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If the lukewarm become God's vomit (Rev 3:16) is there really an option to be complacent about our faith? - RevTim

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Sorry for the lack of updatedness, but life with band and school has been hectic. Although I have not been keeping my site up and running, I have learned so many lessions that will make me a better christian in life. You all know it says in the bible that if your arm makes you sin, cut it off, same to the eye, well in my life, I have had many tests to my beliefs. Satan tempts us so much in life, but God never tempts us, he only tests us. You will never have God tell you to go and look at porn, or go and steal some money from somebody. Satan will tempt, or try to trick you into premarital sex, murder, and even steal. When Satan temps us, it is up to us to make the decision. The decision is the test God is giving. No one in life says that tests are easy, and the only way to pass this test, is to learn from the bible. I have done some un-godly things in life, but I know that God will forgive me if I turn over a new leaf.

Thanksgiving is apon us, not just once a year, but everyday. When I wake up, the first thing I do is walk down to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. After the shock of the way I look, I make a decision. Ever had a bad day, and it carries on for days to pass. You ask yourself questions of what should I do, why me God, and will this ever end. The only reason why it drags on is because you, yourself, make it. The decision I make everyday is will I allow yesterday to effect me, or will I have a great day, start new mends, and say that I am thankful for the day today, and have an awesome day. The defenion of awesome is to leave onself in the state of awe. Me thinking of how my life is so fortunate that everyday I wake up in a comfy bed, walk down a roofed house, and look into a clear mirror, leaves me in the state of awe. I have God to thank for that. We complain so much like looking into a sink and finding dirty dishes. Some might say why didn't mom do the dishes, I need some for breakfast. But not me, because I am thankful for the dirty dishes, dirty dishes ment I had food, it ment that I was not part of the majority of the worlds population that go ungry every night. I just have one thing to conclude with, why with all we have in the world, we not devote ourselves to our creator, the one who gave us the dirty dishes. Why?

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Jake, the rancher, went one day to fix a distant fence. The wind was cold and gusty and the clouds rolled gray and dense

As he pounded the last staples in and gathered his tools to go. The temperature had fallen and the snow began to blow.

When he finally reached his pickup, he felt a heavy heart. From the sound of that ignition, he knew it wouldn't start.

So Jake did what most of us do if we'd have been there. He humbly bowed his balding head and sent aloft a prayer.

As he turned the key for the last time he softly cursed his luck. They found him three days later frozen stiff in that old truck.

Now Jake had been around in life and done his share of roamin'. But when he saw Heaven he was shocked-it look just like Wyomin'.

Of all the saints in Heaven his favorite was St. Peter. Now, this line, it ain't needed but it helps with rhyme and meter.

So they set and talked a minute or two or maybe it was three Nobody was keepin' score- in Heaven time is free.

"I've always heard," Jake said to Pete "that God will answer prayers. But one time I asked for help, and, well, He just plain wasn't there."

Does God answer prayers of some, and ignores the prayers of others? That don't seem exactly square- I know all men are brothers.

Or does he randomly reply, without good rhyme or reason? Maybe, it's the time of day, the weather or the season.

Now I ain't trying to act smart, it's just the way I feel. And I was wonderin', could you tell me- what the heck's the deal?

Peter listened very patiently and when Jake was done there were smiles of recognition and he said, "So, you're the one!"

That day your truck, it wouldn't start, and you sent your prayer a flying, You gave us all a real bad time, with hundreds of us a trying.

A thousand angels rushed to check the status of your file. But you know, Jake, we hadn't heard from you in quite a while.

And though all prayers are answered, and God ain't got no quota, He didn't recognize your voice, and started a truck in North Dakota.

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