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Hey everyone, welcome to LimpSkater. This site keeps track of what our team members are doing, but also includes skateboarding news, an awesome trick list, video clips, company info, and much more.

  • December 24th, 2002 -Joey
    Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone happy holidays. So... happy holidays!

  • December 18th, 2002 -Adam
    Well it is day. Don't ask me what that means but is my new salutation. Just a small update on the adam quote's page always fun to laugh at myself and lets keep wrtiing nonsense and put words together like ich sprechist deutsch. I'll try to convince JOey to put up a few clips of like MIke Vallely

  • December 8th, 2002 -Joey
    Hey. Re-organized the News Archive, making it simpler to get around and easier to update. 2001 news is in its own section, so it should be less confusing. See ya.

  • December 4th, 2002 -Adam
    What is this? I'm updatiing the site? impossible after a very lenghty time Im finally updating the site. I did not skate almost all summer because i ahd football I could still ollie and pull stupid gay boneless moves on stairs. Snow has covered up pretty much all of montreal so their probably wont be much or any skating for us but we'll have some extra time so we'll go back to updating the site. And.... clips page is back up with some Rodney clips.

  • November 23th, 2002 -Joey
    After months I was just informed that the link to my Zealous Apathy site was broken. Ack. Anyways, that's fixed now. Go see it. Snow's been on and off lately, but 15 cm coming in tomorrow morning. Matt snapped another deck. See ya.

  • November 13th, 2002 -Joey
    Hey. Pur all the old brands back up on the brands page due to popular demand (hehe). Hopefully this won't drain our bandwith. Check it out!

  • October 26th, 2002 -Joey
    Hey everyone. I added a link to the Links page. Not much to update on us, it's been pretty boring around here, pretty much the same thing every day. Steven's been skating downtown, Sergio's doing ledges, etc. See ya.

  • September 29th, 2002 -Joey
    Hey. School started, so not much new has happened. We've been skating after school nearly every day. If today is indicative of what's to come this winter, it's gonna be cold. We're already in fall, though it probably doesn't matter to people further south (I envy you). See ya.

  • August 15th, 2002 -Joey
    Hey everyone. Sorry for not updating in like a year. Not much to update on, we're still skating whenever possible, getting better, trying new things, etc. I got a little bored of flatground skating, so lately I've been trying miniramp stuff. Steven is going nuts ollieing off stuff, Matt got a whole new setup, and Adam got back from vacation. Steven and I have also been trying new things, like 180 No Complies, Ollie to Manual/Nosemanual up stuff, and Cavemans. That's about it. If I get off my ass one of these days I'll add Bam to the Skaters page. See ya.

    LimpSkater © Joey Lombardi, Adam Saint. All company names etc. copyright of their respective owners.