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Can't help it if I space in a daze, my eyes tune out the other way. I may switch off and go in a day dream.
In this head my thoughts are deep, sometimes I can't even speak. Would someone be and not pretend,
I'm off again...
in my world.

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Hey there everyone.. sorry to say, but this site is going to be down for a little while. Not that many people were coming to it anyhow, lol, but I'm being swamped with things to do (mainly getting ready for school) and I just don't have anytime left! Hopefully this thing will be back up sometime soon, but who knows? Besides, not a lot of people still support the "old" Dreamstreet, now that the new wannabes are coming in. (No offense to you, Christopher) If you'd like to mail me something, or just yell at me for being lazy, then email me there. Uh, other than that.. take care all you punk rock freaks. lol. Later days!

P.S. Just so ya know, I still support the "old" DS, hehe. Maybe 'cause it took me 3 freaken years to get to know them. Now I don't want to give that up! =) I wish them all the best of luck in everything they do. And I sure hope they have fun doing it.
