Batman is My hero *Sigh*......

.This is my site.

It's a good site.

May 21st 2003... who eats egg sandwiches?? like comon now...
I am updating this page because PAT DIXON told me to. Go PAT DIXON. Even though I told PAT DIXON that I had nothing to write PAT DIXON refused to believe me. so I will yammer on about stupid and pointless things so that PAT DIXON realizes that he (PAT DIXON) really could have done without an update. Yesterday I downloaded ICQ plus, which means that I can get cool skins for my icq list! bet you can't beat that PAT DIXON! and today I went to Zellers, where I am now employed again so that I could get my hours, however they imformed me that I couldn't have them until after 12 cause it was too hard for them to look at a piece of paper and read off the times... pretty silly eh PAT DIXON? then I came home and found out that Tara called at 10.. if I hadn't have been out then I would have been sleeping, thus peeved. Now I am writing on this thing and I am extremely hungry. Gross. But I have swiss cheese so that makes my day entirely. I'm wearing my fun skirt today and I think that it might have gotten shorter in the wash..before it touched my feet alittle and now it barely does. I'm disappointed, but at least my hair looks nice and I had time to listen to my evenescence CD on the way to the mall. Yesterday I got a car wash with Dianne, it was fun, then when went to eastside marios.. damn that was good. Yeah, Now I am trying to get ahold of the pervert boy cause I don't like him. I might even tell him that over the computer, you never know. That is my story. I hope that you and PAT DIXON are enlightened... I will write again for PAT DIXON at a later date seeing has he is basically the only person that comes here... oh well... HI SIMON HOAC if you are visiting...
have a super day PAT DIXON, hope to see you soon:)

May 2nd 2003...since I could hold my head up high
wow.. it has been awhile. First year of Graphic Design at seneca is over and I did pretty well. At least better then I had originally expected. I finished with 3A's and 2 B+'s, so that isn't too shabby. I Miss being at school though.. maybe alittle, I met the funnest people:) it's all good, leaves me something to look forward to this summer and when I go back:) I've been home for 3 weeks and one day. It hasn't been too bad, I've been chilling with the momster alot, she's fun. I've seen Dianne a couple times and I've got to play with Tara's baby!!!:) she had a little Girl on April 14th, and she is the cutiest thing in the entire world lol, her name is Skye. I was there last night... where my car got super bruised. It sucked some major ass. Her driveway is so damn long and it goes all the way back, her mom told me to park close to the fence so that if she had to go out then she could get out... I probably should have mentioned that I have much problems when it comes to backing out.. especially in pitch black in a super long strip. So yeah, the fence became a part of my car. It was great. GRR!! I couldn't get out, I was so damn angry lol.. but OFCOURSE just my luck lol, adorable J.N was there to bail me out. Most embarrassing thing ever. Oh well, I thought that everything was alright, didn't bang up the fence bad at all so I figured the car was alright too..this morning though when my dad was checking it out he noticed differently. Fuck. The side mirror was bent to shit, GR. Thus concluding that I suck at driving. OH well, my dad fixed it thank God, it's better then paying 200bucks to take it somewhere. I have to drive back there next friday though, I'm already scared:-S but I said that I would babysit so it's all good:)
Hey I think that I am getting 2 more tattoos (really small) when I turn 19. 2 little stars, one on each wrist. I need to get a job first though, I'm lacking in the money department. Stupid good for nothing money:-( I've been really bored lately (which I'm alittle ticked about but that's a whole other thing)... yet I haven't seemed to find time to make up my resume again. It's stupid.
oh well, back to waiting for you to come online, cause I acutally give a shit
standing on my own two feet again

Feb 1st What a waste.
If only I could see through your eyes, even just for an hour. Cause I really doubt that the way things are going, I am ever going to get the truth out of you. God, I don't think that I am asking much. If you want to stop then tell me! cause it is going to hurt a hell of alot more if you wait... you're scaring me. I am prolly just massively paranoid cause I know that you said I was wrong, but I dunno. Things aren't feeling right. You can say what you want about tomorrow, but I don't want to be like the other girls that you talk behind their backs about. I'm not going to stop you from doing something. If it was important to you then you would figure it out yourself. I'm so frustrated.
Gah this week sucked. I walk with a smile and people see right through me... oh well.
you are so much like him.

Jan 26th 12:41 am.. maybe you should listen for once
Wow, your N/A message basically said it all, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that it doens't decrease any chances. Maybe though it will help you to get your fucking priorites straight! like seriously! You are really starting to scare me, and from that I saw and heard last night, I think that you are heading in a downward spiral. I'm going to try to be there to pick you up, but this whole situation is so frustrating.
Today I wrote 11 pages in my diary and I am still considering starting another entry. I addressed SO many topics tonight and it put me into a fairly shitty mood, gotta tell you. It REALLY doesn't help that I have no one to talk about it with.
There are so many things that you have done lately that are bothering me. You seriously have no idea. Yet I can't find the right time or right way to say anything to you. It is so annoying though because everything is getting much worse. I know that you think that we are only on the rocks cause of one stupid thing but it was even before that, and yeah! I am going to start standing up to you! so you may just have to deal. I know that everything will work out but until then sleep will lessen and moods might not be incredibly amazing. Oh well.
I still have to work out a few things at school, such as moving arrangements, money, people etc:( Blah, I keep putting everything off... oh well.
I've been coming home alot lately, it hasn't been too bad actually, I think that if I live in the res next semester then I will stay up more because the arrangement will be more satisfying. We will have to see:) this weekend I did basically nothing though, got yelled at (for the 60th time, getting old gotta tell ya) and I did homework, oh well, I'sa be back to school tomorrow. It's awesome, I already have plans for next weekend so I'm looking forward to coming home lol and I think that Stace might come home as well, she needs a break, that girl is such a prostar!:) I think that I might take the train to waterloo with Liz sometime and go and stay with stace for the weekend.. that would be fun, her house is pretty funky.
I don't think that you are coming online, which gotta tell you, sucks alittle cause I wanted to talk to you:( blah, maybe I should wait till I am in a better mood. Too tired, and too negative. Blah

Jan 14th 9:11pm hmmm..
Blah, at school, just finished software training. The class itself is extremely helpful! and not to shabby, the time slot however is a different story. Oh well:) today was good. Linds developed a business card for herself! score! and that is my story. I'm really tired which is not especially explainable. I have slept like a madman for the last 2 days! yahoo! that and did homework. When I left for class today I realized that, that was the first time I had left my room since Sunday at 1:30... that's kinda sad. Just like me!:) haven't decided if I am going to go home or not this weekend. I can see a heavy lot of work falling in my direction so I am really doubting it. It kinda sucks but I guess I should get my priorities straight and stay concentrated. Besides I am alittle peeved at a few people at home so I dunno. GR!!!!
I am having a really hard time believing how selfish some people can be. I ofcourse am no exception but atleast I try. Gah it doens't matter how well you know someone or for how long. People are full of surprises and frankly I getting sick and tired of having to deal with "person's" shit. I dont feel like tippy toeing around situations anymore or restricting my actions because they don't intrest "persons". So now I am quiet and withdrawn... oh well. It will mend, but I'm not giving in.
Damn I am so tired. No Deadbolts!! I swear to God!! no, I'm not angry, I'm just bored. Deep in thought so to say. Linds is the quiet one... odd turn of events.
Jan 11th 6:44pm... as the word tool written across my forehead becomes more distinctive
Wow, I think that Semester 2 graphic design is going to be quite the challange, I've been there for 4 days and I already have 5 assignments.. that isn't right, what ever happened to the first week meet and greet? Out of all my classes I would have to say that Learning to see is going to be the best by far. It was so cool first class. My teacher is so freaking eccentric,i couldn't get over it! she's middle aged, with bleached really short hair, brown roots, thick winged retro bright pink glasses, plastic star necklace, plastic coloured braclets, and this multi coloured short blazer... it was so fun!:) and her personality is awesome, it is an art class yet a thinker class as well. She is really into the mind games and deep questions that really can't be answered. I'm excited, but I have to get my hands on a digital camera cause alot of it is photography. Oh well, we will see how it goes. So school is going alright, I have already been encountered with my regular school headache, 2 to 3 days straight, always a hoot. I came home for the weekend, cause, frankly I felt the need, sadly though I will likely go back to school VERY sick because 3 out of 4 of the people here have the Norwalk virus. NO FUN!:( I don't want to get sick! I have no time! lol just my luck.
So tonight you're being a whore, (you know who you are) good luck with that, I just hope she doesn't believe in emotional attachments, because you my friend are non human and are completely oblivious to anyone else's feelings. SO fuck away!:) oh and by the way, you aren't that good. Hate to break it to you. Yes, Linds is in a mood today, oh well:( sorry guys. I'm supposed to be going out tonight which kicks some major ass. Dianne and I are chillaxing, just don't know where or what we are doing, prolly call up Tara and see what she's got to offer, and later tonight Brendan is supposed to call, so if all goes well I get to see him tonight too:)
Gah I am so confused. Nothing can just be straight forward, there always has to be something that can't be over looked and gets in the way of any possible chance of utter happiness. It's so damn annoying cause I was so close. Sadly though, I wasn't the only one. This hurts. I figured it would, you have to take chances though. If you don't take risk then you have nothing.
Just don't drag me down.

Jan 5th 11:04am Enough with the waiting!
Blah, I'm so anxious and frustrated that my tummy doesn't even feel good. This isn't fair lol:) so tomorrow I get to go back to school... well not really school but back up to res. My first offical class doesn't start till Tuesday at 6:05pm...Beautiful night class, boy and I going to love walking back to my place in the dark:'( oh well, there is nothing that I can do I suppose. Get a bottle of pepper spray or something...hhhmm..... lol:)I don't really want to go back which isn't a good sign. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my program and seneca is great, I just don't want to spend another 4 months in Residence:( Oh well, I'll suck it up I suppose. These last few weeks have been so great. Got to hang out with alot of fun people:) Friday night I went over to *friends*:) house, that was a great way to finish up my 3 weeks:) he is such an awesome person. I don't really have all that much to say. I won't be updating again for awhile though because my computer at school doesn't seem to like angelfire lol... which really isn't all that cool. Meh, silly Mac's! I have to find a mac compatable downloading system when I get back, I want to get some movies on there as well as MP3's for my player! I can't wait to hook up my speakers, BLAH now I will actually have some sound rather then the whispers that I have been getting lately. I think that I might be coming home again on friday... lol yes, I am a HUGE baby, but what are you going to do about it?? lol, aw well, I will just have to see how everything goes!:) good luck to everyone going back to school!
yummmy....... pizza rolls...

Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys!

ha... this may not be as accurate as it could be...

Gah, Docks aren't fun

You are a straight woman.
Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys!

wow!! what I surprise?

Dec 26th 8:09pm Damn angelfire
I wrote a huge update yesterday and I minimized the page to the bottom and then it disappeared oh well. It sucks cause when I wrote it I was in a good mood! and today I'm not really, I don't know why.. meh. So yeah, Christmas was good, lots of family, lots of fun stuff, that pretty much sums it up. I don't feel like typing a list of my gifts so I won't. Nothing is super new over here. I have to go back to school on the 4th or 5th and that kinda bothers me.. but other then that same old shit. I got my marks the other day for first semester, I did better then I had originally expected. 3A's, 2 B+'s, and 2 B's, I'm not complaining!!!:) I'm alittle scared about second semester but what are ya gonna do? The break has been pretty good. Hung out with dianne like crazy! she's a fun girl loL:) and I got the absolute plessure of meeting up with *friend*:) (thanks again dianne), I got to hang out with Tara abit, which reminds me, I still have to give her her gift...oops. I'm so excited about her having her baby!! she's going to be a super mom! I saw Andrew for like an hour, he has changed so much, different friends, different lifestyle.. oh well. Guess we all have to change at some point. It's kinda sad, last year we were barely ever apart on weekends and stuff, yet sunday was the first time I have saw him since a week after my birthday.. hm. I dunno. We can still talk though, and he always seems to have something going on. meh. I'm supposed to go out with Sarah tomorrow night, we will see though, haven't talked to her yet. This will be the first time that I have hung out with her since the summer time. Mending is gonna need to be done I think, we'll see:) I have no idea what I am doing on New years yet. Every other year I have sat at home and watched movies with my family and ate finger foods, but I dunno about this year. I think that Dianne and I are doing something, just don't know what yet. Justin invited me to his party but Dianne has something against him so I don't think that we will be going there lol;) oh well, I am sure we will think of something. IT will be damn fun though, no doubt about that!;) *friend*:) asked me to go out with him again this weekend!! yahoo!:) that really excites me lol, so have that to look forward to, then one more week and I am back at seneca... eeks. This break went kinda fast, no complaints though, I have to go back and redecorate my room again! I have more stuff to put up!! tee hee!!! I'm gonna get going though, I want to get P-ditty's present wrapped up.
can't beat a smile:)

Dec 23rd 5:09pm Damn.
I am so f**king tired it's disturbing. Yesterday I feel asleep at 1:30 in the afternoon and didn't wake up till 5:30.. which fucked up my sleeping as a whole, went to bed way too late, got up way to early:( eeks, today I had to go and get my tattoo fixed. I was alright with it cause I thought it would be the same as the first time which wasn't bad at all. I really like the buzzing sound for some reason lol:) this time though it hurt so damn bad!! apparently I had alot of scar tissue from the first time which didn't make my skin very tattoo friendly. I once again bled like a mad man thus making me sick:( I came home and I had to lay down for a bit, I was pretty weak for some reason and alittle out of it. OH well, I feel abit better now, the tattoo looks pretty good I think. I really wanted to go out tonight with *friend*:) but I don't think that I will bother, not feeling up to it really. Prolly just sit back and watch a movie or something. So two more days till the overly commericalized day is upon us! yeehaw... that was the main discussion with my tattoo artist today... he agreed with my christmas theories. I was impressed. Hey! I got my marks back from first semester, I was pretty proud of myself, 3 A's, 2 B+'s and 2 B's!:) Yahoo!! lol that made my holiday.... I really want soup. Yes.. soup indeed... Merry early christmas.. again.

Dec 21st 1:46am here.
I never jumped in and rescused you.
But I wanted to
I didn't tell you which way to go
'casue I thought you'd know
You had a problem with your new-found wealth
you brought it on yourself
I never told you I told you so, but I told you so

Have to let it go
It's time to let it go
Now I can't believe
It took so long to leave
Perhaps one day I'll grieve
Or I never will

I never told you I agreed with you
I don't think I do
I wasn't sure quite what the whole thing
meant, but I'm glad you went
I never thought that it could be painless,
I had myself fooled into needing you
did I fool you too?

