Fame's Reviews


The most recent movie I saw in a theater (me in a movie theater rarely happens) was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Compared to the first, it was without a doubt more action-packed and followed a more definite plot line. It actually had me on the edge of my seat at times with antici....(say it)...pation. Although the movie lasted nearly three hours (not something I can usually follow), I held on till the end. Great effects, action-packed, and full of little surprises, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on my scale gets a B+.

I recently saw Requiem for a Dream for the first time. It immediately became one of my favorites. The music by Cliff Mansell feat. Kronos Quartet filled in the picture with tons of emotion, turmoil, and a musical representation inside the mind of a drug addict. The plot is simple: Harry, his lover Marion, their friend Tyrone, and Harry's mother Sara have dreams and ambitions for themselves. Harry and Tyrone want to deal drugs to support their own heroin habits as well as their own lives so that Harry and Marion can get married. Sara has a chance to appear on her favorite game show and starts taking diet pills so that she can fit into her favorite red dress for the show. The heroin is expensive and Coney Island has become dry, and the three have no money to support their own addictions. Sara starts overdosing and becomes crazy and perenoid, Harry's arm becomes infected, and Marion begins relying on her body to get her own smack as they each spin into their downward spirals of addiction. I cried an ocean and felt depressed for hours afterwards... I give it an A.

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