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Daniel Marcus Teicheira

"God needed a starter" #6"

This is a memorial page for the best friend, brother, teammate and peer that we all lost due to tragic events. This site will be filled with additions by all of us. If you have anything you would like to see on here email me at BRLANS@AOL.COM 

Services : Times and dates

*Friday July 5, 2002~Gathering Memorial @ SHS
* Viewing on Monday, July 8, 2002 from 1-5 PM @ P.L. Fry and Son on Union.
* Also on Monday A vigil will be held @ 7 PM @ St. Anthony's church Gym
* The funeral mass will be Tuesday @ 1:30 PM
* The burial is @ St. Johns Catholic Church

This is a message board, you can go in here by clicking the left box below and add any comments, poems, letters or anything, feel free. 

This is the chat room, you can click the left box below, enter the room and see if there are people in there who need to talk. 

Heres a guestbook for everyone to sign there names to show that they came to support others, feel free to add comments here also by clicking the box below and to the left,



Daniel Teicheira, the toughest guy I ever knew,
This couldn’t have happened to you.

There’s just no way,
It really isn’t going to be ok.

We can’t just move on,
You really are gone.

There’s no second chances, 
No more crazy little dances.

Not even one more football game,
Will ever be the same.

Every time we get into the car,
We can’t come see because it’s just too far.

But your legacy will never be gone,
You’ll be with us tomorrow, next week and beyond.

Daniel we always appreciated you,
But how special you really are now shows true.

Daniel Teicheira the toughest guy I ever knew,
I will never actually believe this could have happened to you.

“Daniel, you will live on in all of our hearts forever. I love u dogg”

Brian Scharmann

poem for Daniel - Lou

Heart in pieces on the floor,

A handfull of pain evermore.

I'm trying to fix it,

But I don't think i can,

Its broken for good.

Turning to dust in my hand.

Vision blurry now,

tears fill up my eyes,

Darkened the room,

and blackened the skys.

For our dear friend Daniel is gone,

i trully miss him so,

But he is looking down on us from a better place this i know....




Accident claims Sierra High junior

Daniel Teicheira was elated when he found out he was going to play varsity football as a freshman. Sierra High coach Greg Leland wanted to test him out at the varsity level for a few weeks after seeing him practice with the freshman squad.

Called "Baby T" by his teammates because his older brother, Ryan, was also on the varsity team, Teicheira was determined to claim the Valley Oak League Championship for Sierra before the end of his high school football career. He never got that chance.

Daniel Teicheira was killed in a car wreck early Tuesday morning.

The 17-year-old was driving his Chevy Blazer on South Union Road near Perrin Road south of Manteca when he lost control of it and struck a concrete irrigation valve. The Blazer overturned several times, and Teicheira was ejected and suffered fatal injuries.

CHP investigators believe Teicheira may have lost control of his car when he swerved to avoid hitting a coyote that was in the roadway.

The youngest of four brothers, he was the only Teicheira still attending Sierra High. He would have been a junior this fall. He was already being looked at by college coaches, even though he still had two years left in high school.

"Daniel was the kind of kid that things just came natural to him," said Leland, who coached Daniel for two years and had him in his leadership classes at Sierra. "I've never seen a kid with as much athletic ability."

As a sophomore, Teicheira already held three Sierra High football records, including the rushing record. He may have been effective on the Sierra offense, but Teicheira could play in almost every position.

During his eighth grade year at Nile Garden Elementary, he helped lead the Panthers to the Acorn League Championship as quarterback.

"I keep thinking of Robert Redford in 'The Natural.' That is how much football came to Daniel," said Eric Reis, a former Sierra football coach.

Teicheira loved dancing and was a fan of the late rapper, Tupac Shakur. His friends Eric Manuta and Gabe Alcazar said that he was known for his signature dance moves, which he called the "Post-It Walk" and the "Harlem Shake."

His favorite song was "Build Me Up Buttercup" by the Foundations. He was a fan of the Miami Dolphins, Los Angeles Clippers and Sacramento Kings. His favorite food was chocolate chip cookies and burritos from LaCosta Mexican restaurant.

"We went there every day for spring break," said Manuta, who met Teicheira as a first grader playing basketball.

He always had a video camera in his hand to capture moments with his friends.

His friends affectionately called him "Tei-sheezy," "Beastmaster" and "Big Dog."

Teicheira loved playing pranks. With his friend Karl Zirpel, he once went to a busy Manteca intersection and pretended to get sick. The horrified drivers watching them didn't know it was only applesauce they were spitting from their mouths.

"We used to do some of the stupidest stuff ever," Zirpel said, laughing.

Another time, Zirpel said, they drove around Manteca with a baby's car seat strapped to the top of the car to get a reaction from other drivers.

Both track athletes, Teicheira and Zirpel once switched roles on the field. Zirpel signed in as Teicheira for the shot put event and fooled the other athletes into thinking he wasn't as good as his reputation. They were in for a surprise when the real Daniel showed up during the competition.

