
Road Trip BY: Joe Aragona

Out on the street but not going far
got my friends and went and stole a car
hoped on the freeway going south
heading down to florida gonna have a blast
made i through jersey didn't last in D.C
the cops found out that i was only 16
got arrested and thrown in jail
plus i got no money to get me out on bail

wish i was on the freeway going fast
with nothing but a 40 and some cash
but instead were all stuck in here
smelling like piss and beer

the called our parents and boy were they pissed
my dad told me to go fuck myself
all my friends were freed and sent home
somehow i got stuck there all alone
sometime went by i didn't think i would last
then doof came by loaded with some cash
he got me out and we headed home
finally back on the open road

wish i was on the freeway going fast
with nothing but a 40 and some cash
but instead were all stuck in here
smelling like piss and beer

finally some sights to see
new york city is the place to be
queens reppin the bellerose crew
the two tone army an't no fool (up to no good)

wish i was on the freeway going fast
with nothing but a 40 and some cash
but instead were all stuck in here
smelling like piss and beer

The Media BY: Joseph Aragona

I don't know what i'v done before
but I'll tell you surely i'v seen it all before
if you don't believe me I'm telling you the truth
this world is all fucked up there's nothing you can loss
A deep set reality blown way out of proportion
the propeganda told to you doesn't seem very important
don't believe their lies it's all they want you too
just understand the truth it'll seem so new to you

just live life day to day
who cares what the media says
terrorist bull shit but who's to fucking say
were the fucking nazi's were the USA

do you understand now? did you catch my drift?
3 legged crook will fuck you like a bitch
at least we'll let you know not like that george bush
he'll screw you three times over and come up with some bullshit
we bombed afganistan now we'll bomb iraq
all of this hatred will eventually counter-act
will we stop this fucking hate will we leave everyone alone
i'm preaching fucking unity but i'm preaching it alone

just live life day to day
who cares what the media says
terrorist bull shit but who's to fucking say
were the fucking nazi's were the USA

The Scam BY: Joseph Aragona

running low on cash so I headed down the street
met a man I have known for quite a couple years
he offered me a plan, It's one I can't resist
he promised me cash and he promised it quick
so I agreed to their plan I knew the path i'd take
but I was so low on cash like a welfare state
if only I had known the situation that's at hand
I became a part of the worlds biggest scam

The Scam the scam the mother fucking scam
those lousy mother fuckers they took me by the hand
the scam the scam the mother fucking scam
all those dirty bastards are gonna pay in the end

the took me for a ride and told me what to do
they handed me a shotgun and loaded it cold blue
they sent me in alone and all i had to do
was the grab the money fast and jet out the room
when I got back outside all I was left to see
was Abeer and Preet running down the street
The pigs pulled up, I had no place to go
when I saw doof's taurus we headed for the road.

The Scam the scam the mother fucking scam
those lousy mother fuckers they took me by the hand
the scam the scam the mother fucking scam
all those dirty bastards are gonna pay in the end

The Gambling Hand BY: Joe Aragona

A break in silence, to understand by
too confusing motion to quickly interprets mind
a stroke of luck, it twist and turns in my
The gambling hand corrupting the whole mind
best of luck. i wish you and your friends well
if you haven't noticed you and your people are going to hell
to bad i wont be, not to steep of well
it drys the mouth and causes the brain to swell

it's so hard to give it up(3)
but you never let it up so give it up(2) OI
but you never know what your doing and what you put at stake
getting attacked by the 3 legged crook is your mistake

walking by yourself with nothing to call your own
feel afraid? well you should cause i don't creep alone
flipping out yet? then get out and get out then
for the world is a place where bullets fill up your head
a caution? precaution in force the laws by
hey! is that your wallet oh i'm sorry i must of shot your arm
if you don't know yet then you better learn quick
cause in this world it's attack or be beaten stiff

it's so hard to give it up(3)
but you never let it up so give it up(2) OI
but you never know what your doing and what you put at stake
getting attacked by the 3 legged crook is your mistake

the cause of pain give your children what you want
keep on shooting cause ya never know when they'll get up
if they don't get up then you don't know what to do
just keep on beating until they turn all black and blue
cause on the streets shit is getting hectic now
the thought of peace no longer(2) walks the ground
all the races and the colors that we stand by
just another reason to go and shot me into the sky

I'm going out, i'm going, i'm going out
to spread a message of peace
to the people of earth, i'm going

THE JOB BY:Joseph Aragona

Things you never thought that you'd see before
just a blink of the eye and there she is through the door
carrying a case, a gun and some money
just to let you know that things are getting funny

with only 3 hours of sleep
running on nothing, empty need to eat
i can hardly pay the bills
that's why i'm doing shit for them
i'm under their direct command

but i got to pay the wages
and if this illegal shit's the only way
I don't even have a home
i'm sleeping in a gutter
i'm sleeping all alone

A job, No deal just go
cause things are getting tougher and a kid just needs some dough
don't get involved in things beyond your control
you'll wind up in a gutter with no place to call your home

with only 3 hours of sleep
running on nothing, empty need to eat
i can hardly pay the bills
that's why i'm doing shit for them
i'm under their direct command

but i got to pay the wages
and if this illegal shit's the only way
I don't even have a home
i'm sleeping in a gutter
i'm sleeping all alone

got in deep with no sight to see the truth
you need to get out before the mob comes after you
I though I told you shit was getting rough
just followed instincts and now you had enough

with only 3 hours of sleep
running on nothing, empty need to eat
i can hardly pay the bills
that's why i'm doing shit for them
i'm under their direct command

but i got to pay the wages
and if this illegal shit's the only way
I don't even have a home
i'm sleeping in a gutter
i'm sleeping all alone

got in deep with no sight to see the truth
you need to get out before the mob comes after you
I though I told you shit was getting rough
just followed instincts and now you had enough

THE ED SONG BY: Joseph Aragona

let me tell you a story about a kid named Ed
he's a good ole guy he's a good ole friend
He wears checkered suspenders and he wears a tie
he wear's nice clothing he's a rude boy ieght!
if you ever seen my friend Ed walk the streets
take a glander there and he'll be happy to greet you
with a smile oh yea a smile
he's life may not be great but to him it's worthwhile

This songs about Ed my good friend Ed
he'll always be there, he'll be there in the end
what you don't know about him is deep down inside
he's a hardcore little kiddy with a black swollen eye

so I met up with Chucky and we headed to the party
I said "is Ed gonna be there" of course that's why were going
and when we got to the house we set up the shit
cause 3 LEGGED CROOK will tear you to bits
what you really should know is that Ed's a good guy
and if you mess with him we mess up your mom
so let it be known the things that I said
cause when you mess with the best we mess up your head

This songs about Ed my good friend Ed
he'll always be there, he'll be there in the end
what you don't know about him is deep down inside
he's a hardcore little kiddy with a black swollen eye

So let me finish my story about a kid named ed
it's concluded now, it's come to an end
and the moral of the story is and will be true
you should protect your friends like family
protect them through and through
you should protect your friends like family
protect them through and through