Have to let it go
It's time to let it go
Now I can't believe
It took so long to leave
Perhaps one day I'll grieve
Or I never will

A viral infection that can incubate for years
Cause by affection fallen deep into arrears
No medication to procure
Makes me pure, there's no cure, I am sure

I never mentioned how I've prayed for you,
and now I've paid for you
I never said that I would wait for you
It's too late for you
Bare Naked Ladies...~Told you so

I think I'm getting to the point
where I can be myself again
I think it's getting to the point
where we can almost make amends
I think it's getting to the point
that is the hardest part

and if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disaster
I'll point you home

You think I only think about you
when we're both in the same room
you think I'm only here to witness
the remains of love exhumed
You think we're here to play
a game of who loves more than whom

and if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disater
I'll point you home

You think it's only fair to do what's best for
you and you alone
You think it's only fair to do the same to me
when you're not home
I think it's time to make this something that is
more then only fair

so if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disaster
I'll point you home

But I'm warning you, don't ever do
those crazy, messed up things that you do
if you ever do,
I promise you I'll be the first to crucify you
Now it's time to prove that you've come back
here to rebuild
Bare naked Ladies...~Call and Answer

I have said everything yet I am still not satisified.
you have no idea how I feel

Dec 18th 1:20pm gee I'm bored:(
yahoo! I'm home for the holidays!! that's excites me more then you know! I got home super late thursday night, then Friday I chillaxed with the momster, which was great cause we got to bake!!! and I also got P ditty's present! On Sat I went to the Morey family christmas party, it wasn't bad. I felt kinda bad though cause I basically just found a nice couch and went to sleep:S oh well:( I managed to come out with a snowman soap on a rope, a HUGE care package, Dish clothes, Zipplock christmas bags! and tetley tea miny kettles! I'm a prostar!!!!:) Then sunday I slept.. and slept... then shopped (BLAH)but at night I went to church which was really great, it was the kids christmas show. So cute, gotta tell you, I miss going there as often, awesome atmosphere. I left there and went out with Dianne and Brenden:) which I have no complaints in the least!! very fun, Analyze that is a great movie to see! Bean Hoe-ack came on Monday till tuesday afternoon! I had such a super time!!! lol,ONeill... shopping... eating (holy hell)...Go Karts!...Bowling(where I kicked his ass)... bumper cars.... air hockey(where he kicked mine)...5 in the morning movies, HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!The pillars, gah.. it was really awesome!:) I'm so tired though lol. You'd think that if I went to bed at 5 then I might want to stay home and sleep the next night.. but I'm stupid. Went out again till about 12:30 with Dianne, Brenden and his friends, then came home and talked on msn till around 2. Hey, I never said I was bright!:)we're doing it again tomorrow night as well... opps:S I'm going to be a zombie! either that or extremely hyper due to being over tired. Oh well.. this is going to be a good 3 weeks, it has started off really great:) I can't wait till Christmas! Spatula and her family are coming for dinner as well as Nana, grampa, and gramma.. meow! there will be 13 of us.. I'm sure we can stick them in one wing of our mansion:) as long as we have christmas carols *cough wine*cough and family then it's going to kick some major ass! wow.. this rambling thing is getting very over ramblish. (It's a word damnit!!!! that's right! I said it!) so I'm going to go...Merry early Christmas!
All smiles over here:)

Dec 6th 12:30pm.....Down with English
Gah I just finished up all of my ICA tests, I saved the hardest one in my opinion for last, which was overly intelligent seeing as if I had have failed the time that I would have had to retake it would have been limited... OH well, I passed, 80% which in itself suprised me. So school is out VERY soon, around 3 days with only selected classes to go to. This semester was pretty busy but went by crazy fast! I can't believe I'm about to start my second sememester of college, just sounds weird to me, I always wanted to grow up and have responsibilities as well as being treated like an adult. Now I am pretty much there and it just seems kinda freaky, oh well. So I'm excited about the completion of my first semester, but still sort of discouraged, I needed alot of help from people on certain things, and I dunno.. is that a sign? or is it just cause all this computer stuff is so new to me? gah, it's frustrating.... I think that as I go along I will get more accustomed to it, I really love this program and I'm not about to give up... just gotta work my ass off!! lol, so last update I was so impressed with myself for being early for type... yeah, and I totally jinxed myself, yesterday I woke up at 8:07 and my class had started at 8... hour bus ride later and I'm there.. that kinda sucked. Oh well. I really have to be on time next week though! it's our exam and if I'm not there then I am screwed, gotta buckle down and study this weekend, I don't get to go home:*( Not much I can do! I'll be back in Oshawa on the 13th of dec, I"m pretty excited. Alittle scared though cause I have to do a mass cleaning of my room before I come home.. and yeah.. that might take awhile.. gah, don't even want to think about it. eeks... 3 weeks on Oshawa... I think that I will survive, SLEEP SLEEP and more SLEEP!!! with the exception of christmas, family and friends, NO HOMEWORK!!!! yahoo!!! lol, I still have to buy christmas presents, I hate doing that so much, I never know what to get and I have very little money this year, I think that I am only going to get things for a few select people and they will be small!! lol, sorry:( lets just keep in mind that it is the thought that counts lol:) so yesterday I saw The Ring again, it was still great... alittle more predictable.. can't imagine why, but good all the same, Patty Cakes, AKA P ditty, Hoe-awk AKA bean and me AKA winfield! were the only ones in the theatre which was kinda cool, that theatre was amazing!! we need something like that in Oshawa, OH well.... I have so little to write yet so much time left before english.. Damn english, damn english exam, damn short stories... GAH.. maybe I'll go and return a few e-mails... yes.. I just might...
well TA TA!!

NOV 28TH 7:40am God damn you are a piece of Work
Dianne was so smart to get out when she did, gosh darn dianne, you might just be my hero. Way to drag my name through the mud "friend". Oh well. So i am exceptionally early for typography class... 40 mintues to be exact. I could have slept in, oh well. I went to bed at 3, and got up at 6:21 then was out of my place by 6:28, I'm very impressed. YOU SHOULD ME TOO!!!! or not. So school is almost out, that has it goods and bads, I really really like these people, some more then others, but generally they are all great. I could really go for a break though, just rest and relaxation for 3 weeks, especially seeing as the job promised for me at Zellers is no longer there. I think that is great, you work for someone for 2 years and they don't try to help you out with a damn thing. OH well, odd jobs should do me fine. Yeah, it's so fantastic, I have absolutely nothing to say, which is odd cause so many times this week I have wanted to update yet my beast of a computer at home has decided to be a bitch. Oh well, we all have our days. Gah my tummy sucks.... and I will end it on that.... no wait!!!!!!
OOOOOHHHHHHHHH where is my hairbrush, oh where is my hairbrush... oh where oh where oh where not there oh where oh where oh where back there oh WWWWWHHEEEEERRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is my hairbrush?!
I'm as cool as a cucumber damnit.

I'm bored... half an hour till I leave for Jackass..
Which era in time are you?

My friends call me Meg, or they would if I had any.
Which Disney Princess are you?

You're a hopeless romantic. You fall in love easily and quickly, and often have your heart broken. You like romantic movies, books, and you're always trying to think of some way to wow your honey. People call you sentimental or idealistic, and sometimes they even make some comment about they might vomit if they have to listen to go on and on any more. Phew. Some day, though, you will make someone very happy.

Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz

take the death quiz.
and go to laura = great.

Nov 16th 11:23pm how bout you throw yourself infront of that Mack truck.
I think that I may have finally done it, no one thought that I could. I didn't even think that I could. It is still so hard but I have become a hell of alot stronger within the last few months. Sure I still think about it every five minutes or so but I'm actually dealing with it. There is no way in hell I'm going to find a corner and breakdown completely, like what the fucks the point? I still want to be there for everything and know everything that is going on, but right now I can't. it's too hard. What kills the most is to realize the effect that it is having on me compared to... oh well. I can't say that I am proud to be where I am.. in fact, to be honest, I'm a complete dumbass. I actually had a really good conversation with a seneca bud about what I gave up to be where I am. He's way smarter then me, if I could switch places then i would in a heartbeat. I couldn't stop thinking about it this weekend, I don't know why. When I went to bed, or woke up.. gah it drove me insane.. yet right at this exact moment I could be giving in... yet I'm not. That shows growth. Nothing has ever been able to fully control me, and when it got close I would act out just to make it "different" but this time I was beyond controlled. I was sad. So sad. When I think about everything I just want to smack myself. That would prove what though? yeah, that's what I thought. OH well, I'm smarter now and in the process of reconstructing my self esteem... thanks for the lesson, too bad it took me so long to learn.

Oct 23rd 11:27pm Wide Awake Board
I stole that from Treble Charger, oh well. Good God I don't plan on sleeping tonight. Today was supposed to be my homework day, had it all planned out, I was going to tackle the beast that Vis Fun happens to be. What did I do though? I slept. Slept like a baby, ALL afternoon and drifted alittle this evening. How Productive I thought, Oh well, I have all tomorrow I suppose.
Yesterday was a hoot, I got some computer work done so that excited me lol but that was basically it. It really sucks that none of my friends have this time off as well. I ended up going to a movie last night,(red Dragon) it was REALLY great, I was suprised alittle, It was also really fantastic because I got to see Darryl again, the last time I saw him was Christmas time where I got my seatbelt belt. Holy shit has he ever changed. Here's the story, we were friends but from different schools so it was hard to get a hold of one another, then I was told in June that he had joined the army and was stationed in Quebec. I ofcouse was completely dumbfounded and alittle unhappy that I hadn't talked to him before he left. Meh, so he called on my birthday and I was out getting stabbed millions of times by a little needle, and I didn't get a chance to talk to him before he left for Quebec again. THEN he came home for two weeks as he has just graduated from training so I finally got to see him. He was stationed again though and is leaving on the 1st for BC. I couldn't do anything like that, it seems so final to me. He used to be this guy who was so carefree and up for absolutely everything. He used to make fun of me cause I was fairly conventional, or atleast too scared to do anything outrageous. Now he is so scheduled, he is up every morning at 5:30am and out the door to the Gym.. he won't eat anything that isn't necessarly good for him, and our conversation while driving (as I don't talk in movies for reasons unknown) was all about our future, and what we planned to become, and where we will be working etc. Nothing about the silly things that we used to say, it was all "adult" talk. Gah, I can't get over the change. I am impressed though cause he knows exactly what he is doing. He is VERY focused. Meh, so on the way home I almost killed us both thus making our future conversation not to important....I wasn't impressed. Actually I started shaking like mad, and I practically stopped in the middle of the lane just so that I could gain some composure. Gah:( we're fine though and so is my beast of a car so tis all good:)
Haha ha ... this made me laugh....asshole(who I don't happen to know)~"hey sexy""care to rephrase that"...asshole~"are you a single chick from Oshawa""why would that matter?"... and that was the end of that, his brain must have combusted, had to think to hard. I dunno, but I laugh. Like honestly people! how would it have mattered in the least if I were single or not? and am I all of the sudden supposed to break into this hardcore relationship with him not even knowing my name, or the tiniest thing about me??holy shit some people are pathetic. These dumb people pop up all the time. Haha, I remember the guy that introduced himself by asking me if I liked Sex...once again, why would that have mattered? I don't get it, maybe I'm out of the loop. My two fav convos though are the guy that asked me if I would ever kick him in the "balls" and the OShawa General that said that I must be a snot because I was overly sarcastic with him when he tried to send me lame ass comments over the internet. See, I could get the thing where everyone has to get my authorization before they can message me but what fun would that be? lol
Gah... I'm watching the simpsons. I'm weak. Alright, I'm done this update... it's fairly uneventful sorry:( I leave you with this though...should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If vegetarians eat Vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

Oct 21st 9:26am... Blah
I have been stood up, apparently cleaning is more important then me. Oh damn, and to think that I was actually taking her out for lunch, *sigh* woe is me:(

