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Texas Music Online!


Well, Welcome to Texas SoundWorks. This is a new site dedicated to the Texas Music Scene and making it a better place to live.

Maybe when I get this site going I'll start a Mailing list to tell people when the site is going to be updated and so on.

Any band wanting to sell thier tapes and CD's on this site contact me. I ask for no money from the Music that the bands sell.

I was planning on creating a punk rock show on Time Warner Channel 20 but the show is too much work so instead I think I will make a Documentary of The San Antonio Punk Rock Scene. If any profit is made off the Documentary I will talk to the participating bands and see what the want to do with it. None of the profits will go to TexWorks.

Thi is not purely a punk rock music site. This site is going to try to cover as many diffrent forms of music as it can.

Joke Of The Day!

What's 18 inches long and makes women scream? Crib Death.

Copyright © 2000, RandyRyot Productions, All Rights Reserved.