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8.23.2003 : 3:43 AM - LOUD YELLING AND SITE UPDATES!!!

Thats right its your neighborhood keyboard killer back for a big update...well big as for what i have been doing. ROAR was released just days ago. Found that out by running into Jerry down in the Chilli park at like 11 PM, but its all good...cause the album kicks so much ass it hurts. Hit up one of the guys to pick it up...i believe its only 5 bones to buy...could be 10 though...don't quote me on either of those!

We got a couple dates up for everyone to journy out to. Punk-Fest is coming up...i really don't know much about this but it sounds like a damn blast. Also Bernies Distillery is about to be ravaged again by its all good.

Now if your asking for online lyrics for Roar already...give me to shakes because i'm lazy. I should have them up soon enough. Track listings can be found in the Discography section.

Get Roar and rock out always...I'm out


7.28.2003 : 7:21 PM - ROAR ABOUT TO HIT STORES

Well ladys and gents after a bit of computer trouble and 2 summer music festivals your old buddy Hydro is back on the site giving you the low down on whats happening.

USAK's new album ROAR is about to drop like a fuckin H Bomb on all you small town folks. So save your money and contact Mark or anyone else in the band for the offical release date and release party. Other then that i really don't have much at present but that is some truely devistating news. ALso i've heard talk of a new 7" coming thats some vinal freshness to look forward too....

Keep Rockin out!


3.04.2003 : 6:29 PM - Site Overhauled Again

My it has been a while hasn't it. As you can see we've simplified the site. This is due to all of us being busy with actual world shit, the bands or just being to lazy to update. So from now on there will be limited updates. The message baord is now only able to have myself and the guys in the band post on it. However i know some of you have the itch to ramble on the net so i'll give the Guild Navigators board address so you may rant on that one.

Now onto the real point of this little update. The New Three Song Demo is up and ready to be downloaded.

ROAR...The new album will be out as soon as the mastering is complete and its manufactured. I'll get more info on this when i get it.

As for anything else...There will be a tour this summer and as soon as we get a list of dates they will be posted right here! Enjoy all of this new information.


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