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Drews Mr.T Page!

Why a Mr.T page you may be asking? Well I have never seen my own Mr.T page and I really wanted to see one,so hear is my Mr.T page. I hope that it is a wonderful Mr.T page.

Mr.T Pics


So anyway, while I rip more Mr.T pics you can look this pic of Steve Irwin with a Mullet.

Take a guess at what site I ripped this from.

So some may be wondering. What kind of guy would make a page like this? Well I have answered your questions. This is a picture of me in the flesh and I know some of you ladies might be drooling but try to contain yourselves. I am a middle aged single man who just got rid of a bad case of athletes foot. (403) 220-5073

you like toast? go to

Check out CCDA website.