1. Full name:Lindsey M. (no need to type out) Winfield, no D
2. Birthplace: Oshawa, Ont.
3. Nickname: Linds, Inds, Lindseypooh, smurf, Kid, and now Winfield:)
4. Name spelled backwards: dleifniW YesdniL
5. Sex: *checking...still checking.. Oh GOD!!!.. female
6. Grade: first year of College
7. School: Seneca @York.. NOT seneca... you have to say the York part
8. Birthday: September 28th 1984
9. Favorite place: in my bed sleeping:) haven't been doing alot of that lately:(
10. Favourite colour: Red
11. Favorite summer: hm... end of grade 10, beginning of 11
12. Fav colour of bra and underwear: black
13. How long can you hold your breath: I dunno, I'll ttell you when I wake up from my blackout
14. Fav food: Turkey dinners:) yummy
15. Favorite number(s): 3.. 13..33, you get the point
16. Fav day of the week: Monday or Fridays
17. fav salad dressing: Ranch with Bacon, I'm not really a salad person though only Ceaser
18. Fav time of the day: night time!! I'm a night person
19. Prized possession: my computer, G4 power Mac
20. What do you plan on driving?: I drive an 89 Beretta and a 2001 Montana
> > >>>>22. Fav bands: AQUA!! lol:) Good Charlotte, Jimmy eat world, Green Day, Some Korn, I'm starting to get into OLP, wow.. I can't think of them right now. No fair
23. Fav teacher: It was Mrs. Greer, I peer tutored art for her and she taught me as well, right now I don't know, too early in the game. NO wait... the software training guy is pretty cool, meh, they are all alright I guess
24. Fav subject in school: hm.. I like photography..
25. Least favourite school subject: Drawing.. it will be the death of me
26. Role model: my parents
27. Do you smoke?: no, I like my lungs, thank you though
28. Do you do drugs?: nope, can't say as I do
29. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: no, and I have my own pool too, completely secluded.. meh
30. what's your fav game to watch: Hockey
31. game to play: is pool a sport?? lol I can't play it but it's fun all the same:)
32. Do you like rain or sun?: either or, depends on my mood I guess, and what I want to wear that day lol, that sounded superfacial. I take that back
33. Do you like oceans or mountains: Mountains, water scares me
34. Sweet or sour?: sweetness, the bathroom at the movie place last night seemed really sour...I was confused.
35. black or white: black is the greatest. it looks the best with Red
36. Fav thing to do?: watch movies
37. Fav shampoo or conditioner: gah, I paid 20 dollars for a stupid bottle of shampoo and I have no idea the name. But apparently it was the cheapest you could get one that didn't have a colour stripping chemical in it.... funny... did my blue fade. yes.
38. Best Friend?: Best Girl friend Dianne, Guy Andrew
39. Do you make fun of other people?: only jokingly, I have no reason to make fun of people. I wouldn't like being made fun of.
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: no
41. One pillow or two:two at home, and one puffy one at school
42. Pets: Trixie, the poodle
43. Fav movies: oh goodness. The Cell, The mummy movies, the Austin powers movies, Roadtrip, Rat race, My Big Fat Greek wedding, Pleasantville, Queen of the Damned, Rocky Horror Picture show, Grease, I have too many
46. Toothpaste: crest baby!!:)
47. Famous/Online Crush: wow how mature.. time to slip into the little girl fantasy mode.. I am going to marry Hugh Grant and have 1000 of his children while I am messing around with Seth green on the side!! tee hee! wow.. do little girls really think like that? I'm frightened.
48. Girlfriend or Boyfriend: Nope, nope, and nope
51. Fav Ice cream: mint chocolate chip... yummy:)
52. Bedtime: whenever i'm tired, or get my homework done
53. Adidas Nike or Reebok: I have adidas shoes.. so I would have to go with that I guess, I don't normally buy sporty names. meh
54. Most humilating moment(s): i don't no were to begin, I can see one happening this week...we'll see
55. Funniest person you know?: I dunno, there are all pretty good
56. Fav holiday: All holidays are good:) family time!
57. Do you attend church regularly?: used to, not since last June though
58. What do you look for in the opposite sex?: smart, funny, honest, they have to be able to put up with my sarcasm loL:)
60. Can you swim?: yup but I don't like to
61. Do you like to swim:see above..
62. Fav cartoon: I used to LOVE Bobby's world and the carebears so I'm sticking with that!!!
63. Do you have an accent?:everyone has an accent to someone else
64. Do you have a job anywhere?: fucking Zellers screw me over..grr... the answer would be no.. lol
65. Do you prefer swimming in pools or oceans?: pools, I hate water
66. Do you sing in the shower?: all depends, not at the res no... home... sometimes if no one is there
67. Who's better boys or girls: how are we talking? I am straight so in that aspect males, but I have females friends so I guess you can say that they are both good
68. Pencil or pen?: ha pencil, used to be pen.. then I started messing up more frequently
69. Who's the best looking person you know: I dunno, I am really weird that way, I'll keep that one to myself
70. The best way to die?: there's a good way? oh.. there is sleep... that can't be bad.. how Ironic though.. my fav place could be the place that I die
71. What age do you want to die? um....????when I have lived my life to the fullest
73. Have you ever called a dirty 1-800 #?: haha I called a dating line with a friend once, that was very funny.. we had just starting talking to this one old guy and he asked me my Name, so I said Dianne and he was like.. well Dianne, Do you like to suck Dick? so I kinda replyed... I was just about to ask you the same thing!!!!.. and that was the end of that:(
74. Gold or silver: Silver
75. Would you ever bungee jump: forsure, I would have to be certain that I would not be plunging to my death though... can you be certain?
76. Do you enjoy reading: all depends on what it is, some of the english stories that I have been assigned really suck, anything by Margaret lawerance really floats my boat though:)
77. Do you watch TGIF: used to, then it started to suck
78. What was the last movie you saw?: the Knock around boys
79. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I can't it finds it's way to the floor.. which is really odd, cause I don't move in my sleep.. oh well
80. Do you sleep naked: nope, I'd get cold!!! I sleep in a tank top and sleep pants with cute little pictures
81. What is your sign?: Libra, I don't follow that stuff though
82. What movie do you really want to see?: I REALLY want to see the Eminem Movie 8 Mile.. lol no one will see it with me though!! I hate that man... I think that it would be quite comical. meh, I can't see him being able to act, however, he would have to act better then he raps or that would just be awful
84. What is your biggest wish in life: that's way to broad, I just accept what life throws at me
85. What is your biggest fear(s)? failure
86. Who are your fav people: all the peopel that I talk to? wow.. nice question, somone was looking to fill up space
87. Are you an optimist or pessimist: pessimist when it comes to myself, I don't set myself up for disappointment, optimist when it comes to other people
88. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?: Hell YES!!!! plastic here I come!
89. Do you like to dance?: I like to yes, can I no
90. What do you think of people who drink?: same thing that I think of people who don't? what the hell is the big deal?
91. What do you think of people who do drugs?: I think that some are really messed up. It seems as though they only do them to impress people and to prove a point. You could do that in much better ways though
92. What do you think of people who smoke?: good for them
93. Do you think men or women can ever just be friends?? no never, that is so out of the question, good God I am so shocked that such a question would need to be asked, when the answer is so obvious...
94. Do you have any frineds of the opposite sex?: yup
kill me now!!!
95. What movies have you cried at: My girl, and A walk to remember... Damn.. I am not such a monster after all
96. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I thought that I already answered that, oh, it must have changed in the last 10 mintues, yes of course I do!! and we are very happy! no, no I don't
97. Why not?: am I supposed to list all my faults here?? I dunno? you tell me!
98. Do you believe in God? : yeah
wow.. I have just discovered that I am a really boring person.. this upsets me lol:) night everyone

Oct 21st 12:06 am I have a date tomorrow... with my mom
yeah that's right!!! lol, my mom is so damn great, I think that we are hanging out the whole day tomorrow which will be cool. My dad is equally fantastic but the evil GM has stole him for the day. DAMN YOU! lol nah, I have to get up bright and early to drive my brother to school, the I'm going to make fun of some talk shows for awhile until I get hungry and take my mom out for lunch. Somewhere tomorrow we are also supposed to make fudge.. yummy:) I dunno though, as long as we watch Fear factor then I am all good:) I acutally got my mom into it, I was pretty impressed. I tried to get my dad into Pepsi Blue this evening.. I wasn't as successful:( meh, I gained a bottle in the process!!! YAHOO! I was never really massively close wiht my parents till I moved to Toronto, I know that I still see them like every weekend but it still isn't the same, meh, when you are off on your own you really think about the people that got you where you are, and I guess you could say that it would be them. wow.. I'm being too nice.. I hope that they don't read this lol:)
Today was a crappy day, I was really bored, my computer actually started doing what it is supposed to do so that is cool but other then that blah. I went out tonight just over to Tim Hortons at like 10 I think, and got back just after 11. It was cool, got to hang out with my bud... sadly though I was the focus of many jokes.. gr.. to that. Sometimes they can be funny but other times the limit can be pushed. Like tonight. It is sad though, cause what was said was actually true... prolly why it bothered me. meh, I'm tired and no one is online, blah I'm going to fill out this pointless survey till I pass out, enjoy.

Oct 20th 12:26 am... You may have thought that this situation was managable, but you have to realize that some situations just are unmanagable.
Ha ha funniest line in the entire movie... which really isn't that funny to begin with. I don't advice the Knock around Boys.. even if you do enjoy the darling Seth Green or the rugid Vin Disel or however the hell you spell it. Meh, I didn't pay.. thus the advantages of having a friend whom happens to work in the AMC theatres... YAHOO!!:) Ha ha.. Dianne and I saw the village whore there, I wanted to take off my shoe and throw it at his pretty little head. sigh.. he may have made a huge deal over it, and we can't have that. Besides... Honestly.. who throws a shoe? meh. I was so nice a comfy in my big red seat and my feet securely stuck to the floor (due to lack of cleaning) when my darling little sister, her best friend and her boyfriend stumbled into the show. That was thrilling. Meh, she pretending she didn't know me and we both went on our merry ways!:)
So Friday night sucked:( none of my Oshawa friends ended up coming to visit me. Meh. I took a dive into the life of the old Linds, however one step at a time!! I went through all of my old CD's for no apparent reason whatsoever. Haha I certainly had some taste back then!!! I came across my Aqua CD, not the first one (though it is certainly a classic and I could recite every word to every song) no. I Found Aquarius. Not only did I find it but I BLARED IT I was so bored lol:) it is such fun music though, I love her voice so much. It is really original. The lyrics are incredibly corny and pretty meaningless but it brought me back:) ha, I remember the Aqua temporary tattoo that I so proudly displayed the first day I went to the ex. The tattoo ofcouse came with my movie of all the band members bios... yeah... feel sorry for me.. lol:) nah, it was all good times:) so I listened to that, Red hot Chilli peppers, Bryan Adams ( I think) um... OH!!! and the best song ever... Freshman by the Verve Pipe... I'm a sticking the lyrics on when I finish this update. I have it suck in my head right now. Oh well. So that was basically Friday. I topped it off by calling Dianne and making fun of her for awhile, then washing disgusting dishes that weren't mine until I finally decided that I was bored enough to sleep:) good night:)
Today was super cool though! I finally got my computer, very very nice computer indeed. I can make movies on it, and it talks to me... (alittle creepy) but cool all the same! I have all the programs that I need for school installed so I am pretty much on the ball!! score! oh and I can watch TV on it, apparently I get MTV.. something that I don't even get here but that's cool I suppose. Meh I like it alot:) haha I already have a few Graphic people in the Res wanting to use it. meh. I'm content. we visited Stace today as well which was kinda cool. Her house is really fun. It started very small then the landlord just kinda kept building, and building and building... and yeah... now it is very odd looking. Very hard to explain, you would have to see it though. Meh, she wants me to go back up to waterloo on Monday and stay with her for a few days. Alittle sisterly bonding I suppose. That could be cool, her roomates are pretty fun so I am sure if I go we'll have an alright time. Liz apparently lives up there somewhere, maybe I could meet up with her, you never know. I don't remember when she is going to Ottawa though. OH well.
So commencement is on Friday. I am trying to think of any possible excuse to get out of it. I REALLY don't want to go. What a waste of a night, I know that I graduated, I don't need some stupid assembly to show it. Meh. I can tell that my parents are really pushing for me to go, I guess it is understandable, I'm getting Three awards. OSSD, English award, and Honors Plack. Meh. I just don't really want to go back there, I hate ONeill with the fire of 1000 suns, I dunno though. I guess we will have to see. Gah. I am going to have to do that awkward walk across the old stage 3 times, not just one... yuck. That sort of scares me. I like to hide in the crowd, not display myself in front of hundreds of people. I have to dress up too. I just don't want to disappoint my parents. Highschool graduation only happens once.
Pat Dixon is the Cat's meow!!:) there, now I have your attention loL:) yeah, so the survivor bet, I don't really feel as if I won. For the reason that if you had have picked first then you would have picked Stephanie as well, seeing as you had mentioned something previous. So it really isn't all that fair of me to accept that shiny little quarter:) tis a draw sir. OH and I discovered something, I don't really see Clay leaving anytime soon, just because the males now have an advantage over the females, 3-2, see if the other team had have won then I would be getting that quarter lol cause Annoying Jan would be toast!!:) oh, and yeah, Dianne is making me get dressed up for halloween lol, she wants to do my makeup we will see:) tonight as we were walking through the AMC parking lot she pulled out her container of spray paint black hair dye and nicely positioned it and sprayed the back of my head. How kind I thought lol:) I finally saw that Sobeys commerical last night, with the boy claiming that there is no food. It was pretty good. Well there you have it sir, a personalized update! feel special!!:) I am off to bed I think, my mom wants me to go shopping with her tomorrow afternoon so that might be fun! halloween shopping! gotta love that! I will talk to you all later, and I'll paste the Verve pipe in another update. I'm too tired.
Yeah I'm a baby.
I deal:)

Oct 19th 7:58pm
Update to come later this evening, spent all day hooking up my blasted computer, Gah. Going to a movie in a few. PROMISE to update when I get home:)

Oct 17th 2002 wow
I am suprised, this is actually working:)hm.. I am on a break right now and don't know where everyone is:( they all ran away from me.. blah:), I think that I may have fucked up alittle on the test that I just did so I am in a kindly crappy mood. meh:) I have to go though, but there you are pat:) I updated, as boring as it may be, and u are here now!!:) lol later alligators!

Oct 12th 4:21pm Happy Turkey Weekend
wow I haven't bothered with this page in a really long time, probably due to my lack of things to complain about. That's is a good thing though. School is going alright, sorta hard but well worth it in the long run. I have met a few really great people and that made the transition easier. I still don't have a computer yet so that kinda sucks but it's a coming, I'm being VERY patient!!!:) Residence life is just as crazy as I suspected, lots of REALLY loud people which gets a bit frustrating, and constant parties. I can't say that I don't like the occasional party but I am not up for one everyday. I come home alot on the weekends, I haven't really found a reason to stay up there, no one I know actually lives in Toronto. meh:) Bus life is an experience, people are so freaking rude, but I just smile and let it go, to each their own I suppose. I have no intentions on becoming an ignorant person just to feel as though I fit in with the busing community. You know what though?? I LOVE Toronto:) Blah, my head is hurting quite a bit, yet getting off the computer is pretty much out of the question. I live on here on the weekends. Today I bought the new Good Charlotte CD so I'm pretty excited about that. I'm seeing them on the 20th at the kool haus. Should be a good show, Simple Plan will be there as well, I don't like them much but it's all good. I have way to much homework to do this weekend, and I completely screwed up big time. I decided that I am never going to touch a camera again if I am only half awake. Here, I'll walk you through my stupidness... so I drag myself out of bed about an hour after I had originally decided to get up, and I manage to get up my 12 stairs and say "good morning" in a muffled tone to my wide awake mom. Then I proceed to pick up my camera, take it over to the table where I sit down and Prop it open to take the film out. Noticing that it didn't quite look proper I wondered what the matter was... ofcouse I pondered this while it was still open, then my mom screamed at me and imformed me that I had just lost all my pictures because I hadn't rewinded my film first. I am so damn bright. So I got dressed like a crazy woman and drove it over to the photoshop where the goofy guy behind the desk informed me that he may be able to save a few but he won't know until Tuesday afternoon cause apparently they didn't feel like developing slide film in this particular day... and that concludes my story:) Long and winding. I'm still in a good mood though:) no point in getting upset, it won't change a thing. Gah my tattoo is REALLY itchy:) but I love it, so it's all good. I jump topic to topic, if you have problems reading then I am very sorry:( I went over to Toronto Island on Thursday with my class. Alot of people were pretty bored with it but I had a great time!!!:) it is so cute there, tiny houses, no cars, only bikes. I think that they should evict all of the caterpillars there though.. but that's a whole other story:) I did have alot of fun though and took lots of great pictures (too bad I don't get to see them) lesson learned. ON the way back to school though we got in a tiny fender bender which really sucks because it was completely the other person's fault and they just kept going. Screw them:( The car wasn't badly messed up or anything but it is just the principal of the matter. Meh, wow.. this is alittle winding... :) I best be off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone:) and have a great week as I won't update again probably till next Monday when I come home:) bye for now

Sept 22nd 10:57am Holy Hell
I am so stressed out:(

Aug 29th 6:04pm.... It started all over again
I thought I was getting better, you know... bah, everyone was cheering me on. But... I'm back to where I was. Maybe I shouldn't be here but I can't stop, and to be honest I don't really want to. I don't want to feel that much pain again cause I pretty much broke down... but maybe.. just maybe it could work? BAH what am I saying... shut up Lindsey... SEE!!!! told you I haven't changed. I see a pattern developing, but I like things right now... and I know it won't always be this way, and I will encounter a hell of alot more tears.. but it just seems so worth it,. I dunno.... I'm so confused. But I'm not changing a damn thing. It means way too much to me.
Holy shit I am so scared... I have to move in 2 days... yeah, that isn't as cool as I thought it would be. I was just planning on sitting in my room the first few days, reading, talking on my computer and sleeping... mainly talking on my computer though. HOWEVER that isn't going to happen seeing as I won't have my freaking computer by the time I go!!!! BAH! do you realize how hard it is to get a MAC computer??! it's driving me insane, seriously. So Dianne, my parents and I went to the York Campus today, it was pretty cool. That place is so damn fancy it's crazy.. Dianne calls it a snob school though, that kinda sucks. I promised her I wouldn't turn into any more of a snob then I am now. So that was good:) I have sooooo many things that I have to get done on the weekend... such as fixing up my OSAP info, getting my food plan ready and finding the right bus from my res to my campus:) I am going to be sooooo frustrated meh. Bah, my dog is barking and it is driving me insane. Dianne just pretty much told me to kill her... that was wrong. Evil Dianne. Hey I got my ID picutre taken today... it was awful lol it looks like a freaking mug shot and I have bright blue hair... and I will have that same picture for 4 years loL:) I looked like a freak! meh. So I had my going away party on Sunday... and it was pretty good:) but I got alittle sad though...I have some really fantastic friends, I hope that they know that:) I'm gonna miss everyone, I don't care if I am only going like an Hour away. Hey!!!! Robin Black is going to be at the Cathedral on the 7th of Sept!!! I'm kinda excited but I really don't think that I am going to be able to go, cause I don't think that I will even be able to find it from my res loL:)... bah, well I'll hopefully see them again sometime:) they are pretty great! I'm gonna get going though, I prolly won't update again till much later.... but meh.. have a good first say of school everyone... lates.

