Welcome, I don't know how you got here (wormhole or dodgy porn site link) but the chances are you don't know what we are or who we are. Well if you can be bothered to read on all will be answered, well most of it anyway.

We are known as Reading uni's(Berkshire) six-piece ska-punk or as we like to call it WEDGECORE outfit, but sound more like punk with brass. Basically the band has been going on for bleedin' ages but really only started kicking off after the brass got involved which was about a couple of years ago. In that time we've written a whole new load of songs and spunked up the others.



News of the Monkeys

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I wanna be a monkey      I've had enough of this monkey business

30th October

I know I know its been a while, but with no net access in my room i havent been bothered to do anything, so here goes. If any of you have seen us recently you may have guessed that there has been a major band change. A loss of our mentalistic front man Tom who will be missed but not forgotten, as well as the addition of a third brass player, Owen the alto fantastical saxman. Well all of this plus the replacement drummer we have been stoopid busy this past month gigging at bar oz, Roebuck, as well as an amazing gig with spankboy at the University union. WE WILL BE ROCKING AGAIN WITH JESSE JAMES AND SPANK BOY AT THE FEZ CLUB. Justinx

1st September

Ok some new news. Our much beloved drummer, Rich is off to Germany for a year because of his degree. While he is away we are moving in a new drummer, Anthony. This may confuse some people as this isnt our old old drummer (who was also called Anthony) anyhow, make him feel welcome in any way you want (kinkily). A

30th July

Right heres your chance all you creative people. We still havent got a logo for the band yet so were asking anyone out there wether they can design one. If we pick you design (wow this is like Blue Peter) your logo will be on our new shirts and posters and our site and maybee a new EP. Anyhow lots of things. Also we will chuck you a copy of the EP and one of the shirts with the logo. Sounds fab doesnt it? Well... GET DRAWING. A.

30th July

Time for another update. Weve just played the Extreme festival in Basingstoke which was nice (thanks to all who were there and have e-mailed us). We are going to be taking a bit of a break at least till the end of the month as Jayesh will be away. So stay tuned and we will keep you updated. A.

2nd July 2002

Hey guys just to let you all know we are playing with [spunge] down at the fez club on Wednesday 17th July we have tickets that we need to sell so if u wanna get a cheaper ticket get in contact with one of us!

30th May 2002

A big big big thankyou to all of you that came down from far and wide to be at the fez gig. We all had a great time up on stage, and i hope you guys enjoyed it too! We got more photos under the bios sec, more to be added at a later date.

Theres a review here by josaka ------------------>http://www.josaka.com/Reviews/2002/TheFez290502.htm

23rd May 2002

Even more bad news, it seems that the 3 date tour is not gonna happen, as the Club Bay gig has been postponed, shame really as we were looking forward to gigging with pringles and the jeff's. And Pavlovs dogs has also been postponed till a later date, sometime round july. My cow has died and now has been turned into a yellow taxi. Sorry guys i know how much you liked his fluffy hide. juk.

19th May 2002

some bad news, unfortunately the mighty Lightyear have pulled out of the Fez date due to Bars breaking his arm in a skate park, but dont worry we will still be playing, although lightyear have been replaced by a band called the candys. juk.

09th May 2002

Hey guys, WE got a gig at the Sports bar next friday (17th May) Should be fat as we should have a long set so its gonna be treated as a warm up date, so expect to hear stuff you havent heard Before and stuff you havent heard for ages. juk.

30th April 2002

Hi guys, somemore dates are comming into monkey HQ, and we are getting ready to start our 3 day tour! the 3 date 100 yard pub crawl tour of Reading by none other than Readings "PREMIER" Wedge-core band. We need as many of you arse monkeys there to "Woop" "yeah yeah" and generally "big up" the sound of the fuck wits formally known as Monkeys Punk. Juk.

23rd April 2002

After promising to keep this section frequently updated here is our second installment. We have done two more gigs Roebuck Hotel and Bar Oz. Cheers to everyone who came down. Check out the reviews in the reveiws section. ALSO WERE PLAYING WITH LIGHTYEAR AT THE FEZ ON THE 29th MAY

1st January 2002

Finally, we've done it. The band now has a website for your perusal. Don't worry you're already here. Not really much else to say except that the new EP, 'Funk as Puck',is out and on sale for £3.00 + 50p p&p. Just contact us for a details at Brass Monkey HQ

If you can't be arsed to buy it just yet, come to a gig (have a bit of a giggle if you want) and then buy it.