1. Dan Adriano
  2. Matt Stamps
  3. Rob Kellenberger
  4. Tyler

Dan Adriano


Dan plays bass and sings for Tuesday. He is also currently in another band called The Alkaline Trio. He plays bass, acoustic guitar, and sings background vocals, while occasionaly taking lead vocals with the Trio. Dan also played on the latest recording for the Chinkees. Dan was also the bass player for the awesome ska/punk band Slapstick. Slapstick broke up due to the members wanting to take the band in different directions.

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Matt Stamps


Matt plays lead guitar and sings background vocals for Tuesday. Matt was also formerly in the great band Slapstick where he played guitar. He also played on the Chinkees latest album. Matt is very awesome to watch play live. He also recently got married.

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Rob Kellenberger


Rob currently plays drums for Tuesday and sings background vocals. Rob also came with Matt and Dan from Slapstick. Rob played drums on the Chinkees latest album.

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When Dan, Matt, and Rob thought about adding another guitarist to Tuesday they weren't so sure because they are such close friends and also click so great as musicians that they didn't want to throw that off in anyway. Then Dan was playing with Tyler in a band called Dulcet Tone and introduced him to the rest of the band. They all became friends and agreed that Tyler would be a great addition on Rhythm guitar.

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