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Just arranged a gig at Glasgow Caledonian Uni on the 2nd of December which is pretty damn cool. 2 new songs are called Enforce The Fight, Fight The Force and Song For The Goats written at band practise on Tuesday, surprisingly without Ross. For tickets leave your name on the guestbook or contact us via contacts page. I don't know how much tickes are going to be yet, but I think they will have to be bought off us because I doubt if they'll be sold at the door. I have shifted to the new site. If you're still on this one and dont want to be, type beam.to/cobalt-blue in the address bar it will take you to the new site.

Studios today, we wrote 2 new songs so that's 9 in total not including Forever, Delusion and all that other crap before we started writing half decent songs. We're starting to get some unusual stuff into our songs now, like time signature changes and all that jazz. Gigs are still as non-existent as ever which is a bit of a bastard because we're all desperate to play and show off our new shit. we've ditched Forever and Delusion from a setlist point of view. Nice to listen to after a long hard day, but boring as hell. That's all for the moment. Anybody reading with interesting gig prospects please leave a message on the guestbook. We will be only too happy to respond.

Still dry on the gigs front unfortunately, but we were at Strawberry Fields tonight for Irrelevant and they were pretty awesome. I think it would be really cool if we got a gig with them because there would be a major crowd of loads of people who probably all know each other. We're trying to write some new stuff at the moment, though Ross hasn't been at practise for a long time and hasnt heard like 3 new songs or something. I get a strange feeling this has happened before....

Welcome back, its been a while since this was updated, due to building of the new website. It should be a lot better than this one with much better organisation and you will be able to hear us play a selected few songs. Songwriting has continued, with Does It Burn, The Erection Song, and Fear Of Me recently written. Slipping Away has been completely changed and is a lot better with a new and improved melody. We have decided to lose Forever in the archives of time due to it being shit. No news on the gig front unfortunately, we have been trying to line some stuff up but have been failing miserably. However, Andy (Irrelevant drummer) says he may be able to line us up a gig in Strawberry Fields which would be excellent. He also says he heard we were good, which is nice. The new website should be ready for the big move soon so watch this space. As a final thought, WE NEED GIGS, so anyone who is even remotely interested in gigging with us should contact us NOW through the guestbook or by emailing any of us (addresses on contacts page).

Hey, thanks a lot everybody for supporting us at the two gigs we played, there 140 people there on Friday and we raised £260 to go to the Brazil trip and there were 185 people there last night, so thanks a lot everybody. The gig on Friday went quite well, with mistakes being kept to a minimum, and Jonny Abensur announced us which made our day cos the guy is a legend. Last night we played pretty shocking but hey it was our first real gig and everyone seemed to have a good time anyways. Also the PA guy was pretty crap cos we couldn't hear Tom and Ross and overcharged us completely. Anyways, thanks again for turning up.

Hello everyone, the gig in school is now definite and is Friday the 20th at Lunch time, tickets are £2. I've updated the "songlist" page and it now contains the setlists for the two upcoming gigs. We've lso decided to start a new website which will hopefully happen in the summer cos this one isn't exactly great shall we say. Anyways Tom has ballet shows the whole week leading up to the gigs so we can't practise at all that week which kind of sucks so if we sounds worse than usual you'll know why :p. Tickets for the 21st are £2.50 and it is now in a week and a day and counting....

As most of you probably know, the gig at The Vale was cancelled which is probably a good thing cos I don't think we would hav been well received... Anyways, we went to see irrelevant at Strawberry Fields who are f***** excellent. After the Stampy gig we're going to focus a lot more on out own songs and play less covers so it's all good, see ya later...

We were told yesterday by Dave that we are playing at some pub in town tomorrow and also the lunchtime crazy mofo gig to raise money for the brazil trip has been confirmed. I'm not sure if the lunch thing is pay at door or buy tickets beforehand but i just put pay at door on the gigs page because I felt like it. Check for updates. Check out the gigs page for info on all gigs. Obviously.

We made an online shop (LOL) with some crazy ass items check it out and but sum stuff we get a whole dollar when someone buys something. 19 days until gig!

The setlist has been updated for our probable setlist to be played at Stamperland Halls on 21st June. Ally got a new drum kit - A Yamaha Stage Custom so everything is looking up (guess who's writing this heh he). Em went to the studios for 3 hours - was fun - grant burnt my blisters which kinda stung but these things happen. Dunno what else to say except make sure you're at Stamperland halls in a month and 3 days time...


Due to our talent show success, we have been pictured in the Extra (lol). I will try and get the picture and report thing up soon but right now there is a picture on the amusingly titled "pictures" page which shows us playing at the talent show. It's blurry and shite but its all we got. There are also new pictures up of various practises so take a look. word has been going round of a gig sometime during a lunch hour to raise money for the world team challenge. It has yet to be confirmed whether this is true or a vicious rumour.

