Welcom to the Blink Arcade 2002!

Where you will find the best Blink 182 games around!

(Grand Opening still to be decided, but you can play the games while you wait)

First we havea replica of the classic game of Tic, Tack Toe with A TOYPAJ theme!

TOYAPJ Tic Tack Toe!

Break Out. The game where you have a paddle and a ball and you try to hit the blocks. Two Levels, Speed Down and Speed up. Have fun!

Blink Out

Rabbits, try to get rid of all eth rabbits but one by jumpig over them into a empty square.


Next we have another classic game of Rock, Paper Scissors. But instead with Mark, Tom and Travis! Have Fun!

Mark, Tom and Travis!

here is anotehr version of Rock, Paper scissors, but this one is animated! Works better on IE becasue then it will keep score.

Animated Mark, Tom and Travis!

This game has 4 different versions! One with the group, then three with Mark, Tom and Travis seperatly. All the pics are taken from teh music video, "The Rock Show". What you haev to do is, put back together the picture.

Group Puzzle | Mark Puzzle | Travis Puzzle | Tom Puzzle

Then you come acroos the classic spelling game, Hangman. I'll give you a little help, most of the words are song titles!


Simon Says, Blink 182 Style. Just do what Simo does and you'll do fine!

Simon Says, Blink 182 Style

Thats all for now, but more to come!