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AK01|Don't settle for just another RIPOFF!

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Welcome to the home of AK01. This site does not have a specific category other than it is made for kids and teens like me I hope you enjoy my site. Just to give you a quick preview thissite has stuff on, movies, music, video games, sports and other weird and fun stuff that I know you'll enjoy. WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T BE AFRAID TO EXPLORE THIS SITE!!! Trust me if you don't explore you miss out on all the fun.
Site News

07/10/02Check out my new feature in my Movies section I think you'll like I'm the only one with it too

Old News

I would like to get one thing clear if anyone is coming from and that no immitations link I would like to state that my site looks nothing like js01's if anyone doesn't now what I'm talking about go check for yourself the url is link also can be found under Links. It is pretty sad that he calling me an immitation of his site when he doesn't even say what he is copyrighting. Read for yourself at the current time I am writing this, his copyright at the bottom of his page looks like this ©2002 Jordan Samaniego. This copyright doesn't even state what it is copyrighting mine does and I have copyrighted my name and every thing else that is mine so now judge who the really immitation is and if their is any at all. Sure if you look on his site he has soundboards just like mine and I'll admit he discovered them before I am, but he didn't make many site's had it before mine and his and mine some examples,, absolutebob.comThese are only few of the many site's with sounboards on them, just go on a search engine and type in celebrity soundboards and see for yourself. I"m sorry to pstart of on such a bad note but it just pisses me of when someone take's a blow at my site, especially when the person that's doing ha a site that barley has anything on it (I wonder who I'm talking about) (* )(* ) ( *)( *).

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