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My Thoughts of George W. Bush

Well I don't really know where to begin other than the election of 2004. I'm voting for Kerry it's not that I'm really a democrat it is that I want Bush out of office. He's nothing but trouble. He can't even give a good reason why we are in Iraq. If that was the case, why don't we just go to North Korea, and take them over, and you know why we don't, becuase we had to find an enemy that would could pick on and win, so that Bush would look like a saint, when he's really nothing more than suporting the image of the american bully. His tax cuts were also pretty irrational, ok lets but our country in debt just so we can make some hicks happy that can go out and buy a few cartons of cigerettes and some jack daniels and have a blast on money that could be helping pay out debt. Why spend so much on the military it's not like we are going to War 3, and if we were that is what the National Guard are for not for going over to Iraq, and not even defending their nation. One last point Stalin was a horrible dicatotor why didn't we go over there and save the russian lives you know why beucase we love to bully people that can only put up a minimal fight.

My Thoughts on Why Americans Aren't That Intelligent

Well a good reason why is, intelligence is looked down upon by populuar culture. How many people on television, and movies are completely moronic but portrayed in a good way. It even goes to our school for intelligent children to fit in they can't lead on to how smart they are they can't really participate in class discussions either or they are looked down upon. I have knowen many kids that had to not let on to how smart they are just to hang out with the people that were having fun I mean just becuase your smart doesn't mean that you don't like to party as much as the people that aren't that intelligent. It also happens in society, a person that is less qualified for a job, get the job because they are woman, or of a diverse ethnic race, and I don't think this is right I belive jobs should be given to the person that is most qualified I think that on an aplication you shouldn't even have to put if you are a man or woman or what race you are it should't matter. We also believe anything the media feeds us it's quite funny, what people belive. Terrorist are everywhere be careful they are going to get you be very afriad, they only do that to get you to vote for bush or actually pay attention to the problem which is our government messing with the people and all they are doing is fighting back the best way they can I don't blame the terrorist I blame both of those wacky Bushes. Here is what i belive leave the Middle East, and then apoligize to the Muslims for invading there land for our gain, and then basicaly give up we did it in Vietnam hell why not do it here it's a lost cause they we are only doing to save face. Why keep the Patriot Act it is unconstitutional, and it harms the safty of anyone, they can keep a person in jail for years and not even charge them with a crime,how would the writers of the constition view that. They are getting us to be so afriad of Terrorists that they are taking away are freedoms for a false sense of hope. If we still have GWB as prisdent next term we will start to live in a country that was going down hill like the USSR, and a major event that will happen that will effect Americans saftery cause but the real Axis of Evil George W Bush, and Dick Cheney and Haliburton.

My thoughts of Gay Marrage

Well this shouldn't take that long, to explain. My opinion on gay marrage, is that I belive it should be aloud, I'm a christian, but I also belive that The U.S should be a land of the free which it is far from and having gay marriage is one step closer to being a free nation. Just because you vote doesn't make you free remember that.