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My Trick Page

This is a pretty simple concept. A whole bunch of tricks for skaters that you can do on your skateboard with howtos. Read on and enjoy.

Check Out Grand Larceny

Hey! this site is something I put together becasue I couldn't figure out how to do these tricks. I reckon you should check out . They put together awesome video's and have the coolest T's and stuff.

Frontside Tailslide

The frontside tailslide is a trick that, although difficult, can be learned in stages and worked up to. It is useful to be comfortable with the frontside 180 ollie, though you won't need to turn around all the way. Practice landing in the tailslide position by riding at the curb slowly and ollieing frontside. Get just your tail over the curb and put your weight on that tail as you plant it on that curb, leaving your trucks and wheels hanging off the edge. Once you're comfortable landing in that position, try it with a little more speed and roll at the curb almost parallel to it. The faster you go and the more parallel you are to the curb, the longer you'll slide. Once you do get the hang of sliding, get a feel for how long you can push it before the tail slows down and locks in place. You'll want to begin shifting your weight back over the skateboard as it slows down so that you can come off the curb with at least some speed, before it stops completely. Once you have the frontside ollie tailslide wired on curbs, take it to a ledge or something a little taller. Also, try swinging your torso frontside as you ollie into the tailside position, and instead of shifting your weight back over the nose to come off the object, push the tail ahead of you to finish the frontside 180 motion initiated at the start of the trick.

Backside Tailslide

Go fast and get ready! You want to approach the obstacle at a little bit of an angle but mainly parallel. Ollie and turn the lower half of your body to get your tail on the ledge, keeping your shoulders parallel to the ledge at all times. Now there are two ways to come out… forward or fakie. To come out forward, just let the lower half of your body turn back to parallel with your shouders as you drop off of the ledge. To come out fakie, turn the upper half of your body so you start facing backwards right before you want to come off. Keep rotating that torso so that by the time you come off and land, you are now facing the ledge. The plan is that your legs and feet and skateboard follow your shoulders around and you land parallel to the ledge. Now learn 3 flips into it like superstar Jason Lee.


With both your feet on the skateboard, lift up the heel of your back foot so your weight is on the ball of your foot and your toes. That part of your foot should be centered at the tip of the tail. Your front foot should be about 2/3 of the way up the skateboard, angled slightly forward. Your toes should be near the toe edge of the skateboard and, depending on shoe size, your heel may be hanging off of the heel edge. Smack the tail to the ground with your back foot and jump off of that back foot--getting the timing down is probably the hardest part. As you jump, your front foot slides up to your nose, pulling the skateboard into the air. At the peak of your ollie, level out your skateboard, then wait for the landing. Always land with your knees bent. When ollieing a gap, try not to think about clearing it; instead, think about popping a nice big ollie. The hardest part about ollieing most gaps is getting in the committed mindset. When you're in the air, spot your landing and keep those shoes on that grip tape until you roll away.

Backside Feeble Grind

First learn backside 50-50s and 5-0s. Ride at the object with a good amount of speed. Ollie on to the object like you're doing a backside 50-50, but right before both trucks make contact, push the front one over the bar by straightening your front leg. Lean back with all your weight on the back truck (the weight placement is very similar to a 5-0, but with your foot pointing the nose down) and hold that position while powering through the grind. At the end, let your nose come up so your skateboard is parallel with the ground right as you come off. Ride away with both feet over the truck bolts, clean as a whistle. Feeble grinds can be taken to all kinds of obstacles, and is a popular handrail trick. Once you learn how to lock in to them, they're easier to control than skateboardslides. Now get to feeblin!


Set up your feet in the ollie position. Your front foot, though, should be adjusted back towards the heel edge a bit and your toes (or rather the front of your shoe) should be just behind the centermost mounting bolts of the front truck. Do an ollie, but rather than only sliding your front foot upward and forward, you must also slide your foot (again, probably your shoe) to the heel side enough to start your skateboard in a spin. This action requires you to actually kick your front foot off of your skateboard; the last point of contact between the front of your shoe and the skateboard should be in that little concaved dip just before the nose. The spinning skateboard then hovers for a second between your sprawling legs. When you see the grip again, stop the rotation with your back foot, then put that front foot back on, right on top of them bolts, and land.

Backside 50-50

You should be comfortable with ollieing up curbs backside before having a go at the 50-50. Once you're able to control your skateboard that way, the backside 50-50 is a cinch. And since your heels are over the ledge rather than your toes (as is the case with frontside 50-50s) you can center your weight easier and ride these things for days. Learning 50-50s on newly painted curbs is choice. Cruise up to the curb with a mellow angle, as if you were going to ollie onto the sidewalk backside. Pop your ollie and stick your back truck on the curb (try to lock your toe edge wheel up against the curb. Next, place the front truck down and get some weight on those heels so you can ride it out to the end of the paint, and turn off. Piece o' cake.

Check Out Grand Larceny

Hey! this site is something I put together becasue I couldn't figure out how to do these tricks. I reckon you should check out . They put together awesome video's and have the coolest T's and stuff.