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As my friends know, I moved from stinky little ol West Point. This is a change for me and my friends. I want you all to know that I miss you and I will never forget you! You all know that if you want to see me that you are welcome to it. Come and see me here or I'll pick you up and we'll actually be able to do something.

ThE CaTcH uP tO jUnE 2002
Let's see...I haven't been able to get onto the internet for quite some time now because of moving and all. So please excuse me for taking so long to finally update this dumb web page. But I have the internet now so expect some changes to be made. Also I have a new AIM sn: xeviceratexmex Since I've moved I have met so many really cool people. I have gone to tons of shows and have had a lot of fun. People from West Point...that doesn't mean that i don't miss guys know that I do. I also have my license now. So if you ever need to go can always call me. I'm presently looking for a job, preferably at Hot Topic. I have the greatest boyfriend that a girl could ever have. I'm so glad that I met him. Although it's hard because I don't get to see him often...I still love him. I think that I'll do some more of this later because I don't feel like doing it now.

NoVeMbEr 2001
I have also gone to the Primer 55 concert at Alley Katz on Tuesday, Nov. 20. It featured Dog Fashion Disco, Reveille and a local Richmond band, From Within. It was sooo kewl! But I got beat up again. This time I ran into the corner of a pole and hit my spine really hard. I'm really sore and my neck hurts. And it doesn't help when your caughing up a lung every 3 seconds and having your stomache so sore you can hardly talk. But the good thing was that 2 guys from Reveille signed my poster and the lead singer from Dog Fashion Disco signed their poster and gave it to me. And if that wasn't enough, the whole Primer 55 band signed my cd! It was me, Monica and Heather. We got Primer 55 to see "The Woody" (Heather's van, we don't know how that name came about)! We put Primer 55 stickers all over it. We were able to do this because I'm on the street team and I get tons of free stickers and stuff. But anyways, we got to talk to Bobby (guitar, bass and vocals) and Kobie (live bass) for a long time. I'm supposed to go eat grits with Kobie sometime. Lol! The band was awesome and great to the fans! We also met some guys from King William. We took one dude home, Matt, he was kewl. He's supposed to come and see me before I move. Check out Primer 55 at and Reveille at or and Dog Fashion Disco at or But anyways, that's what I've been doin lately.

OcToBeR 2001
Most of my friends already know this, I think. But anyways I just recently went to the New Found Glory concert with H2O and RXBandits. To let you all know, it was awesome!! It was Monica, Justin, Cammeron, me, and Heather. I felt really bad for Justin because I think he was the only gay guy there. The concert was really rough. I kept on getting knocked into this one pole and it really hurt. People kept on pushing me into the mosh. I had bruises all over and Cammeron got knocked down in a mosh pit. After getting beat up, I saw the lead singer of the RXBandits walking around. I bought their cd and got him to autograph it! Me and Monica went up to him and we were like "Dude, your fuckin hot!" he was like "Thank you, but you should talk to this guy. He's in the band too. He's a sexy boy." I started laughing and talked to him. I told him he should come with us to Monica's house to chill b/c her dad wasn't coming home until next week. He said he would but then he said that he had to drive 6 hours to Pennsylvania. But he was really cool. Their new cd is awesome! I suggest everyone get it. It's called Progress. Check em out at or

If you would like to know more about what I have been doing...check this deadjournal

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