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Hey, you may be wondering why half of the logs are gone...thats just to make this page not as long as it was, if you really want to see past stuff, heres an archieve link Archieve Link so yea, today i went driving around with adam and dana and tim and others, it was fun. so yea...later.

Hi, i had a pretty fun weekend. Friday i went to a dance...that was alrite, but it dragged on and on and on, so that sucked. Saturday brought jeffy's b-day show in which two friends of mine played in, that was pretty fun, i got some good pics(hopefully they came out good) of atrophy and the destined extinction reunion. Aside from the picture taken, i got kicked in the face while in the pit, so that was rad. Sunday brought the Diecast show. That was awesome. during Diecast, this big dude tackled some kids that were in front of me and when they fell over they knocked into me...but i didn't fall, so that was good. Also during Diecast i got kicked in the heart by some guy in the pit, that was just raaad. Well...that's bout it. later.

9-26-01(1:19 AM)
Hey, i just got home from the weezer concert up in worcestor. it was pretty damn fun, they had good sound and good lights, and they played good songs too, like, "Buddy Holly" and "The Sweater Song" and a bunch of others. We stopped to eat at an IHOP which was TERRIBLE. Bill and Joe got cold food, while Andy didn't even get his, and i didn't even get my drink, so that really sucked ass. Ummm...well bye

Hey, yesterday was a pretty fun day, i skated a lil bit, then went to a benefit show, bands worth mentioning that played...scattered and i am disaster. I had a really fun time, i saw carolynne, that was good. well, that's bout it, bye

I don't really have much to write about so, i'm just gonna write some song lyrics.
The Ataris "Summer Wind Was Always Our Song"
These break-up songs make sense again/ and I really wish they didn't/ Sinatra's singing summer wind/and I'm thinking of the night we met
Just one last time/can I hear you say?/"you're my little boy/I never want you to go away"
where are you?/please believe in me/ I'm not hanging up the phone/'till i hear you say
"I love you/I need you near"/just give me one last chance/ and I'll never let you down again
oh and what I wouldn't give/ just to kiss your lips again/ to hold your hand next to my heart/ and wake up with you in our apartment
just one last time/ can i call you my sweetheart???/my bestfriend/ why do all good things come to an end
where are you?/ please believe in me/ I'm not haning up the phone/'till i hear you say
"I love you/ I need you near"/just give me one last chance/ and i'll never let you down again.

Hey, i just got back from Riverside...better know as Six Flags, it was my first time there, it was pretty fun. For my first coaster i went on the superman ride, i guess that's the fastest ride around, it was pretty fun. I took an ol time photo with a couple of friends, and then i ran around in circles on some "scary clowns." We went to this haunted house deal, and in one of the rooms there was this lady dressed fully in white, and she was following me, staring at me, so me just being the person i am, i just gave her a stare-down, it was fun. Well, bye.

Hi, last night sucked...there was supposed to be a show at this kids house, but the cops came and said no...can't the show was moved to this other kids house, where the cops came a second time and said no. boy, did that just suck. I'm kicking myself right now. i was outside skatin around, and this girl was all like checking me out...but i didn't do, how stupid can i get.::sigh:: oh well...move along. well, i'm gonna leave now. bye.

Hi, i bashed a car with a sledgehammer today, legally, it was pretty fun, then i went home, and went driving to find mina and tom, and we all walked around and ran into my friend joe in his station wagon, he drove right up to me, and i just walked on his hood, onto the roof, and just jumped off then edge, that was fun, then we went to this park where some lil puerto rican girls were all like are you guys vampires, it was funny, we scared em, lol, well, that's bout it, bye.

Hey, tonight was fun, i skated the center w/ bronner and comtois, it was cool, we skated this lil gap deal, and i did a bunch of tricks over it, then we went to the subway to skate, and the guy there came out and said go away, real mean like, so i mouthed off to him, and he called us girls, and then i just went back a lil while later, and he was staring at me, and i stared back, then he started to laugh at me to the customers, so i just pointed and laughed right back at him, then he went to the back room, and that was that. Well, that was my night, bye.

