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Dalton, GA July 21, 2001

Hi! I'm Casey. I love Everclear sooooo much. I just recently saw Everclear in concert on July 21, 2001 in Dalton, GA. I had quite an experience! Like Sofia says, I sure do have some "Everclear luck!" Well here are the pictures... Love you guys! ~ Casey.

This is Art right before playing one of my favorite songs, "Loser Makes Good".

This is Art and Amercan Hi-Fi playing "Surrender" by Cheap Trick. This was so awesome because I had yelled out "PLAY CHEAP TRICK" to Stacy and he said "Who wanted to hear Cheap Trick?" and everyone screamed then he said " No, Who said they wanted to hear Cheap Trick" and my friends, Lisa and Keri were pointing to me and I said "Play 'Surrender'" and sure enough he pointed at me and nodded and they got Art out and played it!

This is Craig and Art from Everclear. AMAZING!!!

This is Craig, Art, Davey, and Robbie. How lovely!

That is Art, Craig, and Greg during the signing.

This is Craig, Art, Davey, and Robbie. How lovely!

This is Freaky, Brynn, and Chia from Flipp. These guys rocked!!!

This is Brynn from Flipp. He is sooooo awesome.

This is Stacy Jones from American Hi-Fi.

This is another picture of the beautiful Stacy Jones! Isn't he a doll?!?!?

This is Stacy Jones again, AHH! He is so beautiful!

This is Stacy again holding his head during the beautiful song "Another Perfect Day". I sang every word to every song!

This is US with Everclear. :) From left to right it is, Me (Casey), Art, my best friend, Keri, Craig, My Mom, and Greg. ;) Cool, huh? Craig is wearing his "I'm in a band, Show me your tits" shirt.

This is BY FAR my favorite! This picture makes me want to faint every time I see it! It's me with Art on stage during "Rock Star" I was one of the VERY few that went up and ACTUALLY KNEW THE WORDS! I grabbed the microphone and started singing, Art just smiled and sang. It was AMAZING!


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