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He Skate 9

Hey watsup. My name is Drew. I’m a 16 year old skater from New Jersey. I have been skating since November of 1999 although injuries and baseball have kept me out for quite an amount of that time, over a year. I skate with a bunch of friends, some better, and some worse. The point of me making this site was to hopefully get my name out there and to help and get help from other skaters. If there are any questions, comments, or advice, please email me at I will list the tricks that I can do, and how I do them. If you’re looking for some extra advice on these tricks, email me. I will also list the tricks I am trying to do, and why I’m screwing up. If you have any advice for me, email me. Oh, and to explain the title, He stands for Habitat and Etnies, Skate is obviously there because that's what I do, and 9 is my lucky number.

Dec. 6 - Wow, over half a year it's been. That's insane. I got so much better skating, i probly couldn't name the new stuff i can do, cuz i learned it so long ago. Hmm, let's see. Almost getting back lips, front boarding the down part of the middle rail second try, and often. Front 50-50ing the middle rail first try almost every time. Back 50-50ing the middle rail now, and Front 50-50ing just the down part. Err, got more consistant on a lot of my tricks. Learned back and front 180s off the side of the box. Got back inward heelflips, and half-cab heels. Madd close to backside heel, and getting close to hardflips. Switch front boards like a mother, and probably a whole bunch more. Except that's all done now. I went back to the orthapedic, cuz my wrist has been bothering me, and it turns out i have two torn ligaments. I'm getting surgery the 23rd, and i will have pins in my wrist for 8-10 weeks, with a cast or bandage over it. After that i will have physical therapy for 2-3 months, and the surgery might not have even worked. Even if it does work, i can lose up to 50% of the mobility in my wrist, for life. And the whole thing with the getting surgery is that if i dont, i will eventually get arthritis, and it will move throughout my entire wrist, and they will have to fuse it together, rendering it completely useless. So basically this sucks. I will miss some to all of baseball season, i wont be able to skate at all, for the whole time, i wont be able to work out, and i wont be able to play guitar. i wont even be able to play video games. i probly wont be able to type good either. So basically i am going to sit at home and watch tv all day and probly gain like 50 pounds. this sucks so bad. But maybe itll give me some incentive to update the tricks now, providing i can type okay. so yea, just thought i'd write that down, cya.

May 2 - I been skating more often, although im afraid to go all out and hurt myself cuz of basebal. I started landing front bluntslides on the square rail, which is pretty damm sweet, but they are really not that hard. I started trying backside lipslides, now they are really, really hard. Oh, and a cupl weeks ago i front boarded the botom part of the fly box rail at the park, only my second time landing it, it was so sick, i felt so good. So, yea, just thought i'd share that with myself, later.

April 18 - I went to the incline club today, an indoor park, and i sucked. I didn't like the street course, mainly cuz it sucked and i couldn't do anything on it, so i left, went to howell's skatepark, and tore it up. I 50-50ed the entire fly box rail for the first time, and did a backside 5-0 on the bleacher, beautifully, with my new blank, which is sick. And i'll start updatin more now, even though i'm the only one reading this, yea, later.

April 16 - Wow, long time, no updates. I know, i suck. Its all good tho, cuz like, yea. Okay, baseball and school have been keeping me busy, so that's my excuse. I've been bumming old decks off people, and actually still progressing, even with baseball, but i'm buying a new blank tomorrow maybe. Landed some nice new tricks, including nollie 50-50s and nollie back lips. Yea, ill try to update more, maybe. Later.

Jan. 30 - I snapped my Zero on a kickflip cross-footed landing, right in the middle. It's okay, my friend gave me his old alien workshop so its all good. I've been working on my switch stuff, and I'm getting better. Also, I'm still getting back some of my tricks that I lost before i injured myself, mostly grinds. Oh, and two weeks from tomorrow my cast comes off, hell yea! Okay I'm in school so I'll stop now, but I'm looking to start updating more, and making the site better. So for whoever's been coming, thanks, and please continue, because it will get better. And tell your friends too, thanks. Later.

Jan. 17 - Wow, its been a long time. Sorry about no updates, but no one comes here anyways. Well anyway, about ten days after my last update, november sixth, i went to the pnc bank in brick. theres this gap the goes, sidewalk, grass, road. the grass goes down so its a drop too. well i just got there, busted some flat tricks, ollied the gap, and was setting up for the frontside 180. shudave been no big thing, but i was a little scared, never having tried it before. so i go three or four times, didnt land it. I go again, and instead up throwing my hands up in the air like i shudve, i kept them close to my body. So i 180, then rotate just a little too far. I go to to land, but since the board is kind of overturned, i skid off of it. So now i go to break my fall, with my hands tucked in my body instead of in a push-up position like they shud have. That screwed me all up, and the right hand went down first, straight out too. I land on it, it collapses, and all of my weight goes on top of it. So that gives me an evicular fracture in my wrist, i wore a long arm cast for a month (which meant i couldnt move my elbow) and ive had a short arm for a month so far, and ive got another month to go. Man that sucked. So i didnt skate with the long arm, but ive been back for a month, as much as i can, what with school and stuff. My zero has a crack in the middle, and looks pretty beat. Good thing i got cash. Im gona try to update more, but its all good, no one reads it anyway. If anyone actually is reading this, dont worry, i will have it up eventually. And if you want to email me for tips for a trick that hasnt been written yet, feel free, my email address is listed above. well thats all, later.

