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"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." - Mark Twain

America is a country "for the people." You may or may not agree with that statement.

This is a site for you, the people. You will see on the pages to come the opinions, rants, and anything else from other Americans, both proud and not so proud. This is your site. Nothing you say is wrong here. But it's a place for you to come to learn something about your country, and what your neighbors think about it. Enter with an open mind, and armed with your own thoughts.

Don't follow the thoughts of your peers alone. Be free-minded enough to make your own opinions. And be brave enough to share them with us. We want to hear your voice.

Last Update: August 3, 2003

Comic relief session of the day: If the name calling continues, I have a suggestion that is one step up from it that will end the war. Put Hussein and Bush in a ring and let them mud wrestle! Last man standing wins the war. And no innocent people die, which is the best part of it. Hey, they started it, let them finish it! Tickets to the mud wrestling match between Hussein and Bush start at $10 for nose bleed section seats. Obligatory pet dogs and drab gray suits optional.

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