Teicheira was popular with his peers. He was voted Winterfest prince during his freshman year and worked hard in leadership class to set up for dances and rallies.

"I knew he was going to go so far in life," said Zirpel, who was in leadership with him. "He had all the leadership skills."

Before football games Teicheira wrapped his right wrist with tape with the words "Outlaws" written on the tape. It was a superstitious ritual he performed each week during the football season to help win games.

Teicheira also played basketball and ran track, but football was his favorite game. He had plenty of influences. His brothers, Frank, Steven and Ryan, all played high school football. His father, Frank, was also a star running back in high school.

His mother, Nancy, attended every game -- home and away -- and loved to brag to friends about her youngest son's performances on the field.

During his first pre-season game as a sophomore, the 193-pound Teicheira scored five touchdowns on 60 carries, helping the Timberwolves in their 55-7 victory over Modesto High.

Leland began paying attention to Teicheira's athletic prowess when he was a sixth-grader playing football for Nile Garden. Of course, Leland already knew Teicheira because he was always hanging around the football field watching his older brothers during games and practices.

This year, Leland began hearing murmurs from college coaches interested in Daniel.

"A college coach on campus last spring watched Daniel on film and said, 'You might as well make copies of this video because you are going to have every coach on the west coast watching him next spring,'" Leland said.

Sometimes, athletes as talented as Teicheira become complacent, even cocky, when it comes to their abilities. But Daniel wasn't that way, his coaches said. He took new players under his wing and was one of the most mature players on the team as a sophomore.

"Daniel had that very quiet confidence, just in the way he carried himself," Leland said.

Sierra Athletic Director Vern Gebhardt agreed.

"A lot of times, when you are a great athlete, it is hard to shake off the image of being stuck on yourself because you are so good," Gebhardt said. "But Daniel was one of those kids that was able to give me a great deal of pleasure in knowing him because he was so respectful and did very well in school."

Gebhardt is a friend of the Teicheira family and often talked football with Daniel in his office.

"Every time Daniel saw me he made a special effort to say hello," Gebhardt said. "He was starting to grow into a positive person. He was really starting to come around in that area, really becoming a mature adult."

During an interview for the Bulletin's Athlete of the Week Feature last season, Teicheira told a reporter that he was looking forward to playing football in college. He wanted to attend a university close to home, so his family could continue attending his games.

Family was important to Teicheira. He worked on the family dairy on South Airport Way and was close with his brother Ryan.

Ryan, who graduated from Sierra in 2001, was a senior during Daniel's freshman year. They played football together, often working together to move the ball down the field. Ryan would open up holes in the opposing team's defense, allowing Daniel to jump through and carry the ball.

"I think it is great playing with (Ryan)," Daniel was quoted in a feature story on the two brothers. "The first couple of weeks, he was the one I went to ask where to go. He was the person I looked up to."

Friends and family flocked to the Teicheira's home Tuesday morning after hearing of his death.

Football players plan to wear No. 6 patches on their letterman jackets at Teicheira's funeral service in honor of their fallen teammate.

"I hate to see God take him away, but if God wanted a running back, he got one of the better ones," Gebhardt said.

Funeral services are pending.



Staff reporters of the

Manteca (Calif.) Bulletin





Modesto Bee

July 3, 2002 Posted: 05:40:10 AM PDT


The youngest of four brothers in a family consumed by football and athletics, Daniel Teicheira had built a reputation as a gifted, hard-nosed runner before he even took his first step onto the Sierra High campus.

"Everybody was waiting for him to grow into his ability," former Manteca High football coach Joe Miller said. "He was a special athlete."

Teicheira, regarded as one of the state's top returning junior running backs, was killed Monday night in a single-car accident only 10 minutes from his parents' Manteca home.

According to police reports, Teicheira, 16, was traveling south on rural Union Road around 11 p.m. Monday when he lost control of the 2000 Chevrolet Blazer he was driving and slammed into a concrete irrigation valve off the shoulder.

Teicheira, who was driving home after visiting a friend nearby, was ejected as the vehicle overturned and landed in an adjacent alfalfa field.

An off-duty Manteca firefighter happened on the crash site shortly before 6 a.m. Tuesday. He then called the Stockton Police Department. Teicheira was pronounced dead at the scene.

California Highway Patrol spokesman Ted Montez said it was likely Teicheira had not been wearing a seat belt. And although the accident is still under investigation, alcohol or drugs did not appear to be involved.

Skid marks at the scene indicated Teicheira swerved to avoid an object in the road, possibly a coyote, before he lost control of the sports utility vehicle, Montez said.

"To lose someone like Daniel, who had so much potential, it's just a tragedy," former Sierra assistant football coach Eric Reis said. "Manteca is still a very small town and so news travels quickly. When I first heard about it, I was in total shock. I think a lot of us were."

