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Website coming soon

We here at stc have made a few changes and just when
people thought we had died, we came again.
We are planning a new website and a few shows.
One of which was last night at Tom's house,
and another one this October, the annual HALLOWEEN SHOW.
Don't know as of right now were
it will be taking place at, but probably the skate park.
This will be the 3rd annual Halloween show
(2000, 2001, 2002) and stc's second year anniversary since
there first show at the first Halloween show.
Everyone is expected to come out support some good bands,
dress up, have fun, and get crazy. Oh and don't
tell anyone but i heard something if you have a tribal
tattoo you get in for free. Shhhh don't tell.
Anyways new site coming along with pics and stuff and stuff.
Maybe some media hehe or something i don't know.
Thanks for stopping by, check back soon later kids.

Posted on: September 15th 8:42p.m.
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