My Poor Friend Me

Welcome to my domain. I figured everybody else out there in cyberspace has their personal web page, so I figured I should have one too. I've made plenty of pages, but they all been for bands i've played in and bands I like, I wanted one that could totally be mine, and I could put whatever I wanted in it without needing somebody elses approval. I will probably fill this page with my songs, quotes, favorite links, favorite bands, surveys, and whatever I feel like adding. Please check back now and then because I will try to add stuff whenever possible.

My Stuff:

My Songs

My Poems

My Lexicon

About Me

My Links:

The Krazies

Disenchanted Anthem

Bigger Than Sheep

Brian Deneke Memorial Site

My Favorite Bands/Labels

Bad Religion

Face to Face

The Casualties


Asian Man Records


Fat Wreck Chords

World Wide Punk
