Hey all, its me Flash! Well I guess you want to learn more about you wonderful webmaster don't you? Well Here I go!

Well, I love to spend time on my computer. Aks anyone, I'm always on MSN. But I do have a big life off the computer. I play rep. soccer and play basketball fro my shcool team. Whenever I get the chance (unless I'm really tired) I head down to Millenium Place with some friends. We play some basketball and work out, every once in a while we go swimming. Its always lots of fun.

I really proud of B182R for two reasons, one becasue this is my first time ever using HTML and secondly cause I'm only in grade 8. I'm even teaching one of my teachers how to make a website! I think I've done exceptionally well for my age.

Unfortunelty I've never seen Blink 182 live. They rarely come where I live. They did come last August for Edgefest 2. I really wanted to go. There was Bilnk, Jimmy Eat World, Sum 41 and more. It would've been awesome. I couldn't go because my family and I went to England, France and Scotland. I wished I could've gone, but the trip was awesome so I was still happy.

Well thats a short rundown of me, Flash, if you have any other questions, just E-mail me and I'll answer it here. Thanks!!