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biographies - JOHN

John Dillon - Drums

John was born on January 31, 1988. When he was in third grade his friend Danny Ladauti wanted to start a band. He asked if John wanted to be in the band and he said yes. "I want to be the drummer," John immediately said following the offer. The band never even started, Danny quit guitar and John wasn't able to get a drum set. In the year 2000 John went to his first concert with his good friend Chris. They went to see the band Korn play at
Continental Airlines Arena. It was a new and fun experience for John. A few months later Chris's father ordered Blink182s Dude Ranch for Chris. Chris already had that CD so his father asked John if he wanted the CD. John said yes. After listing to the CD a few times John was hooked. He started purchasing Blink182s other CDs. John then started listing to other punk rock bands. In 2001 Chris got a bass, him and his friend Ryan started practicing
together and formed a band. They needed a drummer and John, seeing the opportunity to be a drummer again, said yes to the offering. He barrowed an old crappy set from a friend and started practicing. They went on to write songs together, that are true to the heart about topics they want to talk about.