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BaSeBaLLeR's SiTe©

§up?!? Well this is my site, well now i got all kinds of pics and i try to get all of em up but it takes a while to do but if ya want me to put ne-thing up, just lemmie know and come back here for more updates~!

*~SiErRa BaSeBaLL KiCkS @$$~*

**Last Updated March 25th, 2001**

(AdDeD nEw piCs FrOM CaR Show, And FormAl 02)


AbOuT mE


WeBsItEs To ChEcK OuT






RiP BEaSt:1981-2001 :*(


CheCk TheSe OuT~!

MeSsAge boArD

Me AnD AmAnDa :)


JuSs AddEd..Pics fRom The GOoD Guys Car Show MarCh 2002