The Intersperse Photo Archive

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Pictures from UNCG


Danielle, Rachel, and Moi. Somewhere...

This be Rissa, my best bud at UNCG and coloring pal. She loves me even though I'm a pain. (Sorry bout your bed... and your couch... and the shower of course...)

Danielle knows three kinds of dance...

Me and Charie in my dorm room with Tangles.

Rachel, looking a bit like she might be stoned...

Andy having a blast at CU.

A leapord, a drag-queen, a Mardi Gras chick, and, well, they call me... "Mimi!"

We bought playdoh...

Me, Rissa, Rachel, and Stephanie out in the SNOW!

What's a snow day without a snow penis?

So, what IS the difference between a baby and a rock?

Allen and Danielle are cute

Yes, Allen is... cute...

And then there's Allen's roommate DJ who was forced by an unruly girlfriend I call Rissa to hold a puffy dog and have his picture taken.

Look at Jamie's hand. HA! MUSH!!!

This one is for Charlie, Eric, and Ivy; check out what the cell phone is saying.

I think I can safely say that I do not remember Rissa taking this.

...Mike had stuff.

Yes. We all had stuff.

...and U is for "UGH!"

Old GAB Pics

Anja, Kay, Caroline, Michaela, and me in La Bayadere last fall.

Who's THIS promising young ballerina? Oh yeah! It's me!!! :)


Me with the God and Goddess of dance!

Me and Allison, the aliens...elles sont ici!

Me and Josh

We love Steve! He's the coolest.

Hmmm...I wonder if... Oh, nevermind!

Old Pics from HIgh Skool

Me and my boyfriend Charlie...aren't we cute! :)

My friend Maris with my brother Collin one crazy, drunken night. "You guys, I don't think I'm going to make it...I'll just do this house."

Maris and Jessica, they've been friends forever, and they've, uhh, "grown up" together.

This is me and my best bud Taylor on Halloween freshman year...I dunno what she was supposed to be, I was a dead dancer (I dunno!), and we almost got into some trouble...

This is my groovy friend Abby, I added the smoke so you could catch a whiff of what we all were living in that night.

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