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Good news, I just read that Enlightenment (an X Windows Window Manager) is going to be releasing E-17 in the near future! ;-) Read all about it
HERE Is anyone as excited as I am? The mirrors for Slackware were very busy, the last time I checked. I hope that the traffic has died down. Maybe I can finally try Slack 9.0!
Best Regards,


Today I was able to catch The Matrix Reloaded, the Special Effects were intense. Although I did not enjoy the ending as much, it was nice to see Trinity exploit ssh which she discovered after running
Nmap on the system!
Best Regards,


The expo was great! I was able to meet Kevin Mitnick and had him sign my 2600 magazine. Also I got a picture with him. The examples in his speach were humorous as well as informative.
Best Regards,


Tomorrow I will be attending the Strictly Business Technology Expo @ the Minneapolis Convention Center! I am really excited for Kevin Mitnick will be sharing his perspective on the threat of "social engineering." I will take pictures and post them!
Best Regards,


After a long awaited duration, I have decided to begin posting random pictures from the MN 2600 Meetings held the first Friday of every month. For more info about meetings goto
2600 Meetings Also I will be somewhat summing up the hours! Our official site is now being constructed, I will be contributing to that as well. This is kind of a middle point (informal) to try to recruit new members. We are definitly looking for a larger amount of people to show up. No experience required, for most of us enjoy to teach as it helps us better understand and remember our own knowledge. I hope that at least a few people see this page and find it usefull, and ultimatly leads a few more to the meetings! ;-) If you need anymore info feel free to send me an e-mail or ICQ me @ 113337420
Best Regards,

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"Hacking is like sex, you get in, you get out. And hope that you didn't leave anything that can be traced back to you." - Some Hacker

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