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Punk Germs!
Email me:
April 10th 2001
Hey...this is my final attempt at this same page - only a few variations have been made to this one - but i've just had so much fucking around trying to make it and publish it........but this seems to be working, well so far so good.
i have not added the punk clips yet, so don't tell me it doesn't work, cause there is nothing there yet. I've got some of my skins up, so feel free to get some of those:)
I've put up a profiles page for people to fill in...if you want to fill it out (and i want you on here) then email me or something. At the moment i have only got mine and my boyfriends up (cause he's the only one who has been bothered to send it back) lol so yeah.
The bands section is finished, and all those labels link to the official site - and i'm always looking for an official site - so hopefully it will be useful to someone else as well.  It's only punk ska and skapunk music though, so if your not punk then you may as well leave, but yeah otherwise, enjoy.

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Winamp Skins
Punk Clips
April 19th 2001
Well it's the easter holidays and i'm not doing anything, so i have lots of time to work on this page (which it definately needs).
I've added some stuff, like a few more skins, and the links page is up and running and a few other things here and there. I am having trouble uploading the video clips, and i think i'm gonna need more web space very soon......that's a bit of a problem:) If anyone has any idea how to move webpages so i can have exactly what's on this page on my new page at another address email me. Also if anyone knows of any other good FREE pages places who gives lots of space - let me know. Geocities only gives 15MB!! yeah i'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me that.
Also i am open for ideas at what else i can do with this site. So yeah, you know my email - its on this page - do it. hehhehe.
Cheers, Tamara
(who else would it be??)