Aug 18th 12:16am... I think today is someone's Birthday
hm.. I can't think of the person those so I feel kinda bad... I dunno. Blah my birthday isn't for another month and a bit.. damn. Going to college at 17.. fun fun!! lol yeah.. I have nothing to write today, however I don't feel bad for making you listen to the pointlessness of my day cause if you were not interested then you wouldn't be at my site. So there. And now.. you can leave. So yeah, I move in 13 days.. odd I would think, this summer has gone by really quickly. Meh, I found out who my roommate was and I actually already know her from ONeill so that should be alright I think. I dunno, my party is still next week so that should be fun lol, can't beat last years though!!! mmawwwwhahaha!!!meh. So I have to work again today, and that isn't cool, cause it just gives them more opportunity to rag on my royal blue hair.. bah, they were so pissed when they saw it, it was crazy!!!! the managers won't even talk to me.. meh. I don't really care. Oh my the way, as you can tell my guest book has been deleted.. solely cause no one important was writing in it meh. It's all good though!!! hey remind me to get everyone at my party to sign my damn book.. I almost forgot about that! meh. Yeah. I'm done

What kind of Drug Addict are you?

Apparently this is me...You are addicted to NOTHING.
Basically, your favorite phrase is "Kiss my ass." You are cynical, negative, and annoyed. Nothing amuses you or holds your attention. You don't care for much of anything in the world, but wouldn't mind a couple extra hours of sleep. Sometimes you just don't know how to deal with all the extra, pointless crap that life throws at you. Hang in there, kiddo. ;)
That can be pretty accurate depending on my mood. Meh. 24 more days till Toronto. Shit I'm bored, I have the house to myself, the car to myself and absolutely nothing to do... Blah. This Jenny Jones is all about Racism.. that isn't cool, not cool at all, these people disgust me ssssssoooooo much it is crazy.

Aug 2nd 1:54pm Recovery is Good.
My mouth is healing and I am excited. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled on Monday and it was pretty sore. I didn't cry though, suprisingly.. lol but it didn't feel so hot. My parents catered to my every need, I felt pretty useless, it was really kind of them though. Tylenol 3's are the super drug!! lol.. wow they take pain away quick and easily! however.. they didn't help me sleep much, the first night I only got a half hour of sleep so that kinda sucked. Meh, the hugest disadvantage is I don't like soft foods lol:) and all it has been is soup, apple sause, jello and all that other great shit lol:) right now I'm trying to eat a ham and swiss sandwich, it has taken me about an hour so far but I just more then half way through it so I'm not really doing all that bad. I'm watching The american Gladiators lol, I love this show!!! I didn't know it was still on and I found it a few weeks ago, lol so that made my summer:) haha my mom just told Dianne to eat shit... GO MOM! so the count is on! Linds is moving in 29 days! that's pretty scary.. meh. I'll deal I suppose. My parents are throwing me a going away party on the 25th so that should be good.. there are over 40 people invited though and my house is pretty small lol:) people are going to be all over the place!!:) I have to go up to Seneca on the 29th for some orientation thing.. meh should be alright, apparently I can buy text books.. just another lot of money.. sigh. I've been saving though so it should be alright I think. I think that Zellers got alittle pissed off that I booked a week off so they decided to massively cut my hours.. I only have 2 shifts next week, so that is slightly discouraging...ha but I have plans for next week so that makes everything better lOL:)wow. this update has not been the least bit informative or interesting.

July 18th 2002 No more and I'm happy
Alright I'm back. I conclude that the States is a very dirty place. At least where I was lol, not so much dirty but certainly pretty rundown. I did have a great time though. We got into Buffalo on the Tuesday and we just mainly shopped then checked in at the Sleep in, it is such an awesome hotel. Then on Wednesday we went to Darien lake, which was good. The roller coasters were a blast, not very many but fun all the same. Superman ride of steel was good, the highlight of the entire day though had to be the Batman show!!! I love batman so much lol, it was him and the joker. The storyline was that the Joker kidnapped some chick and Batman had to rescue her.. typical.. but good all the same:) he rode in my his Batcycle and there was fire and LOUD bangs and everything!! lol. It was great, so then I purchased a Batman purse to match my batman wallet and I bought Shawn at Batman snow globe cause he likes batman ALMOST as much as I do:) then on Thursday... more shopping, I don't like shopping very much. Blah. But I managed to come out with a really great pair of shoes so I was pretty happy:) ha.. it was the six people from my family then my 2 cousins and Aunt who live out in the middle of no where... not near any malls... so shopping was extra important... gggrr... and we had to stop at EVERY Old Navy we drove past.. an hour later... and we moved on lol Meh, I just went in to Toys R' Us with my dad and brother. IT was entertaining:) THEN we came home! so I've been home for awhile, and bored but nothing to update about. Never stopped me before but meh:) I worked the last four days in a row and it really wore me out, I hate Zellers so much. GR!!!it's a job though and it is certainly helping pay for school so I can't complain. My house smells soooo terrible right now! my parents are painting their bedroom so that is all that you can smell. I helped out yesterday, I was assigned the spot between the walls and the sucked. I had to go around and tape the entire room cause I wasn't supposed to get ANY paint on the ceiling. IT looks good though. I managed to come out with quite the headache from the fumes. Yuck. This morning I got to visit the Oral Surgeon.. YAHOO for me! I'm getting all four wisdom teeth pulled out on the 29th of July and I am really scared! they are putting me to sleep for it. I'm not looking forward to it. It has to be done though and it is better to get them out before I go off to school. Speaking of that, Im moving on the 31st of Aug... not that far away actually and I am kind of excited but kind of not. Alittle scared. The room is painted grey and I really don't like grey... it is kind of depressing. SO I have chosen to buy some bright things to lighten the room up alittle. I got a really nice comforter, and these funky primary colour shelves, I'm just going to take my posters and other odds and ends to make it feel more like home:) I plan to come home sooo often though, I am a huge baby lol, I don't like being away from my parents for too long:(. Hm. I'm really bored, and no one is home to hang out with Grrr. I think that I might be doing something with Shawn and Dianne tonight but it isn't for sure and if we do it isn't going to be till alot later. Blah. For now I can just watch 7th Heaven! Yahoo! alright I'm off for awhile:)

June 4th 3:28 pm. I'm bored
> Name: Lindsey Winfield, no need to write my middle name and I would prefer if you called me Linds
> > Birthdate: September 28th 1984
> > Nicknames: Linds (obviously) Lindseypooh, Inds, and a few others.. but they aren't very nice.. lol.. oh and I almost forgot.. Marge
> > Sex: *checking* yup yup, still a female!
> > Birth date/age: I just said my birthday, and right now I am 17
> > One word that describes yourself: Paranoid. There! I said it!!! happy!
> > Parents: Names? Cindy and Rob
> > Siblings: Stacey, Allison, and Robert
> > Pets: poodle named Trixie!
> > Location: Oshawa..has been for almost 18 years!
> > Job: Zellers.. for 2 years now... gggrrr.
> > Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope.
> > Height: 5'61/2
> > Eye Color: they would be hazel... brown with a tint of green
> > Hair Color: Brown now, it is finally back to a normal colour!
> > What does your name mean?: I do't really know.. nor do I really care all that much.
> > High school graduation year: this year, I just finished highschool and I am very happy about that.
> > Favorite relatives: Aunt Debra for sure!! she is a blast and she's coming to Darien Lake next week so it's all good
> > Hobbies: hm.. Anything art related, The computer, driving, watching TV, listening to music, hanging out with friends... all the good shit!
> Summer memory: Summer just started.. and so far it sucks.
> > School: Seneca @ York!!! yahoo! no more Oneill!
> > Favorite Subject: Art!
> > Favorite teacher: Mrs. Greer is the best, she taught me art and I peer tutored for her as well,
> > Favorite school memory: Last Day of Highschool.. no particular moment... just the freedom
> > Favorite TV shows: Frasier, Everyone Loves Raymond, Seventh Heaven, the survivor series, lots!!!
> > What's on your mousepad? Daffy duck completely freaking out on the computer... apparently I was the inspiration... meh!
> > In the car-AC or open windows?: Blah.. no AC in the car, only the van.
> > Do you believe in yourself?: Not really.. I'm working on it though.., slowly..
> > Favorite game: Rollar Coster Tycoon
> > Favorite flower: don't like Flowers,
> > Favorite drink: Iced Tea for sure!!! yummy!! but 5 alive is good as well
> > Favorite food: hm.. I dunno!!! I really like Chicken but I am alittle sick of it... and I am a REALLY picky eater...I don't really have a fav.
> > Favorite color: Red is the Bestest!
> > Favorite cigarettes: uuuumm.... last time i checked I wasn't a smoker.
> > Favorite sound: Music!!! I love music!
> > Favorite smell: Gasoline.. yeah, I'm strange.. lol, Turkey dinners are good smelling as well, and Pot smells really good. You can always smell it at any music concert
> > Worst feeling in the World: having people hurt and and not realize the extent of the damage. Feeling alone, and caring for someone more then they could care for you.
> > Best feeling in the World: Having fun with good friends, being on a Roller coaster, meeting someone famous, being appreciated
> > Favorite thing to do on a weekend: go out with friends and have a good time
> > Favorite cd: Right now I have a few, Jimmy eat World (bleed America) Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Robin Blach and the Intergalactic Rockstars... Robin Black kissed me on MOnday!!!! lol,and the entire band signed my CD and Batman wallet!
> > Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Ten years older
> > First thought in the morning: Blah.. I don't want to get up...
> > Do you get motion sickness?: nope!
> > Roller coasters-deadly or exciting: EXCITING!!! without a doubt!! I have been on the 2nd tallest Rollar coaster in the world (cedar Point) and on the 10th of July I'm going on Superman Ride of Steel!
> > How many rings before you answer the phone?: Depends on how long it takes me to get to the phone!
> > Future son names: Dunno if I am having kids, never really thought about names
> > Future daughter names: See above! HOWEVER.. I really do enjoy the name Skyler
> > Are you a good friend: I dunno, I try to be.. hope so:)
> > Chocolate or Vanilla cake: I don't like Cake.. sorry, unless it is icecream.. but it can't be chocolate
> > What do you drive: 89 Beretta, and a 2001 Montana
> > Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: umm no, I've tried but it always ends up on the floor
> > If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be?: there are lots of people I would like to meet
> > What is your zodiac sign?: Libra.. but I don't believe in any of that shit
> > What do you wear to bed?: usually sleep pants, and a tank top... if I'm cold though a sweatshirt
> > Do you eat stems of broccoli?: of course!!! I don't eat cooked Broccoli though!
> Girls-Would you ever ask a guy for his shirt?: why wouldn't I be wearing a shirt of my own?
> > If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be?: A graphic Designer, that is what I am going to school for
> > If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be?: I'll prolly do a bright pink at some point but I am going to wait for awhile.. I think that my hair is slightly damaged from all the dying so I'm giving it a break!
> > If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be?: I don't know what I am getting but I am getting it on my 18th birthday, and I want it on my back, just below my neck
> > Favorite brand of gum: Trident!
> > What is your favorite quote?: Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes! That's from Jamie's info.. it's cool... then there is..Practice makes perfect but there is no such thing as perfect so why Practice? that one i got from AAron along time ago
> > Have you ever been in love?: Yes.
> > What's on your walls in your room?: Wow.. there are so many things it is crazy. My room is a constant Party.. there are things hanging everywhere!! from a man sized skeleton to Mcdonalds straws!
> > Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: I don't know.. I'm not drinking anything...I know you were asking a "deep" question but MEH!
> > Favorite song/group: right now I have a bunch.. and I mentioned them all when you asked what my fav CD's were... oh wait.. one of my fav's is also Green Day, that wasn't mentioned above
> > Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos?: They are both Awesome
> > Favorite flavor Snapple? never drank one.. hm.
> > Which one, Coke or Pepsi?: PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> > Which one, Adidas or Nike?: They both stink. Brandnames are the Devil. I have Adidas shoes, but my feelings about brandnames have changed since the inital buying. I don't wear them much anymore.
> > Which kind of milk is your favorite?: 2% white
> > If you were to kill someone, which method would you choose?: wow how morbid.. That's the kind of Question that Dianne could answer lol
> > Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Righty
> > Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?:hell now!! but it is cool cause I don't have to look at the key board anymore.. I developed my own style!! lol:)
> > If you could be one gardening tool, which one would it be?: A hoe. Lol...nah, I dunno
> > What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option?: If I were a shoe then I would have to trade personalities with my Red high top Canvas converse chucks.. they are great... I often have conversations with them.
> > What is your favorite thing to wear?: ha.. P.j's!!
> > What's under your bed?: what isn't under my bed!!!! actually.. I really don't want to think about all the stuff that is under there...
> > What's the best number in the world? 3
> > What is your dream car?: I don't normally dream about cars... sorry.
> > What is your favourite magazine?: HA! I used to LOVE YM.. how sad was I?
> > What is your favourite movie?: ha I will give you the list...The cell, the MOmmy MOvies, A beautiful mind, Rat Race, Plesantville, dunno!! I have SOOOO many more!
> > What's your favourite store?: I like any music store, and Randy River
> > Favorite Word/Phrase?: Depends who I am with, I always say lates alligator to like everyone though
> > Have you ever...
> > Drank alcohol? yes. Yes I have.
> Broken the law? OH good God yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
> broken a bone? surprisingly no!
> ran away from home? nope! but i used to say I was going to when I was really small and i would always fill up my laundry hamper with all my clothes then drag it out into the living room where my parents would question me as to exactly what I was doing lol
> cheated on a test? nothing like Math Formulas on my desk!lol, only in grade 11.. and only when I was REALLY confused. In Grade 6 I once looked at someones test for ONE question and I felt ssssssssooooo terrible about it that I went home and told my mom and asked her if I should tell my teacher... yeah. I'm sad.
> played strip poker? lol nope
> skinny dipped? nope! and I have a pool too!
> had a medical emergency? yeah. when I feel off a porch onto a board of nails.. that really sucked.
> > Do you believe in...
> > love at first sight: hell no.
> God? yes indeed!!
> aliens? still undecided
> Horoscopes? Nope nope nope!
> ghosts? undecided.. my great Grampa claimed he saw a ghost once
> heaven? for sure:)
> Hell? yup! scary thought
> > About the opposite sex:
> If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be?: I don't really know anymore... haven't thought about it.
> What do you notice first: eyes
> Must-have personality trait: honesty
> Hair~curly or straight? doesn't matter
> Hair~long or short? I kinda like short
> Height~ tall or short? Tall always!
> Thing you love most about 'em? I dunno?? they are all different!
> Thing you hate most about 'em? like I said, they are all different, some are great, others are assholes
> > When was the last time you....
> > Took a shower? This morning
> Watched Bambi? have never watched the entire thing
> Cried? This Sunday night, donesn't matter why though,
> Got a Real Letter?: like a real letter someone sent to me in the mail? haha i have no idea!! like years ago
> > What is.....
> > Your most prized & important possession: i dunno i dont really i guess.. everything is important
> Your good luck charm? i don't have one lol maybe i need one and then i would have better luck!
> The worst song you've ever heard? hm... I really don't like that Tuuli song but I have heard worse.. just can't think of one.
> The most embarrassing CD in your collection? there's a lot. The first Backstreet boys is prolly the worst though,
> Your bedroom like?: VERY MESSY!
> Your biggest accomplishment? being one of the 60 out of 2000 to get into Graphic Design at Seneca
> Your proudest moment? getting to letter from Seneca!
> Your biggest fear? being alone or being a failure
> Your family like? great, I love them:)
> Your most humiliating moment? I've had lots.. rather not mention them though, I'm still alittle sensitive!! lol
> Your favorite thing for breakfast?: banana chocolate chip muffins with melted cheese!!!! I know.. it sounds nasty but it is amazing!
> Your favorite thing for lunch: subs are yummy!! and I love soup!
> The best thing that happened to you today?: I got to drive.. by myself.. cause I got my G2 yesterday!!
> > What Do You Think About...
> > Abortion? is not cool
> Pre-marital sex?: ha.. I dunno anymore lol
> Religion? I'm religious.. it's all good
> Alternative music? alternative is good
> Rap? rap sucks shit
> Country? HA I know soooooo many country songs!! my parents love country:)
> Classical? is not cool
> Oldies? are amazing!! I love the older stuff!!! ha, my fav singer is Cindy Lauper!
> > Who...
> > Makes you laugh the most? Dianne... she is so funny, cause she is so unexpected
> Have a crush on (unfamous)? meh.
> Have a crush on (famous)?: HUGH GRANT!
> Do you hate? hate is such a strong word, I don't like that word
> Knows the most about you?ha Dianne for sure!!!! she knows me so well it is scary lol
> > Random Stuff...
> > Do you ever save chat conversations? icq saves it for you, does that count?
> Do you save e mails? not as often as I used to, my account was overflowing lol
> How many people are on your buddy list? enough
> When do you usually go online? all the time... lol but almost always at night time
> Best lyrics from a song? it's possible to go through life hating it/ cause you get so down you know you wanna quit/and maybe it's just me but I've heard this before/you get knocked down for little or no reward/and everything I've ever dreamed of seems just out of reach/and I don't know what I want, and I can't say that I understand this/but it's alright, and it's ok/ I judt don't want to be alone/ now it's time for me to redefine these lines/ cause it seems as though Im getting left behind/ and you could take me to that place that I once left/ why do I live my life with this regret? ~accident Prone-anything's possible.
> Do you do drugs?: have I or do I? ...
> Do you have lots of friends? enough
> Have you ever witnessed a crime? lol plenty!
> Are you a good student? I'm alright
> Are you involved in sports? nope
> Have you ever gotten a ticket for speeding?: ha not yet, I don't plan to either!
> Do you have a deep dark secret no one knows but you? no that NO ONE knows.. I have a few things that ALOT of people don't know, but who doesn't?
> Do you have a car? I share it with my sister
> Have you ever done something you regret now?: that is my biggest problem, I dwell on everything, my life is so full of regrets:(
> Have you ever moved? not yet, I'm moving up to Toronto on the 31st of August.
> Have you ever totally lost respect for someone?: not totally...
> Are you involved in music? only listening to it lol
> When and who was your 1st crush?: ha... Mike in kindergarten... wow.. he was my boyfriend!! lol
> > Your idea of a perfect date: i dunno just being with someone you care about is good enough for me!
> Biggest turn-on: ha no comment!
> Most romantic thing that happened to you: i dunno!! lol
> > If you could go back in time, where would you go: back to my childhood so I could kick some ass!
> TV show you wish they would re-air again: Once and Again!
> Marriage: I dunno...
> Kids: see above
> Honeymoon: depends on if I get married!! lol, I want to go to Japan though!!! lol
> Where will you live?: Toronto!!! lol
> > Radio Station : 102.1
> Hangout: Tim Hortons!!! lol
> If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red!
> First CD you bought?: ha.. I think the first backstreet boys!! not sure though
> What does your screen name mean, and what’s the pronunciation?: umm it is linds.. and it is pronounced.. L-I-N-D-S.. really not that hard.. it means... I dunno!! it is a short form of my actual name if you hadn't noticed!
It's a good site.

