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Alrighty, so you wanna know about the concert huh? Well here it goes...

Pics will take a moment to load... have patience.

I went to the BCR concert in Columbus, Ohio on November 8, 2002 at the Promowest Pavilion. I arrived about 2 hours before the doors were supposed to open, as I always do, just to scope out the scene and watch people. We got in line and just chilled. It was really cold out, so that really sucked. Anyways, I was kinda listening into the group of people's conversation in front of us, and one girl said The Used wasn't going to play! I butted in and said "What?! The Used isn't playing??" Yup, they were right... they didn't come to the show, and rumor was they when back to L.A. or something. So, that was pretty shitty, but I got over it quickly, after all, I was about to see Box Car Racer!

Soon after, the doors opened, and everyone hurried inside. I wanted to get really good pictures at this show, so I brought my camera with a zoom lens on it. We didn't want the camera to get damaged or anything, so we went to the second floor of the venue where they had a really nice setup with chairs and tables and such.  We got a really nice spot where you could see the stage really well and waited.

About an hour after the doors opened, H2O started. They rocked the house, and even had a break dancing contest on-stage with a fan! It was so great, I really like those guys! Since The Used wasn't at the show, H2O played for an hour. Shortly after they finished their set, Box Car came out! I was so excited! I hadn't seen Tom or Travis since the Pop Disaster tour, and I was about to have a withdrawal! The guys played so beautifully and Tom had some pretty funny shit to say. Travis was awesome on his drums, as always. So, overall, the show was really great, even though The Used was definitely missed. But  I'm not even CLOSE to the best part of this story yet.

Right after the concert, we hurried out to the fence where the tour buses were parked to see if MAYBE the guys would come out to sign things. There was only 20 or 30 other kids standing out there, and I was kind of surprised. I pushed my way to the front of the fence and watched for any signs of BCR. The security guards were dickheads and kept telling us "Box Car is gone, they left a long time ago, go home it's past your bedtimes! Don't you guys need to change your diapers?" They really pissed me off and I started yelling shit at them. Damn bastards. Anyways, a guy from H2O came out on his skateboard and announced, "Travis will come out to sign you guys's stuff as soon as he takes a shower." Everyone started screaming and got really excited. I didn't know whether to believe this guy or not. I got realllllly anxious though! We waited for about a half an hour, and I thought this guy from H2O was full of shit. How long does it take for a guy to take a shower?? Then, all of a sudden, TOM CAME OUT! Everyone ran over to the fence where he was standing on the other side. I could feel my heart throbbing as I pushed my way up to him. I held out my BCR shirt as far as I could through the fence, hoping he would choose to sign mine. He finally did, and I was so excited, especially because as soon as he handed my shirt back he said, "Alright guys, that's it, see ya later!" I was the last person to get something signed, thank God! I felt so damn lucky! When Tom left, I was realllllly happy and excited, but also depressed because Travis, my favorite person in the whole world, hadn't come out! Virtually nanoseconds later, Travis appeared!!! I was about to shit my pants. My favorite band member, the person I obsess over on a daily basis, the guy I'd take a bullet for anyday, was standing before my eyes! I tried to not pass out or anything, and held my shirt out, praying to God he would see it and scribble his signature on it with that nice sharpie of his. He did, and after he handed it back to me, I said "All I want to do is shake your hand." He was really sweet the whole time, and his hand was so warm and soft. I looked right into his beautiful baby blue eyes and said, "Travis, you are the most talented person in the world!" He looked really touched, and replied, " Oh, I wish I was, honey." I smiled, and said thanks for everything. Right before he walked away, I shouted happy birthday, since it was going to be in a few days. That was more than enough to make my day, hell more than my day, it made my year! It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget it. :o) Travis Barker rules! NOW, check out the pics below!

property of stacey, webmaster of blink 182 for life

property of stacey, webmaster of blink 182 for life

property of stacey, webmaster of blink 182 for life