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Sine Wave

Tip of the day: Whats black and white...and read all over? This tired book. This organ doner.

Well, still not updating as much as i want to, but hey, im a busy kid. I've been trying to get my butt up and running on The Jupiter Project. ive been scouring all over to find information on jupiter and its moons. The objective of this project is to give myself, and others, a comprehensive overview of jupiter, its atmosphere and its satellites. i have been using my references such as astronomy books from class, the internet and this nifty books that i bought a while back. well, im gonna start to work on my stuff some more. by the way, how do you like the music? its all about the tea bag.


Green Plastic, an awesome Radiohead site

MY Recommendations
The Lyric Of the Day

Funniest site i have ever been to
Krystal's site(Zack's G/F)

<bgsound src="05_Landing_Of_Yuri_Gargarin.mp3" loop=infinite>