June 3rd 1:43pm My ears hurt.
This is going to be short I think, not much to say. Today a new G2 driver was born. I'm happy, I drove my mom around a bit today, it was fun, hot though cause we have no air conditioning yet fun none the less. WOW my ears hurt so much.. I haven't stretched them in awhile and last night my earring holes became a zero. I could fit a good sized pencil through there!!! attractive eh? lol, meh, I have to work tonight but it should be alright. Only 3 and a half hours so I'm all good with that. Oh!to Dianne and the geek from my guest book, I deleted both messages, the one was pretty nasty!! lol, I figure I'll leave them up for a few days if you actually want to continue your stupidity, then I will delete them. Sounds good to me.

July 2nd 10:45am Oh my goodness.
I feel like shit! seriously.. this sucks, I was at Edgefest yesterday and I am feeling some massive after effects. My tummy feels so terrible, I don't know why either. I am also super tired. It was sooooo hot there it wasn't even funny. You couldn't take ANY water into the park and people were passing out in the line up. I thought that it was really f**cking funny that they ran out of water etc at like 7, people were dropping like flies and the lack of medical care was emense. There was a rain room which was really awesome but it cost ya and it stunk... lol, the actual concert was alright. I had absolutely no intentions on going whatsoever until Tara called me at 8:30 in the moring and asked me to go and told me to be ready by 11. I had nothing better to do. Nickelback sucks... I went in with an open mind but I still say that they suck. There were ssooooo many bands there it was crazy, I watched Robin Fucking Black's show and it was simply amazing.. I love them. So after the show I got him and all of the other Band members to sign the Cd that I bought and my Batman wallet. They are sooooo nice! you can just stand there and talk to them for as long as you want. These guys are actually about the music, they are called Robin Black and the Intergalactic Rock stars, check them out. HA.. Robin Black kissed me.. I'm excited!! so yeah, after we hung around with them we went over to see Cake. However, they were already finished by the time that we got there. They played 2 songs then walked off the stage when they were supposed to play for an hour. Apparently they were making a few not to nice comments about Canada and they said some Nazi remark... not cool. The Audience didn't like it too much so a few people started filling up water bottles with Rocks and sand then threw them at the stage... The drummer and Bassist were hit. Cake asked them to stop which just provoked them more and Cake got pissed off and left. No big loss. I really don't understand why the hell you would come to Canada and play on Canada day when you hate Canada!!! meh. I went to the doctors this morning and apparently I am dehydrated among other things, fantastic I thought, meh.. I'm drinking Orange juice so I'm all good. All and all the concert wasn't too shabby, I had some fun, bought some really great shit and everything is peachy. Yeah, I am kinda getting tired of the person on my site who is chosing to stay a mystery person. I don't care all that much if the people know what you wrote, I just didn't agree so I deleted it. I am already overly opinionated so there is no way in hell that I would take your opinion to heart, Dianne apparently thinks that she knows who you are so deal with her, she left a message for you. I don't know why you are attempting to start something with me but it is pretty not cool seeing as I didn't do anything to you. Meh, hm... maybe I will go back to bed!! lol, I really don't feel well:( but I have all my residence forms to fill out so that kinda sucks...HEY! Darien lake in 8 days!! yahoo!! lol... alright, I'sa ousta

June 26th 4:18pm Do you have a problem
pruely directed to the ass from my guest book,
where the hell do you get off screaming at me when you don't even know me?? and I don't give a fuck if you think that you know me cause I can tell you right now you don't. Not once did I blame anything on anyone else, I take the blame for everything!!! I know that!!! I'm not bitching about other people! I am bitching about the non acceptance and bitterness that I have towards people!!! I don't know why!! that is why I am bitching!! I know 'I am the problem' I never said that I wasn't! and yeah I do have alot to learn, none of which is your fucking business! I had a really hard year, dealing with certain things, and I am sure that you won't think that my "problems" are the least bit important but they are to me and people deal in different ways!!!! (obviously!) you don't know half the things that have went on cause I don't write about them!!! I don't care if you don't like my site cause no one said that you had to come to it! if you have a problem then deal with it!!! like fuck? why would you write in my book and not even sign your name? the message isn't there anymore cause it wasn't important, cause your opinion is not important.
have a good day and leave my site alone, I'm not trying to impress anyone, especially whoever the hell you are

June 25th 3:17pm It's been awhile...
I love this site, it is kinda like a journal and not many people normally read it either so it's kinda cool. I always come on with nothing at all to say but I manage to type for a good half hour. Meh, I'sa just type whatever pops into my head:)Right now I am watching Jerry Springer... wow I am really classy!! lol, I don't care though, these people are soooo pathetic that I find it quite funny. I have a craving for veggies!!! I don't know why, I just had some cucumber though so I'm all good. I'm going to a movie tonight, The Devine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood... Chick flick I think, meh. I'm going with Sarah, her sister, her mom, her mom's friend, and Aaron's mom... should be fun. I best be getting some pop corn damnit!! lol....yesterday I saw Sum of all Fears with Eric for his birthday, I didn't really like it though, those aren't my kind of movies... Mass destruction isn't really my thing lol. IT was cool though cause he liked his Captain crunch lol. WOW some people are really messed up...these people are sitting in a bathtub filled with Worms and dirt... they are rubbing it all over themselves... quite nasty. Yahoo!!!!!!! Keith is online!!!!! he is the sweetest person ever lol. I haven't talked to him in soooo long...:( wow.. I'm kinda tired... lots of late nights, I am such a night person.. it's fun though, I really don't like doing things during the day, it's boring. Dianne and I go out like every night now... mmaaawwwwhhhaaahhhhaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!lol.. you don't want to know....clouds are are clowns but that is a different story. HEY! I'm going to Darien Lake in the 10th of July!! I am sooooo excited! I get to meet batman! well, hopefully, I am going to see the Batman show that they put on there and get a picture/autograph with BATMAN!!! I want to marry Adam West.. he is 73 though, that is kinda old... like my grandparents old. I dunno, it's debatable. I got new glasses!! they are kinda fun, slightly retro like apparently and my hair is kinda shaggy like so it gives me like an old school look(so I've been told) lol. Wow.. I am bored lol.... I think that I am going to go now...

June 21st 2:45pm Happy HAPPY Happy!
BAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a place to live now!!! YAHOO I got accepted into the residence at Seneca!!!!! I am super happy lol:) it was a lottery that decided who got in.... and I WON! score!!lol, alright, I'm done now lol:) I have to move in the last week of August though, I didn't think that I would have to till early sept... that is kinda odd. Meh, Hey everyone!! Tomorrow is Eric (chernecki's) birthday!!! everyone wish him a good one!! lol, I am buying him captain crunch! you can never get enough of that stuff! ym ym! I am now offering an "I'm sorry" to everyone cause I have been in a really not cool mood, but yeah, tis all good, things are worked out:) I hope that the summer goes well and get to hang out with all my buds!!!Hey!!! Darien lake in 2 weeks!! lol,
alright I'sa out.

