Webster's defines epiphany as...
um... well, I can't seem to find a dictionary around here. But believe me, it's somewhere along the lines of realizing something, and then something else.

I realized that
a) Punk music does not run my life
b) I still hate Carson Daly
c) I need to buy some more of those chewable calcium supplements
d) My feet hurt
and e) this website blows.

Therefore, I propose we make a new website.

One free and devoid of oppression against whatever I was oppressing to begin with.

See, I can't even remember, how sad is that?

Anyway, long story short, this website is down until further notice.

Why? Because I can, sucka.

There will be a new, improved... website thingy.

Well, mostly with a lot of the old stuff, just with a different name.

With that said, I bid you adieu.

Keep on rockin' in the free world.