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Birth date: March 31, 1987
Role in band: guitar, "singing"
What do YOU have against white people? im only against minorities. (im joking, dont arrest me!)
What did the lemurs ever do to you? ripped my eyes out of my skull with a nail and through me off a cliff with sharp pointy rocks at the bottom
Why are you guys so hot? why are you so ugly? same reason. ha.
Whatever happened to the show "Hanging with mr. Cooper"? i saw that show once...i guess no one watched it.
How many wives do you have? eight
How many more are you willing to have? three
Did your parents ever try to sell you to random tribes? bringing back painful memories..darn iroqois
Which one of the 3 Seagullers is gay? umm...look here...
Where have all the cowboys gone? Where haven't they gone?
What time is it? 3:30pm
Where am I? lying dead on the floor...oops i
Have you ever been physically attracted to a monkey and if so was his/her name Curious George? Nah, but he is kinda hot. wait, i guess thats a yes then.
Hi: hi. jerk.
whats the meaning of life? to fight the forces of evil!
would u ever be cool and have a mohawk? nope.
can u bark like a dog maybe..possibly..for sure
Do u have any REAL jobs? no.
Have you ever shot a mosquito with a bazooka and a chain gun? yes, not once, but twice
Have you ever shackwackled your dillet? (sk8boarding): i want a cuncussion to prove my extremeness
Have you ever seen Twinkie the kung fu hamster? yes!!!! that thing friggin rules
describe your dream girl: candice.
how do you feel about harry potter? uh oh..dark powers of the underworld..
are you popular? are you? no im not..cry..
who is the lady's man of the band? me! haha..yeah right..
where did you get the name 'chasing seagulls' from? the gutter, with the rest of the trash
on a scale of 1 to WOW, how important are your fans to you? 4. read devons answer, its more...complete
what word do you over-use? adenosinetriphosphate
if you could shoot one band or musical artist who would it be? blink 182, i wrote a poem about it once..
who are your musical influences? mxpx, slick shoes, noggin toboggan, sick of change, anti-flag, jimmy eat world, project 86..many more..
do the laws of physics apply to you? nope im anti-physics.
when you are bored do you build large suspension bridges in your yard? man i love the discovery channel!