Again, it's been ages since the site was updated because basically no-one can be arsed and not much usually happens anyway, but this month our wee, dull lives hav become a wee bit more eventful (lol, I'm so gay). Anyway, we made it through the first two talent show rounds and made it to the final. There we beat Kirsten Sharp (Performing Madonna), Some 5th years (doing Westlife lol) and Ryan Burns singing and playing guitar. So thanks to everybody for suppporting us because you were great...woooooo...Anyway, maybe this site will be updated every now again. Oh yeah, the proposed gig with Nostalgia and Patrons Only has been cancelled because tit-monkey (tom) is in some Scottish place with his ballet/dancing group or something. So that is all, buh byeee...

It seems that we are cursed in the way of gigs, because whatever possibilities arise soon after fall on their faces. HOWEVER, 3 bands, namely us, Patrons Only and Nostalgia have all agreed on a gig date, being the 1st of March (Stamperland Halls). This date has yet to be confirmed with some mad sound guy called Tom. Don't really know much about that but he has a cool name so its all good. Arrangements are under way, thanks to Nostalgia, experienced giggers and gig organisers, who will be headlining at the proposed gig. We have started to record ourselves at practices on Ally's computer, allowing us to evaluate our disorganised noise and hopefully make it tolerable. You never know, in the not-so-near future some songs may be able to be downloaded so the general public can hear us and actually have some reason for abuse on our guestbook. The site may be updated more often now, as I have recently come to the conclusion that it is a pile of shite. That is all. Good evening.

It's been ages since we last updated the site but not much has happened since then. Prelims have restricted practises although we had one yesterday. Ross did not turn up...no surprises there. We started working on new songs such as Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja by Lostprophets and Bleed American By Jimmy Eat World. These are on top of other new songs we have been working like Die! Alright by The Hives and Lithium by Nirvana. It has been suggested that we play at the Christmas dance this year and is a possibility.

Setlist nearly finished, although because certain members of the band are being assholes and have decided to move the gig date to December, messing aroung a certain person named Ely, certain songs in the setlist may be replaced with certain better songs. We are sounding a lot better now than we have been in past months, and practises are becoming more regular and more fully attended, which is a start.

As the band (except ross, of course) can fully play the setlist, hopefully, a gig will be arranged for October, as our setlist will be outdated if we were to perform later on in the year. Although Ross's bass amp has made it's new home at Alastair's house, Ross did not turn up for practise because "My Parents are in Fife", hmmmmm....

No-one can believe it. The world is stunned. ROSS TURNED UP FOR PRACTISE!! The practise went quite well and Ross learnt Buck Rogers, which only leaves Learn To Fly,Why and The Middle for Ross to learn as the rest of the band can play the setlist. The setlist has been updated for all you Cobalt Blue fanatics.

Tom and Ross have decided on a setlist, tactically choosing so that Ross won't have to learn too much more material. Dave will no doubt disagree, but hey! The setlist is being displayed in the "songlist" page. The band patiently wait for Dave to return from his tropical paradise so that we can actually get to work on sounding good. P.S. We have recieved news that Dave has learnt how to wipe his own, yes, his OWN ass. Congratulations are in order.

As Tom just returns from holiday Dave has decided to depart to the sunny regions of St. Andrews. Tom and Alastair had a practice (Ross made excuses, AGAIN!) A drum beat for LLIJ, has been made and almost perfected and is Alastair's most impressive beat so far. A gig with "Malice", has been suggested and may happen at the end of the year.

As all the band will be departing on holiday, next practice won't be for another 3 weeks. Ross is hopefully going to learn some of the new songs and then we can start up a proper setlist for our first gig so we can practice it all the time so we can sound reasonable. I'm going to miss you guys!!

We had another practice today (Ross wasn't there - surprise, surprise.) Tom is starting to get good at the solo in "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World and the band is beginning to sound reasonable. Gig in December with "Nostalgia" is becoming more likely.

We have nearly decided on a playlist for our first gig in october so that we can practise a lot and at least sound reasonable. I am bored right now because I have taken the day off school. Ha. Oh and Dave has blue hair worth £40. We think he's putting in a bit too much effort to stay in the band.

The inevitable has happened. Luchi has decided to retire from the band. We respect his decision, and his yellow zip vest will remain in our memories for years to come.
We have appointed a new singer by the name of Gordon Davidson. He is a good singer and will be an important member of the band for years to come.

Tell us what you think of the site (or the band) and NO ABUSE!!