Hey, crushes suck, i'm going head over heels over this girl, and i don't wanna, damn it, this sucks, anyways, halloweens coming up soon, that's gonna be the best, and next tuesday there's the newfound glory concert that's gonna happen, that'll be off the hook. well, i'm off now, bye.

Hey, just got back from bowling, it was fun, i wrecked alan bland in every game, cept for the stipulation games, like bowling w/ your eyes closed, then bowling with the opposite hand. yea, i saw brie there, i prolly got her mad at me, i was hyper at the time, shit happens. last night was the halloween dance, i went as a ghost, lol, i had a white sheet over my head a funny hat on, and wrote "boo" on the sheet with ducktape, my friends mina and britney won the costume contest with their "goth girls" outfits, it was cool, i'm happy for em. few for days and the NFG concert, that'll rock, notice how i'm totally avoiding the subject of my crush, Halloween, my fav day in the year in a few days, that'll rock, going as Michael Myers, getting contacts this monday, yea, my crush has a b/f, damnit, this always happens to me, i either fall for A) girl with b/f, B) girl who doesn't like me, or C) girl smokes/drinks, just raaad. bye

Hey, i got contacts now, they're a pain so far, but i'll get used to em. Well, tomarrow NFG concert, that'll be awesome, then the next day Halloween, i can't wait, well, i don't have that much else to talk about, c-ya later

Hey, the last few days were pretty damn good. The NFG was awesome, i had such a fun time. I went into the pit for them bout 3 songs before they finished, it was awesome. Last night, Halloween, that was pretty fun, aside from it being cold as hell, i had good fun.
I just read something a lil sickening to me, here, i'll quote it too, "Stephie, Damon, and Joe Flo are my only other friends really that are outside the family." Gee, that's nice to hear, i guess, i'm not a friend to you anymore, that hurts, now, i may just be looking into this to much and thinking something that isn't, but hey, in my defense, people do stupid things, others do em stupid things alot more, i'm one of those people, how was i to know you were mad, and one more thing i never meant to laugh in your direction, hell i don't even remember doing it. If you do actually read this, I'm sorry, and please give me some response back, whether it be in my guestbook or an e-mail, just not on your website, only cuz i'm dumb and i don't know if your talking about me or someone else.
In other news, i'm getting pretty bummed bout the girl i like who has a b/f, ::sigh::, poor me, bye.

Hey, i had a pretty fun night, it was with some members of "The Family". As of now, i'm a friend of "The Family". Those kids are a fun bunch. I don't really feel like going through the details of the night, it was just fun. Well, i'll see ya kiddy's later, bye.

I'm part of "The Family", (-=

Hi, i think i'll go into a bit of detail now about my weekend, from friday till today. Well, friday, i was to meet some friends, they were late, i was mad, and well, i ran into some other friends that night, members of "The Family", and they took good care of me.
Then Saturday, it was my friend nates b-day party/show, that was fun. Afterwards, my and jeffy took mike home, and camryn came for for ride. That was a fun ride, along the way there were some young girls walking along, and i yelled at them and they started running. Then we went to Newbie's house and hung out, that was fun. I'm skipping a bunch of events now, and then there was a milk drinking contest, oh yea, before that, i was inducted into "The Family", back to the story, there was 5 kids, me included, and the challenge to see who can drink a half gallon of milk the fastest, granted i didn't finish drinking, i never puked. The only one who didn't might i add. I figure i can go about saying that because Grogan got to bout half, and then hurled, i finished about 3/4th of it, and still din't hurl, hahah. Then we went bowling, that was fun, i got a free night of bowling cuz this kid left, and well, i took over, hehehehe. Then i went home.
Sunday, nothing happened, that brings me to today, i got a new board, and some new shoes, and, that's the end of how things went. Bye

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