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B182R Officially Closed On May 4th, 2001
Today, May 4th 2001, is a sad day for all my loyal visitors. I am officially closing Blink 182 Rules. In its 7 month life I have done everything and more of what I wanted to do. I have received over 16000 hits. Which is more then I every dreamt of. I have received multiple awards and compliments throughout the creation of this site. But in the end, the spammer won. Today and yesterday when I went over my limit, Angelfire closed my site for 24 hours. I cant not compete against that and there is no reason to continue updating the site if no one can see it. I will be changing this page around a bit today and tomorrow to commemorate the life of Blink 182 Rules. If I ever hear some major Blink 182 news I might post it. The only way I will re-open this site is if someone sponsors it. I will miss B182R a lot. I have put loads of my personal time working on it. Not trying to compete with anyone, just trying to become the best webmaster I can be. But someone didn't want that. They wanted to shut me down. In the end then succeeded. When I started this site I knew NO HTML at all. I learnt it all by reading it and asking and studying it. I thank everyone who came to my site be it once or everyday. It means something to me. I did the best I could and came out with this. I will miss working on B182R and meeting people with it. Thank you all for visiting and helping me along the way. This is a hard decision for me to make but I must make it. Whoever is spamming me has won. I do not understand why he or she has done it but they have. If I get a sponsor I will re-open Blink 182 Rules. But intill then it will remain close. Thank you all very much. Special thanks to Ryan, Ryan and Matt (You guys know who you are), and especially thanks to Mark, Tom and Travis for supplying me with wonderful music to inspire me to make this website. Now it is time to say good bye.
Thank you all,
Blink 182 Rules
november 10, 2001 - May 4th, 2002

Click here for the old news.