Dewain Trendy
Rythm guy-tar, tries to sing

Notorious R.O.B.
Bass (When not eating or sleeping at practice.)

El Beau
Wicked-fast, single bass-pedal pounding punk pooper

Chris "Tubby The Tubb Tubb" Tubbs
Lead G-tar, lead piggyback

A "Not Really Hardcore" ska/punk quartet straight outta' Cocoa Beach, started as a three piece way back in early '99. With Dewain Trendy writing the songs, the Notorious R.O.B. playing bass, and El Beau on the drums, we started off as three kids singing songs about dumping stupid girlfriends and having bad days. In the summer of 2000, we released our first CD through Communist Records/Bony Orbit Records, entitled "Live in the Bedroom", and sold for $2. The cd was pressed "officially" by us 130 times, boot-legged about half of that. The latest release courtesy of Bluesboro Studio/Bony Orbit Records, entitled "Not Really Hardcore" reflects our growth as musicians and is a standing testament to our sound. But you still have to see us live for the full effect...

In 2001 we found ouselves a new guitarist when we started searching for a skin flute player. Then one day an idea popped into Beau's head, "My friend Chris plays guitar like a Turkish freestyle monk on a bad hair day..." (guitar is about as close to skin flute as my dirty underwear is to a mongoose). So anyways, Chris plays the lead guitar now so if you see him at a show, don’t tackle him thinking you’re doing us a favor by obstructing an Arabian midget terrorist’s plan to sabotage us in hope of world domination. (Even though our music has matured, it doesn't mean we have to).

We've been in two of Florida's major newspapers being quoted as "...very young men with an experienced sound." (Florida Today, TGIF) " and outrageous to listen to." (Florida Today, TGIF) "...epitomize the rebellious and goofy nature of punk." (Orlando Sentinel, RAVE) And we were asked if we "...kiss your mothers with the same potty-mouths we heard spewing obscenities." (Florida Today, TGIF). We were just happy to have our pictures in the paper.

Well as of today, The Trendys are... Dewain Trendy (lead vox, rythm guy-tar, frontman and face sitta'), El Beau (crazy fast, single bass, drummer) the Notorious R.O.B. (wicked fat bass, backup vox, eating, sleeping, mexican) and Chris Tubbs (stupid fresh lead guitar, clean backup vox, lead piggyback). If you're ever in Central Florida, come check us out. Maybe you'll win the ketchup eating contest, or a boxing match...