Nov. 6 - I snapped the element back board to fakiein the down part of the middle rail. It happened a while ago, but i guess i landed too hard on back foot, and the nose snapped right off. Then i took my sister's kmart piece of crap, put my trucks on it, and went back to the park the next day. I snapped it on an ollie in like a half-hour. God that sucked. Then my friend gave me his old lib tech board, which aside from the fact the the nose is pointed and the tail is warped to hell, its not bad. I haven't snapped that, but I bought a new deck anyway. I needed something with pop. I got a Zero Jamie Thomas Cross. Its sick. I'm learnin all these new tricks that I've either never even tried before, or have landed a couple times, but never worked on them. Stuff like nollie heels, nollie backside 180s, frontside overcrooks, front noseslides, front lips, and i've almost got the 50-50 on the entire middle rail. Yeah. I'm all sore from working out monday n skating hardcore tuesday, but i'm goin to the park agen tomoro all day, cuz we got off. later.

Oct. 16 - I snapped it. I went to the park with another board, and was just like, im gona break it today. I started trying lips, but i kept bailin out, cuz i was afraid the board was gona snap hard in the middle and i was gona fall and hurt myself. So i just started jumping on the ends, and i let my friends jump in the middle to finish it off. Now i'm ridin a like 2 year old element. Its actually not a bad deck. Im definately going back to element after this deck. Still havent gone to the high school yet, was thinkin about doin it today cuz we had a half-day, but it rained like all hell. Its all good tho, i worked on my THPS3 skills, lol. Later.

Oct. 5 - I haven't gone to the high school agen yet, which sucks, cuz i wana do that 8 so bad. But whatever, its all good, cuz now i can just go to the skatepark which is madd close to my house. It kinda sucks, theres a square rail, not too high, easy to do stuff on, then theirs a square rail with a kink, and it starts out higher than the other one, then drops to the same height as the straight one. Theres a quarter pipe close to the fence, and a bank at the opposite side, and in the middle of the two there is a two sided fly box, with a square rail that starts out as soon as the rise ends, and goes straight throughout the middle, then cuts an angle downward down the drop. Then there were two benches outside, but now one of them is in the skatepark, and their are three rows, the first one is pretty low, madd easy, the second one is higher, but still doable, i dont no about the third, youd have to be able to ollie madd high. i learned two new tricks yesterday tho, so im happy: double kickflip and frontside boardslide. im working on getting my backside flips back, cuz i def lost em, and tryin lipslides without snapping my board, cuz every time i do it, i put another crack in it, lol. later, have fun skatin.

Sept. 25 - Howell's Skatepark is GAY, don't go there if you happen to live around until it opens this sunday. There's been like 25 kids at a time in there all week long, cuz they put the stuff in, but haven't opened it. And today, after my friends and i had been skating for like 2 hours, some jackass cop shows up, actin like he's some big tough guy comes and everyone hops the fence, and he goes, everyone, right here, now. So we walk over, and he starts givin us this bs about tresspassing and going the the Freehold Juvenille Jail or whatever. And then the fag takes down all of our names, numbers, and addresses, like 12 of us, and calls all our parents to tell them we were trespassing. Jackass. The freakin director of parks and recreation or whatever was there the other day watchin us skate for gods sake. Whatever, it was so gay, and now i cant skate for two days cuz my parents punished me lol, so ill probably be updating a lot. later. have fun skatin.

Sept. 21 - Alright if anyone lives near howell, and knows where the high school is, check it out. The new additions there kick ass. There's two 5 stair's, one with so much push that it's insane, and the other where you have to push yourself off the wall, but it's still doable. Then before the good 5, there is a 6 with perfect push. And the 5 with the wall push leads into an 8, and the 8 has perfect push just like the 6. Then to the side of the 5 and 8, the is a 10 stair with just as much push as the 8 (which is more than enough). And then there is a 4 with about one push worth, which is doable, and a 2 with the same amount. I went today and only tried the 4, 5, and 6 (i wasn't even gonna bother with the 2, thats pathetic), and landed them all. I was trying to 180 the 5, but i couldn't f'n stick it. O well, its all good, it was madd fun n im goin back next weekend to try the 8, and if things go well, possibly the 10. I will no longer call Howell High Hellwell, it now officialy kicks major ass. later, have fun skatin.

On a side note, I have now snapped two decks, both being habitats. One was on lipslides, which is understandable, but the other was on a nollie, and it was only two weeks old, and that pissed me off. So now im riding a madd old habitat (my last one!), and then im going back to element. This habitat is practically covered in pressure cracks, and there is some actual breakage on the side of the board, about halfway up. And if i do what i said i'm going to do in the above note, then i think that board is done. But don't be discouraged to buy habitats now, because stuff like that happens to all skaters, with all different brands. Habitats just don't work for me well, so im going to try something different. Right, okay, later.

Aug. 28 - Aright heres the deal, my bad about not updating the site in forever, which is why i have so little hits, but i was busy with baseball, and then i stopped skating for a cupl months after that cuz of a knee condition that had been getting constistantly worse. But now its August 28th, and im hoping that my knee will hold up, cuz i just bought a brand new habitat complete from blades. There is going to be a skatepark opening in Howell, in Deerwood Park, September 28th, so i got a month to get my skills bak to go that park, even tho its probly gona suk. Whatever, its all good, ill start adding some more tips, and trying some new tricks, so look for updates in the very near future. In some time, most likely a long time from now, this page will kik ass, but until then, please wait patiently. Any hate mail can go to Thanks, have fun skating.




Working On

Will Start Trying Soon