually have notes written down somewhere) but I would guess if it's around Jan or Feb. of next year the chances are good I may just have to move on!! Take it Sleezy, jennifer