June 19th 2:24pm At least call me... not asking too much
You know what? this not being happy thing is really taking it's toll. Not only on me but the people that I have taken it out upon. So ya, I'm sorry. I think though, that I am now entering a new stage in my life. In 77 days I won't even be living here anymore, I will be just about finishing my first day of college and on my way back to where ever the hell I am going to be living!!! now that is scary, but.... in a way kind of exciting. I am sick of moping around cause it just isn't fun! sure, I still have a few things to get figured out but I am not going to bother dwelling cause as I have noticed it proves nothing. There are a few people that I am pretty angry with right now, but what the hell is the point in letting that control all my conversations and reactions to other people. I am just pushing away things that could actually be good.
NO more ONeill, to sum up, this year really sucked. A few good things did happen though and I got close with some really fantastic people (they know who they are). Without the good people though, I really don't know if I actually could have finished the year, I hated it there so much. It wasn't just the school either, I guess in a way it was me. I have discoved that I am the most sarcastic and bitter person around! it is strange but I can always find something that bothers me. Then I get pissed off if it doesn't have that effect on other people. Fot instance...I refuse to hang out with or even talk to the people who only care about hair and makeup. They are fake and pathetic. Another thing... I can't stand brandnames... I know it is really hard to get away from them but still. I refuse to shop at Old Navy, or American Eagle or any other store that insists on blasting the name of the company across the chest. It is called being your own person!!! not a freaking billboard. Another thing... Girls in general annoy me... all they do is dress to impress the opposite sex, act like whores to get attention, play with males heads, blow everything out of proportion, and just pretty much degrate themselves everyway possible. The funny part is that they bitch when they think that media portrays then in a "bad light" yet... isn't that the way that they are acting?? bah... I am so not a girl. They are evil. Ya, so there is just a few of the things that really get to me. I don't really understand it though, it is pretty much just this year where everything has begin to occur to me. One thing that I can say is that I have changed alot. Some people didn't respect that and just gave up, yet...if they were really my friends in the first place then they would have stuck by me. My parents say that I look like I could eat someone.. cause I always have such a nasty look on my face. I really don't know why, all I want though is for people to understand the importance of life.... start being more accepting, less superfacial, more of a real person, more honest, and more outgoing. Will this actually happen though? until then maybe I will just get even more pissed off with society as a whole, I don't really know...
Linds's life Lessons for everyone
Be your own person
Don't try to impress people, try to impress yourself
Hair and Makeup aren't going to matter in 40 years
Dress to feel comfortable, not to others will like you
Be true to yourself
If people only like you for the outside, then they don't really like you
Don't bottle everything up
Express yourself in the most extreme possible ways
Be good to your family cause they will always be there for you
Don't dwell on stupid things
Don't carry regrets cause there is nothing you can do about them
Forgive people when they screw up, yet don't be too forgiving
don't let people treat you like a doormat
realize that you don't have to be like everyone else
everyone is unique in their own way
learn to accept things that you can't change and work with them
Take chances and risks cause you never know what can come of them
don't let things get in the way of what you really desire
Don't let people make you feel like you are less then you are
be an optimist
Trust that God has a plan for you
Live each day to the fulliest
Never give up on people
Always look for the good in everything
treat others as you would have them treat you
do things cause you want to, not cause everyone else wants you to
discover who your true friends are
accept people for who they are, not for what you want them to be
Always lend a hand cause you never know when you are going to need one back.
just, be a good person
Alright... those are the way things should be, it was really easy for me to type them yet not so easy to actually obide by all of them. I am certainly not nor do all the things that I listed... I fact I am really far from it... however, I'm working on it. It may take years but everything I listed is important. I have lots of working to do. All I know is that I can't continue the way that I am going... it is way to upsetting...
I need a change

June 16th 12:16pm Why can't I be that person?
Why can't I ever learn
School is over, and I am pretty alright with that. If it hadn't have been the last day on Friday then I would have been suspended cause I called One of the English teachers a bitch... oops. I thought however that once I left ONeill then my problems might stay there, I was really off however. Oh well, maybe it is too early to tell. I have to go back there tomorrow to talk to my english teacher who Royally F**ked up my mark.. not looking forward to that. I've been crying again, that's always good. I really have no idea what is going on anymore to be honest with you. There are 80 more days left till I get to leave, and you are rid of my constant upset, bitterness and bitching. 80 days is quite along time though. I am not really all that impressed with myself, I don't care about alot of things anymore thus putting me in a bad position. I have been done things lately that I thought I never would yet I don't give a shit. Maybe all this will pass though, Joanna has a cool phrase about that, I don't know though cause it has been going on for about a year. What really pisses me off is that even though I was made to think that I didn't... I had complete control over all my situations. I didn't have to get to this point... yet I let myself, I am so angry. I don't like feeling like this, I don't like being walked all over, I don't like being taken advantage of, I don't like realizing that there are so many people that you can't trust, I don't like giving up on people, and I don't like people giving up on me. I just want everything to be back to the way it used to be. I used to have the most amazing friends ever, I used to have amazingly great times, I did things cause I wanted to, not cause I wanted to get my mind off of things. Believe it or not I used to be happy.
Suprising eh?
Then there is Keith, he can always make a girl smile:) thank you so much

June 13th 11:56 You don't read this...
I Love you

June 13th 11:35pm I don't Understand.
What the hell is going on?? how come things can be good for one minute yet the next minute everything is screwed up and you don't know what to do. I can't handle all this stuff. I am so confused. Is it possible that everything will just work out and life would be filled with happiness? didn't think so. I'm losing hope in all that bullshit that people like to feed me. Whether it is sincere or not it doesn't matter, it still sucks and I don't buy into it. School is over tomorrow and I can't wait. No more stupid people who are so wrapped up in superfacial things that they dont see the importance of life. No more teachers who pretend that they care, no more gossip or people that pretend that they give a shit. People are so fake. Not many actually care. That was probably the biggest lesson that I have learned all year, not to trust people, doesn't matter how much you think that you know them. You have to fend for yourself, I learned that alittle too late I think. This week I have had teachers walking up to me and telling me how concerned for my well being they are...I have had 3 people ask if I was suicidal and others who give me random hugs cause I apparently look like I need a hug. I have to admit that these people are sweet but I still wonder if they only do it cause they think that it is some sort of obligation.. being my teacher and all... I don't really know. All I know is that there is no more Oneill and this summer is going to kick some major ass. 2 3/4 months till I get to move away from all this shit and I can't wait. Yes, I am completely running away from everything.. you think that I'm a coward? well screw you. You have no idea.

June 8th 1:21pm I'sa thinker.
Heyllo again, It's Sat morning and I'm tired and bored. no one is on ICQ and no one is home. Blah, this sucks. I have to go to work in 2 hours... that sucks even more. I don't normally have to work on Sat so lately they have been kind enough to give me shifts (sarcasm intended). I work today, tomorrow, and Monday.. GGGRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry.. lol, I'm just alittle tired and all my assignments are due pretty soon so I'm getting alittle stressed. I could be working on them now but I am a procrastinator.. I'll regret updating later when I am searching for available time. Sounds good to me. Ya, so school is just about out. That scares the hell out of me. My safe Haven (being Oneill) is offically gone. I hate the school... but... it is what I did for the past 4 years and now it is all over. People were running around yesterday comparing their schedules for next year with other people and it made me kinda sad. I feel alittle left out. I dunno... summer should be alright though, things to do, people to see!:) I'm going to Darien Lake with my family so that should be fun:) and I'm having 2 parties if all goes as planned!! Friday is going to be soooooo strage... just leaving.. I dunno,some people I won't see for a super long time.. others I will!:) It will still be easy to see people though cause I am coming home so often.. tis all good!:) So prom is over and my Pop diaster tour is as well... Let me tell you, I was not impressed with that AT ALL!!!!! gggrrrrr...... I really wanted to see A simple Plan and Saves the day yet the freaking morons in charge decided to have saves the day play before they decided to let the people with the seats into the f**king concert area!! like what the hell?? I didn't pay 60 bucks to wait in a line! and a Simple Plan didn't even play on the main stage!!! I don't know where the hell they were!!! BAH!!!!! this sucks. Green day put on such an amazing show though.. it simply rocked. This is the second time that I saw them and they were even better then the first super amazing time!!!! they played till about10:15 then Blink 182 didn't get on till 10:45 and were supposed to be finished at 11:30. Bringing me to my next annoyance!!!!! we had to leave for the train at about 11:35pm and Blink still hadn't finished!!!! what a piss off!! we didn't even get to see the end of the show..:*( I really wasnt happy. To top it off we had to run for the train cause we ALMOST missed it.. that sucked as well. If I knew where I could complain I would!!!! I was not happy. The bands that I did manage to see put on a great show but still... I shouldn't have had to pay that much for what I actually saw. They decided not to open the girls washroom at the concert area so I had to piss in the guys.. super attractive I might add!!! all the girls were lined up while the guys were pissing to the left of us... ggggggrrrreeeeeaaaat...... wow I'm sarcastic. MEH! I dunno... I just expected better, the first concert at Edge fest two when I saw Blink was better, they did more such as lighting the platform where Travis was drumming on fire... that was cool, and you can't forget the Big flaming fuck in the background!!! I got a picture of that!! lol:) We got back home at about 2 or so, then I slept... I wanted to come on the computer but I couldn't company was sleeping in the rec room.. meh. I didn't get to sleep in either... Damn school assignments... I have to buy sushi for english class!!! they better freaking eat it too cause it is damn right expensive!!!! lol.... wow I'm having a freak out day.. it isn't fun. This is going to be an interesting weekend. My head is spinning:*(
I'm off now though,

June 2nd 10:37pm $500 Dollars later and Prom is offically over.
Hey, Alright prom has now passed, I shall now list ALL the events!!!! brace yourself, this might take awhile.
So.. Linds looked like a girl, it was great! lol:) I got home from school and went and grabbed a few last minute things from 5 points...then I'sa went back to Zellers later and had a friend who was working put on my makeup, it was fun!! she did a nice job!!! From there I went to get my hair done! I had NO idea what I wanted but she worked massive wonders and did this totally awesome updo that make me look rockin!!! lol:) I then picked up Andrew's Bootinere (sp??) and I was totally ready!! lol:) getting dressed up was soooooo much fun!!!!!! everyone looked fantastic. The Limo really pissed me off though, it came a half an hour early and made us a half an hour early for prom... we were pretty annoyed that we had to wait outside for 30 minutes till they would actually let us in. The limo place did make up for it though cause when prom was over and we were leaving what did we have waiting for us???? A STRETCH LIMO!!! it was soooooo great!!! it had a bar with neon lights, 2 t.v's, a phone, a radio, 2 sun roofs, a VCR... WOW it was great!! and he took us on a ride all around the lake so it made up for the ride there:) The offical prom was great. It was so well decorated Steph did a great job:) Dinner was fantastic and Andrew's awesome language talents got us in good with the kitchen peeps!! lol:) The awards were next and of couse being me I had to be semi bitter lol;) I just don't see why the awards are so important. They don't really mean anything other then popularity, and if you need an award to show you who your friends are they that is pretty sad. I am not just saying this cause I didn't win anything, I am just like this!! lol:) in a year from now it isn't going to matter who the prom King/queen was... meh:) personal opinion lol;) Next came the Slide show that Andrew made:) he did a really great job, there was a pic of me and Dianne in there from last summer, brought back the memories!! lol;). After the slideshow was the dance... MORE FUN!!! I love dances, lol, I can't dance but it's all good. All and ALL the inital prom was really well put together. I had the Greatest date ever:)Andrew bought me the most GORGEOUS corsage, Red roses, and some kinda white flower, (lol) I dunno but it was sssooooo sweet, he is so great:) (not cause of the corsage!! lol:)just him in general) The best part though was aftergrad!!!! I have never seen so many drunk people in one place in my entire life!!!!! it was freaking unreal! Picture acres of land, loud music, a bonfire, and lots of tents and booze!! that was aftergrad!! lol;) so many things were going on that it was hard to keep track of...I dunno.... it was good, people are fun. Andrew and I (aside from the passed out few) were the last to leave.. it was quite the accomplishment!!! lol;)there were like over 300 people there!! I couldn't get over it... massive party. Today wasn't all that great though, I'm not really feeling too hot,I am so tired and my tummy is kinda messed up.. not cool... school tomorrow.. not cool.....
We'll see I suppose, time for bed, Bye for now

May 25th 2:08pm Hey Guy! (voice of Cal)
And if you don't know who Cal is then you suck!!! lol, nah, just watch channel 45 at 11 on Friday, Sat, Sunday, and Monday night and you will understand:) so how is everyone? I'm alright I suppose. I have to leave for work in a bit so that doesn't really please me all that much but what can you do? I called in Sick for my Wednesday shift so showing up today would be the least that I can do:) I think that I'm going out with Dianne tonight so that's cool:) she a sweetie, I really want to rent Seven but I don't know cause we have a lack of driving ability. Well at least I do. Her dad has the work truck tonight. Thus bringing me to my next topic, I could have been driving tonight and last night as well when Andrew and I went out but NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I failed my G2 on Tuesday.... it really sucked. Normally if I were to blame for something then I would accept that but honestly I really don't think that me failing was ALL my fault. It was Stupid Oshawa Drivers!!! seriously that bullshit company should be shut down! all they care about is money and screwing people over. They gave me some instructor that I had never had before to take me out right before my test and he TOTALLY messed me up! I was crying before I even took the damn thing... GR. So ya, to conclude, no driving for Linds, not until June. BLAH.
Hey everyone!!!! Prom is in 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOO!!!! I'm getting kinda excited lol, a whole pile of my friends are going so we are all going to hang out and have some fun:) you know what I realized though? this is so sad.. I have spent about $450.00 on Prom. That is so much money! especially for one night!Prom only happens once though so it's all good:) Limo is arriving at 5:15! bah! lol:) I am really excited about After Grad, sleeping in some unknown place kinda sounds fun!lol, meh, there is still 6 days so maybe I should calm down alittle, you think? lol. I am in kinda a good mood I suppose. I don't really know why though, nothing really has happened today. I am feeling the after affects of Chinese food. It doesn't feel so hot.
Alright, Andrew and I saw the Spiderman movie last night and to be honest I was pretty disappointed! I didn't really like it at all and I don't know what people are talking about when they say that it is sssoooooooooooooooo freaking awesome!!! maybe we are talking about a different movie.. I dunno! The plot apparently went along with the comic book so that is cool but it just didn't really interest me all that meh, I know I suck. lol:)
Hey! I actually tried DDR!! and to be honest, it is really fun! I'm not good at it at all but it was fun none the less. I should have tried it a long time ago instead of just watching but meh, I kinda liked it:) it was funny though cause Bean was going like SUPER fast on a 9 footer and I had like couple sec breaks between each step lol:) meh!
Yesterday was the concert for ED Baxter, and I was alittle pissed off with the turnout. SO many people were upset and crying in the halls yet not even half of them showed up to help the cause! like what the hell? seems kinda fake to me. So many people feel that it is their obligation to get upset, and it really isn't! like sure you are going to feel awful but don't be fake about it! if you really cared all that much then why did you not show up for the tribute? I would understand if you had a previous obligation but if not and you were just screwing around then you should have been there. I dunno, it just bothered me alittle. IT was a really important cause. I was really impressed with the bravery that Travis Dutka Displayed. To bring a bible and read it to a public school knowing that it wasn't acutally allowed took guts! I know some people were not impressed but I thought that it was great. It had a lot of meaning and it was very true:) I almost cried, it was awesome! especially seeing as it was followed my a slow song by Approaching Grace (awesome band). I dunno... it was a good show, and all the people that helped to put it on are really caring and rockin peeps! lol:) Anyways, I best be off, still have a few things to do before work and Dianne wants me to pick up the movie Seven,
my next update will prolly be after prom, it'll be a long one!! lol:)
lates for now! have an awesome week

May 17th 7:44pm. Something's got to Change...
Hey everyone, or Dianne, seeing as I am pretty sure that she is the only person that actually comes to this site. This has prolly be my shortest break between updates ever. Strange, cause I still really have nothing to talk about. I am not in the perkest of all moods however I am not bad. I am in one of those moods where I feel I need to question everything. A few things have happened recently that have made me think alittle... A boy in Grade 9 at our school died two weeks ago today. There has been no cause identified, he was a great person, very religious and always willing to lend a hand. So, my question would be why him? sometimes I don't understand God's plan for people. I know to trust it and always believe that there is a reason but with him it is just so sad. He had his entire life to live, have a family, become sucessful, you know, everyone's dream. I dunno, it was pointed out to me by a friend that there is a verse in Genesis talking about a Man that God loved so much and was so impressed by that he took him to Heaven to be with him. It really makes me wonder if this is the same situation. He is indeed in a better place, however the greiving is still unavoidable.
It is really difficult for me to switch topics now though because when I think about the things that I haven't liked that have happened to me recently I feel very selfish. It just shows that some problems are really nothing. The situation should teach people to live life to the fullest cause you never know what is going to happen.
Everyone Please attend the concert on the 24th at Oneill in the Aud at lunch! it is dedicated to Ed Baxter and the money is going towards his fav camp that he used to go to. Please Guys, lend a hand as he once did. Learn from his as well. Be a good person and put your life into perspective as I sorta have... make something good of everyting. I'm learning, so can you.

