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Reflecting on the intropsective life I've commonly led
Thinking about the endless toil and useless words
Pondering the fraility of my weaknesses:
I lie sweating
Sticky with my bodt glue
And letting the music caress me
I wonder:
Why am I here? What do I have to offer?
I reflect on my body; I have learned to like it
My arms are subtly muscled--the result of doing what I love
My legs--thought not thing, they still propell me forwards
I do not have a petite waist
But I don't care--this is who I am
The briefness of my existence hits me in a suddenly profound wave
I am not timeless
I will expire, I will leave
I will become someone else
And the pointlessness of resistance
Slams me in the chest
We are everything and we are nothing
We breathe in the night and exhale the day
Life sometimes gives us choices;
Other times choices are made for us
What do I do if the situation presented is unapproved?
What if I want to follow my heart and do this?
Am I wrong to want this
Or am I wrong to wait
The precarity of my situation
Rests upon my shoulders--
Walking a razor blade wire tightrope
I will fall--but onto the side
Of which evil?
