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Life's a Bath

Hey pizzats...this is my new webpage that hasn't yet reached its capable greatness...I am slowly, but surely, learning what html is so bare with sure to check out the many pictures and my links, which include most of my favorite bands and artists...the beautiful man that you see above is John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili him, love sure to check out his new solo album, cleverly titled "To Record Only Water For Ten Days"...I have just added pictures from his March 15th show in NYC so be sure to check out that photography...ignoring his intelligence is just your loss...

"I really don't care what happens to me, I am successful now, who cares about tommorrow, it means nothing to me...." -- John Frusciante

Each week I will post some wordly words and if you would like to contribute to my Imagine page, that will be updated weekly, then email me and I will consider your insanity....since I've made this page, no one has emailed me anything and no one probably ever will -- a pessimist, I am one...well til then, later days...
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John Frusciante - the unknown guitar GOD
Some cool links