May 12th 12:19am Mommy's Day...:)
Happy Mom's day!!! yahoo!!! lol... meh, right now I am totally wired on coffee and pop and I don't see myself sleeping for awhile. Just got back from Timmy's, it was fun:) Hey I just took this quiz on Dianne's site that was kinda cool, it was actually the only real reason for this update...apparently this is me...
Visionary, revolutionary, vigilante - these descriptions all fit you well. You are thoroughly disgusted with society and humanity as a whole, and you have several rather diabolical plans to reshape it to fit your designs. You're probably a loner, and most people think you're crazy. That's just because they don't understand, though, and you'll show them someday anyway. Heh heh heh. You are known to become very passionate about many causes, have torrid love affairs, and be seen as a either a demagogue or a hero to the proletariat masses.
kinda cool I suppose... some of it kinda suits me..some not so much, alittle freaky!!:) lol. but yah, I have more to write I just don't feel like it...
I'm going now....
lates everyone

May 5th 12:05am Not Good.
hey everyone, it has been awhile. I guess that I have been busy. hm.. well not really actually I just didn't have anything thrilling to write and to be honest I still don't. I suppose I should start from where I left off... so I am going to prom and I am very excited...!!! I got my dress and all the fun things that go with it..(Wrap etc) and wow it is the greatest!!!! mostly black with some white. Very classy. Anyways... and our limo is booked, Dianne, Tyler, Joanna, Jay, Andrew and I are going to be riding to prom in style!:) whoo hoo!!!!! yeah.. as you can tell I am overly excited. We are also going to after grad so that should be a hoot! I think that I am sleeping in a tent in some unknown area, kinda cool I suppose, all this ofcourse is just one step closer to graduating!!! wow I sooooooo need to get out of Oneill, more now then ever... it is starting to get warm outside and we all know what that means!!!!! SKANK fest!!! yahoo! holy shit people are whores... meh, to each their own I suppose I mean who ever heard of self respect? so anyways NO more Oneill thus bringing me to my next bit of information. I am now a registered student at Seneca College.... I am sooooo scared! it is really expensive, but it just seems so worth it. I had to turn down Durham and many people aren't happy about that but sadly this time I can't exactly please everyone so if you are reading this then I am sorry. Next year I move to the Big city! I am hoping to get into Residence but God only knows how that is going to happen, and besides the residence is a half hour bus ride from my campus anyways so that kinda sucks alittle. I dunno, all I know though is that I am going to have to have alot of people visiting me so that it still feels like home:) I guess we will have to see what goes on. I just want the hell out of Oneill and to be quite honest at the moment I am ready to leave Oshawa. Today is Ray's birthday, oh what I would give to be 19!!! lol.. no particular reason of course, I just like the number.. *shifty eyes* lol, I went to his Party with Dianne and Andrew, it was pretty good. It had it's moments for sure!!!!!! it left me thinking though sigh...I think that I have alot of things that I really need to figure out. I don't really know how to though and I can't exactly talk about it on here as it is pretty personal. I am hoping that someday everything will just fall into place.. how unrealistic is that? so pretty much the evening left me alittle confused, annoyed cause I lost a few things and really tired... Great party!!!!!!!! lol:) nah, actually is was pretty good:) hey Jane is online! yahoo! lol:) I just got the 2002 A ICQ, I haven't quite decided if I like it or not though.... but ya. I think that I am going to get going, I have to get to bed, Sunday school tomorrow!!! night everyone

April 1st 1:02am April fools day!
Updates: Hm.. I was really bitchy in my last written journal so I figure I should pull out the goods things cause it isn't bad anymore!! lol:)first of all.. I got my first college letter back and I was accepted to Seneca which was awesome seeing as they only accept 60 out of like 2000 people. 2nd I am no longer annoyed about staying in on a Friday night cause i got some quality updating done. 3rd My one teacher isn't as annoying cause I told him to shut up the other day.. didn't go over well but it felt good! lol and 4th I am excited about prom cause I am in the process of looking for that perfect dress and I am no longer dateless.. infact I am going with the person what i wanted to! lol;) *cough Andrew*cough.. 5th it is a long weekend and that just rocks!! lol:) and 6th I get to sleep in tomorrow... so pretty much everything is a hell of alot better then before! lol:) just thought I should fill you in cause I seems pretty angry!! lol:)sorry for the complaining!! lol:) oh and 7th! my concert is 2 months away as of Next Sunday!! yaho!! lol:) good night!!!!

March 31st 11:12 I like these things
name: Lindsey Winfield
d.o.b.: Sept. 28, 1984
location of birth: Oshawa general hospital
currently: oshawa still
religion: Baptist
occupation: Student, Shoe Whore at Zellers!
hair: Blonde (dyed) with really sucky roots.. not too bad though:)
eyes: hazel
height: 5'61/2
figure: hm...low self esteem... I am sure you can decide,
clothing: Normally baddy pants, and fun shirts with very funky necklaces and one of my like 24 pairs of shoes...
music: punk/pop punk/rock/hard rock/alternative
make up: sometimes.. not as often as I used to.. hm.. if I do wear it then it is normally brown eye shadow:)
bodyart: none yet.. Late Sept!!! I'm excited!
wearing: old jeans, a old t-shirt that I don't wear to school, black socks, white undies (tee hee!) blue bra, no necklaces... bout to put on P.js
listening to: Undergrads:) the computer doesn't face the t.v
thinking of: what to write here...
bought: Eater card, Egg and hersey bars for my parents
did: watched No boundaries with my Parents
ate & drank: drank- this strange red juice, ate- a sour patch bunny
read: Eric's Icq Message, last book though was the Stone Angel GREAT BOOK!!!!!!
watched on tv: Watching Undergrads as we speak!!! it is soo funny!! lol:)
club or houseparty: houseparty for sure!!!!! I love having parties!!!!!!!!!!!!
tea or coffee: fun Coffee!!!! French Vanilla!! yum...
high achiever or slacker: High Achiever I don't like slacking.. marks drop:(
beer or cider: I would have to say beer, I don't like Cider lol:)
drinks or shot: drinks, i've never done shots
cats or dogs: Dogs.. cats are snotty!! I want a huge dog when I grow up!! it's gonna be a german shepard named Rex!!
pen or pencil: pen, Even in math!!!! I am such a rebal!
gloves or mittens: both depending on mood:)
cassette or cd: Cds.. ha, I have sooo many tapes!
coke or pepsi: pepsi at the moment, coke gave me a tummy ache!!!
diet coke or diet pepsi: Diet Pepsi!:)
hard or mild alcohol: In between works for me:) if there is alot then you will surely get drunk.. if there is little then you won't.. if you have medium then you have a choice!!! yahoo for freedom of choice!
matches or a lighter: for some reason I LOVE lighters.. I have like 10.. lol;) and no I don't smoke
sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: neiter, Soap Operas are so stupid.
Ricki Lake or Oprah?: ONCE again!! Neither!!! YUCK YUCK
kill: um... do you want the list?? j/k:)
shag: hm... moving on!!! lol:)do I look like Austin Powers?
hear from: The rest of my Colleges!! Hey guys!! I got into Seneca!!!!!!! yahoo!!!!!
get really wasted with: whoever wants to share!!! lol:) j/k
tickle: haha it is sooo fun to tickle dianne!!!! however.. she becomes quite violent.. I normally get hurt....
look like: hm.. everyone says my mom and sister, I don't see it though, there really isn't anyone that I WANT to look like..persay...
food: pasta, chicken,subs!
drink: Iced tea!! I could never get sick of that!
color: red
album:Linkin park right now:)
shoes:I have too many to pick from!! lol:) I like them all for different reasons!!! I can't pick just one.. I will hurt their feelings...
site: ha I don't really have one;)
song: I like ALOT of songs!! lol:) I could NEVER have a fav... I am so indecisive!! loL:)
vegetable: Green peppers!! yahoo! they are great:)
fruit: green seedless grapes!! they rock!
talked to: hm.. in person, Allison, but right now I am talking to Eric over the computer...
hugged: My mommy this morning.. wow that was a while ago!! I need a hug damnit!! lol:)
instant messaged: Eric
kissed: my dad when I said good night
eat: Dining room or down stairs.. depending on whether or not I choose to be anti social....
dance: I try at dances.. key word being try!! lol
cry: my room normally... with my face in a pillow
wish you were: hm... somewhere fun!! I am too awake to go to bed
IceCream: Mint Chocolate chip!! Dianne you have bad taste!!!
Candy: Mike and Ikes!!
Channel: channel 9 is fun!! every day after school
T.V Show: Frasier, Survivor, Undergrads
Animal: not really big on animals...
Country: Canada...Sorry Andrew lol:)
Clothing Store: I love Laura cause they have such pretty dresses!!! and Randy river is fun..
Song to a movie: wow.. I dunno... toughy...
Playground Equipment: Swings:) I have hurt myself on the slide.. pole.. and Monkey bars.. I don't like parks.. lol:)
Thing to Wear: my black shirt with the white collar
Jewelry To Wear: my rainbow necklace, it matches soo much!!!
Sport to watch: don't really watch them but if I had to pick, hockey would be the most interesting...
Sport to play:Soccer is the best sport!!!
Number: 3
Flower: don't like flowers!! lol
if I had to pick though the rose.. typical.. lol:)
HAVE YOU EVER... Dated one of your best friends?: well I went out with someone that I consider one of my best friends now if that counts?? we weren't before we went out though, I think that it is good to go out with best friends if the oppurtunity were to arise cause you guys know everything about each other... ways to push buttons. If your friendship were stong enough they you could still be friends when you break up:) that is why I don't really buy into the "it will Wreak our Friendship" approach meh:) moving on lol;)
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: sigh.. yup yup...both happy and sad:/
Drank alcohol?: cough.. yes cough..
Done drugs?: nope!
Broken the law?: oh Probably many times!!!!! just this year alone!! lol:)
Ran away from home?: no, I have too much repect for my parents
Broken a bone?: never
Cheated on a test?: nothing like math formulas in your pencil case! lol or on the desk.. sigh.. wow now I feel bad.. lol:) it is grade 11!!!!! not this year! lol
Hurt Yourself?: so many times!!
Skinny dipped?: nope! can't say as I have lol:)
Played Truth Or Dare?: ha indeed I have.. but try to find I person that hasn't!! lol
Flashed someone?: ya... good old sleepovers!! lol:) we have bras on though if that counts..
Mooned Someone?: ha no... have been mooded though.. not pretty.
Kissed someone you didn't know?: hm.. I was kissed my someone that I BARELY knew!!! and holy shit I can tell you that I ended that fast! lol:)
Been on a talk show/Game show?: nope.. and Dianne you can't go on Survivor, it is only for americans
Been in a fight?: yup!! I had my first fist fight a month ago or so which is strange cause I am not really that violent.. lol, I think that my sister may have won though, I came out wounded! lol:)
Ridden in a fire truck? no? why would I have?
Been on a plane?: Nope.. wow I suck! lol
Come close to dying?: don't really know!! lol.. I have almost been hit by cars a few times.. but I don't know if it would have killed me or not!
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride?: all the time!
Eaten a worm/mud pie?: hell no.
Swam in the ocean?: Nope.. I will only swim in pools.. water scares me!!
Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up?: hasn't everyone???
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: The first backstreet boys!!!
Your bedroom like?: pretty frigging messy!!
Your favorite thing for breakfast?:don't eat breakfast but if I did then I would say a cinnomon Bum!
Your favorite thing for lunch?: Soup or pogo's!! yum yum!
Your favorite thing for dinner?: whatever is made? I dunno
What is your house like?: kinda like a house.
Your favorite Restaurant?: Caseys!!! yum yum!! they have the BEST ceaser Salad!!
A Vegetarian?: tried it.. didn't happen lol;)
A Good Student?: I would like to think so.. I snap at teachers though..
Good At Sports?: ha. no,
A Good Singer?: I don't really know... I have had a solo before!! yahoo!! loL:) but that doesn't really say all that much seeing as I was in like grade 4! lol
A good Actor/Actress?: hell no.
A deep sleeper?: very! I love it!! lol;) cause my brother ALWAYS jumps off my parents bed which is right above me and it sounds like he is coming through the floor but I still normally manage to sleep through it! ya for me!
A Good Dancer?: hm... no.
Shy?: not as much as I used to be which is good I guess
Outgoing?: I try to be!! depends on the situation!
A good storyteller?: don't really think so.. I don't normally give the stories happy endings cause ALL stories are like that!!! how unrealistic!! I could never be a childrens book writter!! lol:)

