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My Trip to Venice.....DreamLand!

The most fun on my trip with my girlfriend

Here's My Trip in Pics ! enjoy ~M

  • Beginning of my Thurs to Key West in a small 4 seater plane! unbelievable site to see!

  • Up front in the cockpit! who woulda thought?!

  • Flyin on the outside of Ft Myers!

  • Enterin the Everglades...

  • Side of the plane with shoreline...

  • Could the day be any better than this?! yes it can....

  • The Keys!.. this is around Marathon...just east of Key West!>

  • This is the national air base down in the keys which watches over Cuba and others....

  • A Pretty shotty pic of Key West! But just wait!

  • After taking a cRaZy Taxi cab to the main downtown.. and getting taken by the cabbie... we got out and saw this! Pretty cool site..

  • Here's the gang looking at one of the many heads of history.... After this we got hungry and went ahead and found a Jamaican restaurant to eat at! Burgers and sandwiches were great. Loved the plantains too!

  • A cool tree with nothing but color! I love it here!

  • This is right downtown.. Many of these houses are historical land marks.. arent they awesome?! Again the day is beautiful

  • Heres a shot with my finger in the way.. but it was a way old cool place to stay. Wish i could go back for few and just chill at some of the bed and breakfast places.

  • Again.. nothing but color everywhere!

  • Curry Mansion Inn - Nice bed and breakfast.. i think they even held tours daily to walk through...

  • No Vacancy..... we werent even there for the main time of the 4th.. but they seem to be always booked

  • Scooters..Scooters...everywhere. Everyone had one.. everyone rented them out. Man.. you should see some of the people riding these things... wow... never thought id see that!!!

  • Hey little guy! He was just chillin with the big snake on the right and a big white bird on the left... you could get pictures with them... but at that time the owner was getting hassled by a cop so I took the pic

  • The Hyatt anyone?!.. gorgeous place

  • More downtown.. not crowed there.. but just wait until night time.. man it is a whole other scene out here..

  • One of the Main stretch of stores.. .
  • Look like the future?! Electric vehicles could be rented out there... but cost more than rentin a car for the day! Wish one day they would lower prices on the electrics so everyone could afford them!

  • So after walkin the streets a little while.... We decided to go snorkling! This is the boat we had our adventure on

  • The other boat had sails... but we liked ours better... Free pop and water in main cabin ....

  • This was on our boat ride .... watched some cool parasailers out on the water...

  • One of the big cruise ships just chillin on shore .. must have been there for the 4th of July...

  • Small island on our way out to some coral reefs...

  • Us snorkling!.. what a GREAT TIME! would've taken pics underwater... but the digital couldnt handle it... Could the day be much better?! just wait!

  • More snorkling! We saw some barracudas just swimmin around us a few times... all kinds of bright fish out there.. some of the reefs are too hard to describe in words...

  • Coming back in from snorkling...watching the sun set with the sail boats who also did snorkling along side us... very .. very .. cool

  • Told you it got better...

  • I made this one in Black and White.. looks like a postcard doesnt it?!

  • Guys on the east of us.... sun just shinnin down !

  • Just WOW.... nothin to say but WOW..

  • no comment needed

  • Well... after the snorkling..we came in and started to get hungry and tired. So we all decided on going out for some Thai cuisine. Of course we got the Pad Thai... we were craving it for most of the time there. After that we shopped for some shirts and got a Key Lime Pie (the real stuff) to bring home. Then we taxied back to the airport with a safer driver than before.. and got in our plane and left the wonderland we were in.. :( .. Im so thankful for Jim and Missy to take taking us down there! It was a chance of a lifetime to go.....

  • A day or two later.. Krystalyias and I went to Mote Aquarium. She volunteers there with a friend from her church so she knew all the little things that most others didnt... very fun time....

  • A sea turtle... man those things are just awesome looking....
  • Catchin K off gaurd again... She's lookin at the manatees that she got to swim with when she volunteered.. Id be frightened but she went ahead and did it! CrAzY

    This is K and I just driving around north of Venice by the shore...

  • .... The days never looked any worse than this?!

  • Some more downtown Siesta Keys i believe...

  • uhhh WOW!

  • BLAH! K got me offgaurd this time... : )

  • This is Venice.... K and I went to the north Jetti pier to walk to beach and waste some time together. A miner storm was about to roll in...

  • K posing for the camera!

    After eating at a fine seafood place and eating ourselves into a dizzy for lunch with K and Missy.... We all decided to go rent a boat and watch some dolphins and see some shoreline..

  • Caught one on the camera... there was about a pack of 4 or 5 here along side us... very cool...

  • Heres a few others...

  • what a day!

  • Lookin smooth! K got me drivin the boat

  • Pic of Missy just enjoyin the site...

  • Check out these trees... could they be any more horizontal?!

  • beautiful!

  • Pelicans just chillin out.. These things were everywhere out there. They look gutsy when they hit the water straight vertically tryin to catch some fish. Very cool thing to see. What a life they have huh? just dive for fish and relax in Florida!

  • Some more pelicans and herons just awaiting there time to dive for some fuud. This is between the north and south jetti piers. There were dolphins everywhere out here feeding. Although our boat was not equipped enough to stay to the opening of the gulf... so we went back in..

  • Got K offgaurd again! hehe What a great time out on the water...

  • Missy Relaxing... what else to do out on the boat in Florida...?

  • Check out the dolphin! This dolphin we think is called begger. He always welcomes everyone in the channel. Very cool to know there were just swimming everywhere you were... gotta be careful how you drive your boat out there....

  • bad pic but more of begger i think

    Well this was the day before i left to come home. After this we went back and chilled cause we were tired... Then we got ourselves up and went out for some killer mexican food! Missy knows her food...let me tell you. Being in Florida... there is tons of places that looks like id try but man... she knows where to go for the BEST eats!

    Well my trip is over..... but I had the best time out there.. Maybe ill go back?!!! Hoped you enjoyed the entry of pics.. ~M

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    Alien Oceans - cool background pics
    APPLE - Mac