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Funner Places Than Here

Remember: Even if you have more fun in these places, I referred you to them. You must never forget me. The force is with you. Luke, I am your father.

Band Sites

Weezer Homepage-Long Live the Weeze=\/\/=
MXPX Homepage-Long Live Non-Offensive Punk!
Blink-182 Homepage-It's a Guilty Pleasure...You Know You Like Them, Hardcore Joe
Vandals (and Kung Fu Label) Homepage-A Glorious Assortment of Punk Rock Masters
The Ataris Homepage--Good band, good site, good God, let's eat. Wait a second...

Psycho Pages...You've Been Warned

I Hate all do. Plus:email with the delightful tagline site where you can learn to plan a summer party AND speak in an Irish accent in one easy trip.
National Midget Resistance--I hate midgets. This site is my haven. May be offensive.
The Onion--America's Finest News Source
The I Hate Mayonnaise Club--I'm not yet a member, but I urge you yourself to become one.
The Unofficial Beverly Cleary Homepage--This woman is very old, and her stories are endearing. Who can say no to Ramona?
The Traffic Cone Preservation Society--Do your part, adopt a cone today. Seriously.
Alien Abduction Experience and Research--I have this one bookmarked;so should you.
Ugly somewhat ugly people go to look for people uglier than them to make fun of. You should go.e's fun to pull people's face skin.
The Duct Tape Page--Remember: God made the world, but it's held together with duct tape.
EZ Cheese--Ever wonder how much

Relatively More Normal (Yet Still Intriguing) Sites to go when you're bored...besides here. to go when you're bored...besides here. Wait a second. a bunch of quizzes. It beats buying Cosmos for four bucks at the store.
The Official website of the greatest TV show ever created, possibly in the history of the world. What am I saying? Of course in the history of the world. Skaterat's Haven
Jelly, the bean, the bean. My favorite food. 4 calories per bean, zero fat, 40 flavors. Delicious. (Do I get a free sample for this plug?)