According to family, Daniel's father, Frank Teicheira, was the first to realize Tuesday morning his youngest son had not come home Monday night.

"(Frank) asked me if Daniel was sleeping over at someone's house. I told him that I didn't think he was," said Ryan Teicheira, one of Daniel's older brothers. "That's when (Frank) got in the car and went out looking."

Daniel's mother, Nancy, a Manteca Unified School District trustee, then phoned a family friend. According to another family member, the husband of one of the women Nancy contacted worked for the fire department and informed her of a fatal accident in the neighborhood.

"My dad then talked to the CHP and that's when we heard," said the family's eldest son, Frankie Teicheira. "(Daniel) was just the type of kid who would do anything for anyone. He will be tremendously missed."

News of Teicheira's death spread quickly throughout Manteca.

"I was driving by (Manteca High) in the afternoon and an administrator came out and told me about it," Miller said. "This is a real loss, not only for his family and friends, but for this entire community. He was so well liked. There's no telling what he could have done."

An impromptu candlelight vigil was held at the crash site Tuesday evening.

Teicheira had been a standout on the football field since his days with the Manteca Chargers Pop Warner teams.

In his freshman year at Sierra, the 5-foot-10, 215-pound Teicheira became a starter at running back at the varsity level, a feat almost unheard of according to area coaches.

"That never happens," Reis said. "You never see kids come out their first year and make varsity at such a demanding position."

Playing in the same backfield as his brother, Ryan, who was then a senior, Teicheira rushed for more than 700 yards. He more than doubled that total last season, amassing 1,522 yards and scoring 22 touchdowns en route to being named first-team All-District by The Bee., which annually ranks the top high school athletes in the state, named him to its all-sophomore team.

Last Saturday, he was among a handful of "future stars" introduced at halftime of the Lions Central California All-Star Football Game in Stockton.

After only two seasons, Teicheira, who also played a little on defense, was already the school's career rushing and scoring leader.

He also played basketball, was a sprinter on the track and field team and was involved in student leadership, Reis said.

"Guys like that just don't come around very often," Sierra coach Greg Leland said. "I had a recruiter from Fresno State (University) tell me after watching some film of Daniel that if he were a senior, he would offer him a full-ride (scholarship) at outside linebacker on the spot. He was that kind of talent."



 Tri Valley Harold 7-2-02

Teicheira dies in car crash
By Stephen Roberson

MANTECA -- Daniel Teicheira, a junior-to-be at Sierra High School and a standout running back for the Timberwolves football team, died in a single-car accident on Monday night. He was 16.

Teicheira, who became the school's career rushing leader in just his sophomore year last fall, was driving a 2000 Chevy S10 Blazer south on Union Road north of Trahern Road in Manteca at approximately 11p.m.

Teicheira swerved from the south lane into the north lane, likely to avoid hitting a coyote, and lost control of the vehicle. A dead coyote was found at the scene where skid marks on the asphalt road from Teicheira's vehicle began.

The vehicle veered to the right, struck a concrete irrigation valve and rolled several times in an alfalfa field. Teicheira, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected and suffered fatal injuries.

Teicheira and some friends left the school following football practice at approximately 8 p.m., according to head football coach Greg Leland. Teicheira had called his mother, Nancy, from a friend's house at about 10:30 p.m., telling her he was on his way home.

"He would usually knock on his parents' bedroom door when he got home, but I guess they fell asleep," Leland said. "When his mom woke up (on Tuesday morning), she realized he hadn't made it home."

Daniel's father, Frank Teicheira, went looking for his son, who had been found in the alfalfa field at about 5 a.m. by Raymond Queresma, a farmer and grandfather of Katelyn Queresma, one of Daniel Teicheira's schoolmates.

A number of Teicheira's Sierra teammates play for the Manteca Babe Ruth 15-year-old All-Star team, which advanced to the District 1 championship game on Tuesday night with a 7-6, extra-inning win over host Tracy.

"This was an emotional game. It was tough," said Mike Berezay, who drove in the winning run in Tuesday's game. "We talked about it before the game, and said we were playing this one for Daniel."

In addition to his role as head coach, Leland works closely with the school's leadership program, which Teicheira has been involved in since he arrived at Sierra.

As a freshman, Teicheira was a class representative. Last year he was a sophomore class commissioner, and as a junior he was going to be the commissioner of athletics.

Leland said his attention now must turn toward helping Teicheira's teammates and peers work through the grieving process.

"I've been thinking about that all day long," Leland said. "We're going to try and get everyone together, soon. We're just going to give everyone an opportunity to talk and get some things off of their chest.

"We just need to give them a chance to share."

A candlelight vigil for Teicheira was planned for Tuesday night at the accident scene.

Leland said that while he didn't think anything had been finalized, funeral services will likely be held early next week.