Friday March 22nd 9:37 Some people are asses.
yes... I am sitting at home, yes I realize that it is a Friday, No, I don't want to be here, yes I am very bored, and no I am not in a good mood. To be honest I am in kind of a pissy mood. It is a Friday there are so many things that I could be doing right this very second however, I am writting to waste time before I am tired enough to go to bed sound eventful? I thought so. I think that this update is going to be purely about bitching. For some reason lately I find there are so many things to complain about. Nothing really seems to impress me anymore, I don't really know why but I always find myself getting bothered or down. hm... maybe it will pass I dunno. I think that I have just started to realize that everything isn't going to go the way I want it to. hm.. maybe I already knew that but lately it seems that nothing is going right. People are annoying me, I hate school/work etc. I can't wait till I get the hell out of Oneill, I don't like it there much. People there are so immature and have very little repect for anything. Why can't people frigging grow up and face reality. Maybe I am asking too much. I think that This year I have actually started to "find myself" and grow up alittle however with that came confusion and constant annoyance. I don't really know why, maybe i am scared to grow up, or maybe I want to still be one of those annoying immature asses that block the hallways. hm...I can't quite pin point it. My colleges letters come out next week and I am scared out of my mind. I know that I have good marks, and my art is alright but still I have so many doubts about my future.. what if I don't get in anywhere? what if I get in everywhere?? how the hell am I going to choose? all I know is that there is no way in hell that I am going back to Oneill. You would not believe how scared I am right now.. the thing that worrys me most is that what will happen if I don't like Graphic Design??? like this is my entire future I am talking about. Ha I don't want to deal with this right now! I am also scared cause I have so many great friends and I don't want to loose them. Sure everyone can say "lets keep in touch" but really how long is that actually going to last? All my good friends with a few exceptions are at O'neill still, so pretty much everyone is still together and i am an outcast, not a good feeling. Prom is coming up and I still don't have a dress, to he honest I want to go, I was iffy before but if I don't I know that I will regret it. I have never really been into all these school functions cause frankly I have no school spirit, this however seems different to me. For some reason I have totally morphed in to the typical "girl" state of mind (something that I wish would never have happened) it is pretty bad, I want to have the prettiest dress ever and I want to get my hair done and go in a limo etc etc... wow this doesn't sound like Linds talking!! lol:) I dunno, I just I am getting alittle excited.. I suppose I should actually buy a ticket first though before I go over and at the moment I am dateless.. and that really sucks.:( ha I am getting used to it though! lol wow that really isn't anything to laugh about I suppose. HEY!!! I have a few good things that I can throw into the air! Linds got tickets for Pop Disaster!!! yahoo!!! (Blink 182, Green Day, and Saves the Day) that excites me very much. You know what is really scary? I am going to be 18 this year, I am getting old damnit!! AH! and it is really sad cause I am going away to college when I am still 17 leaving quite awhile before I am legally allowed to have the kind of fun that alot of my college peers are going to be having lol:) Hm.. right now I am actually listening to Jimmy eat World, I don't really like them all that much but this song for some reason has me hooked. (The Middle). Wow look someone fun came on ICQ Yahoo Andrew! lol, now I have 2 things to do! for some reason no one really messaged me today.... I dunno...I'm unloved lol:) that's alright, I get that alot j/k. I don't understand teachers!! like shit, if you become one then you should try to motivate the children to succeed and teach then that their future is the most important thing... now you tell me what kinda of example teachers who all they do is bitch are setting?? Like seriously!! today a teacher told me that Good Friday was a Very good day cause he/she didn't have to see any of us... real nice eh? It isnt just that either, I have my religion questioned before and it is just annoying, if you don't want to teach then get a different job and stop wasting my sleeping time! I wish that I could say it was only one person but it isn't by far. One of my other teachers will not shutup about his/her life and to be honest I don't care! I have enough things going on in mine! whatever happened to people that spoke about important relevant things and dealt with their life problems else where? I don't know. I may sound rude/mean but I feel as if my time is being wasted. I am not a nerd, I don't LOVE doing work but I also dont' enjoy being critized and that is how I feel sometimes... if you are to read this site and are offended them my apologies however I am entitled to my opinion and I have not said anything rude directly about a person. Guess what Guys!! I am suppsoed to get in G2 on the 26th!!! now.. do you think that is actually going to happen?? ofcourse not! the damn strike is still on, they always pick the most perfect times to do things. Hm.. maybe I'm not ready for it, the extra practice couldn't hurt I suppose. I think that I MIGHT pass though, at least I hope so cause I know alot of shitty drivers. meh,. I amgetting tired and it is only like 10:10, that is just sad. Meh, I could have been at the bowling alley right now but no. No G2 as I have previously stated. Wow I am having a really good day, oh and I have an even better weekend coming up! I get to do an art seminar!!! yahoo!!! no times for friends but I am starting to think that that really doens't matter to people anymore. I think that I am going to go, I have plently more to complain about but I think that I will have to save that for my next entry my mom needs the computer. If you are actually reading this then I feel pretty sorry for you, you must be very bored! meh, thank you though for letting me bitch! lol lates for now I suppose

Jan 4th 9:40pm Wow I am Linds
Holy Poopers!!! it has been exactly a month since I have updated. Silly me, I have become slightly lazy and have began to depend on other sites for entertainment. Such as, Eric's which is my fav and Dianne's. I don't really like all the dead Journal shit though so Dianne's is losing it's appeal... (sorry!)
Alright to sum up December, the two dances were super great!!!Zellers believe it or not is a fun store to have parties with! I got shot glasses as a door prize!! yahoo I rock. Now, will I be using these... not likely. EEwwww gross I just cracked like all my knuckles at the same time. Not cool. Meh! lol. Ya back to the dances, the semi formal was good. That damn snow was the pain in the ass though! lol, now I have to get my outfit dry cleaned. Meh, prolly won't wear it again for quite awhile anyway so no biggie. The outfit that I have to focus on is the "perfect Prom dress" now that is just scary! lol. Still got a couple of months so I'm not freaking. Well, actually I am but for Grad as a whole not some stupid dress that I am only going to wear once. Alright, what else happened in Dec...CHRISTMAS!!!! that was good, I finally got my cell phone. Pretty exciting! ya Christmas was good:)not just cause I got a cell, I am seriously not greedy just cause.. I dunno, Christmas makes me cheery!! my fav part is my dad walking around the house singing Christmas Carols at the top of his lungs to the Cd player. Everyone is in a great mood!
Then there was the after Christmas... Boxing day, work sigh... BUT!!!! 19.50 an hour!!! not complaining! lol the I stayed up till 2 in the morning that night. You are prolly wondering why I would mention that but seeing as I had Driving school the next day at 8:45, it was kinda a big deal for me. I am not a morning person. Driving school.... eeks. Wasn't as bad as I expected but my inclass teacher was a freak.. seriously. She enjoyed talking about firemen dipped in chocolate, G.M workers being potheads, and sex. Lois, wow what a crazy lady. She actually told our class that she might be teaching us how to kill ourselves. That made me feel really good. Ha ha explain how you could come 15 mintues late for a class yet still have a Timmy's coffee with you! is this what my $577.80 paid for? meh, it is over!! I passed with an 83% so I'm not really complaining.
New Years sucked! lol, naw not really, but I didn't do all that much, talked on the Phone to Andrew for awhile then watched Pearl Habour with my Parents. I really wasn't feeling all that great so it was alright. The movie pissed me off alittle, if you have seen it then answer me this... do you think that Girl is a slut? (sorry for the rude statement but seriously! lol) ya so I went to bed at around 3 and got up at 12, all was good! New Years day was my brother's birthday! he is now 6 years old. It is soo strange though cause it certainly doesn't feel like 6 years. I can remember the day that he was born, I was eating rice for breakfast. (don't ask) and ya, when I saw him I was like... is he supposed to look like that??? lol, aw ya had to be there! but yes.. my family came over for my brother's birthday, I have him a paintset yadayda can't you just feel the excitement in the air? then after dinner I went bowling with Andrew. It is really fun! he taught me how to play ten pin... those balls are heavy! lol:) and ya he won... so then I proceeded to teach him the ropes in 5 pin... and ya... he won. I suck lol:) meh, I won one game!!!!! one point for Lindsey! lol. Then the game!! I can't remember what it is called but it is some funky disco dance game that involves total movement of your feet. I can't do it, pretty amazing process though. Yet Quite the Money eater!! Andrew is a pro though. The day after I worked... and it sucked, I had an awful headache and the girl that was supposed to be in shoes all morning called in sick, so I had sooooo much shit to do!!! After work though my sister bought me a coffee from Timmy's a I felt alot better. I was pretty sweet, Kind things come in small packages in this case cups! Today we got our pictures taken at Walmart. None to realistic though, not a single one of us (sister's) have their natural hair colour. It is acutally kinda funny, and i wasn't allowed to wear one of my big necklaces so in a way it is just a picture of what my parents want me to look like lol:) no biggie though, the picture turned out nice. Meh, tonight I hung out with Sarah!! she is a darling! I finally gave her her christmas present today. She liked it, I got her this funky brush kit, 2 burned cds, a Christmas ornament, and a picture frame complete with a one guess... a picture! lol, ya so anyways. We watched Survivor together, tonights wasn't all that great but meh. The whole series isn't as good as it used to be. Sarah is driving now, I am jealous. I can't get my G2 until March 25th, that SUCKS big time!!!! I had my first incar today and the guy said that I was an excellent driver!! it kinda made me feel good! lol;)I also talked to Aaron for a super long time this evening, he is a funny funny boy, hadn't talked to him in awhile, I really have to work on his Christmas present though!!but ya, this has been super long!!! serves me right though for not updating sooner! meh, the rest of my weekend consists of cleaning my room and doing homework that I have so responsibly placed aside til now... meh! lol
I think that I am going to be going now though because my sister would like to use the computer. The we are playing scattergories yyyeeeehhhawww!!!
Until then, (when is then?) keep fit and have fun!
Dec 4th 10:23pm
I have a headache, and I will cry anyone of you a river if you would so kindly build me a bridge. Now, I have something to say, for all of you people that go to Dianne's site, (deadJournal) the statement that she made at the end of her Dec 3rd entry was soooo totally mine!!! Dianne just feels she needs to take credit for it cause she can't think of anything original herself, no biggie. If you have no idea what I am talking about then here you are... I have a Theory, yes me, LINDSEY has a theory, (not Dianne) that Rain Mada or however the hell you spell the loser's name, looks very similar to his Wife, you know that ugly chick that thinks she can sing. But ya they look so much alike that they could be related. Frankly I would be afraid to get close to someone that resembled me, and not just cause I am totally gross looking but also cause it would just be plain sick! But ya.... I am super bored. Meh, tonight I didn't get anything accomplished, big surprise eh? meh, frankly I don't care anymore, School is going fine so I have nothing to worry about, I hate it, but that is another story. I got my grad pictures taken today. Honestly, it was alittle scary, I looked at myself in the robe and I was just like "wow I still feel like a little girl!" it is kinda weird to think that I am 17. I dunno, I just got off the phone with Aaron, he is the funniest person I know:) but ya, he was yelling at me cause I am 17 and quite possibly moving out next year and still can't do the laundry or work the dishwasher. I guess though if you really think about it, he has quite a point:) damnit, he was right again! hey hey!! I think that me and my sister are going to get another piercing together! I am kinda excited but they always hurt, and I am kinda a baby:*( but meh! pain is beauty! lol, but somehow I don't think that this piercing is going to be beautiful. Seeing as it is going to start from the inside of my ear.. kinda odd? I thought so! GUESS WHAT!! I actually found an outfit for all my parties!! and it is super nice, yahoo! lol;) so ya I am wearing it on Sat, but no one will see me cept for Andrew, so ya you will all see it on the 14th!! and yes, that does mean that I am wearing the same outfit twice... yuck! lol:) so ya i am pretty excited!!! however I am going to go now. The fact that I ended up skipping a class today cause I didn't wanna get up isn't likely going to look too good with my parents if I am up half the evening doing homework, oh and I wanna clean my room cause I wanna go to the one act plays at my school with Ray. I dunno! Linds has work to do!!!!!!
Love you all! ok?

Nov 25th 11:51am wow One month Till Christmas!
That is pretty scary!! I haven't bought any Christmas presents yet!!! damn.. Meh, still time. At the moment I am still trying to find a super nice outfit for the Christmas Dances that are coming up. It is sooo frustrating!! I was in sooo many stores yesterday with Sarah and I didn't find one damn thing and when I was close.... the friggin mall closed. I suck. But ya, I am going to the Bay Christmas Party with Sarah and Aaron on the 1st then I am going to the Zellers party with Andrew on the 8th then I Have the damned Semi Formal that I really don't wanna go to but I promised.. and I don't break promises!!!! so ya Lindsey needs clothes, I want gold though!! if you have any suggestions send them my way!!Guess what guys?? I am filling out my college application forms!!! super scary!!!! I wanna go to Seneca but I have no idea where I will actually end up:*( moving new favorite word is super!! I don't know why so don't ask me but it is!! so deal... as if you would have a problem... but still!! OOOOOOOOHHHHH where is my hairbrush, oh where is my hair brush, oh where oh where oh where not there oh where oh where oh where back there oh wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhheeeeeerrreeee.... is my hairbrush?? silly songs wih Larry all the way!! ok I think that I am almost finished... but ya... to finish it off... I suck! hey wait!! I got nominated for 3 yearbook awards!!! obviously there are alot of people on crack!!!, Fastest talker, best all around student and best looking... very scary! but ya I won't actually win so I don't care.. lol:) meh
lates alligators!

Oct 12th 9:37pm
I find it quite annoying that I come to MY site one day to discover that some ass (Dianne) has completely redone it... the purpose of making this site was because it is MY site... apparently Dianne needs to look up the definition of MY. If you have no idea what I am talking about then you never will.. so ha. She has been pestering to to update this for a very long so I joking told her to do it herself... ya so now I have a new poll, Archieves and a very odd update message that has since been deleted... the only thing that really annoys me is that I liked my poll... damn but everyone either vote for Peanut better or just peanuts...just cause I said. Ya so I haven't updated this page since the 7th of Sept. Lots of things have happened since! There was the really sad States incident which everyone knows about and if you don't then turn on the freaking t.v! and then there was Dianne's birthday, I dressed her locker up like a bean... it was cute:) just like me... (ya right). After that ofcourse came my Birthday, yee frickin ha... as you can see it was very exciting...meh. School sucks as always and everyday I want to go less and spares are the best part...Aaron and Dan sucker me into buying them food, I am such a pon *cries herself a river* ya sure school sucks but I am doing great!! My favorite class right now is art, big surprise eh? my least fav is English which is actually quite the surprise... everything is now drama... you tell me how making up a stupid dance is now english? eh? cause if you have an answer then I would really like to hear it! Nothing really exciting is going on... Last weekend was was alright, I wasn't in the best of moods but I delt. It was cool cause my parents said that the next time I go up to Waterloo I can get a tattoo! I don't know though, I am afraid that I'm not going to like it forever...also most girls get flowers and crap like that, I'm not one for all that junk, I want to design my own, something abstract I'm thinking. (but small!)on the back part of my shoulder. Gordex was helping, he designed like 20 of them for me so I'm looking:) This past week has really sucked, I have felt really sick. Yet being the loser I am I was at school every single day, as if I would actually miss something, meh:*( Oh everyone... Aaron's Band is playing on the 20th of Oct at the Dungeon!! it is going to be cool, it's their first show... Battle of the bands baby! everyone should come, it is 6 bucks if you buy the ticket before hand and 8 at the door!! wow I think that this is getting pretty long.. I would like to finish this off with the fact that this evening I bought a funky sweater, yahoo!!! haha you can probably tell how eventful my evening has been... meh...
OH and Dianne if you touch my site again then I am going to either peel the frikin banana or bruise it badly,
I am one evil peanut...

My Poll isn't working right now, sorry
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