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  1. Recycle as much as you can. Check to see which materials your local recycling center will recycle.
  2. Consider becoming vegetarian or vegan. You will be helping to save the lives of animals, and also you will be helping to save the rainforest. Rainforest is often cleared to make room for cattle to graze.
  3. Volunteer your time to help animals and the environment. Depending on where you live, you may be able to find a local animal shelter or nature center to work at.
  4. If ever you see an animal in distress, find a way to help. If someone is being cruel to an animal, report them to the proper authorities.
  5. Consider donating money to worthy causes. There are many organizations out there working to help the earth.
  6. Consider donating money to worthy causes. There are many organizations out there working to help the earth.
  7. Do little things every day such as picking up a piece of trash on the sidewalk to reduce litter, or driving a little less to save gas and reduce air pollution.
  8. Spread the word about the problems in the world, and tell people what they can do to help. Many people are still uneducated about problems our planet faces.
  9. Do not purchase any wood which comes from the rainforest. Types of wood from the rainforest include ramin and nyatoh.