Name:Mattie Sanocki


Weapon of Choice:Guitar

Born:in Framingham MA by 2 humans...

Favorite Song To Play:Put Up A Fight and Tidal Wave

Favorite Food:Quesadilla (sp?)anyway, I love em...especially at the Cactus Club on Boylston St. in Boston..

Favorite Place To Play:Anywhere where people go nutz

Person though was HOT as a Kid:hmmm. Allissa I dunno

Favorite Cartoon:Definitely Mighty Mouse (Old Skool)

Favorite Band:Here's a start, Fishbone, Weapon of Choice, Jane's Addiction, RHCP, Slapshot, Prince, King's X, Stone Temple Pilots, The Who, Led Zepplin, Men At Work...

Favorite Cosby and Why:Bill Cosby - cause he does the jello pudding commercials

Final Comments or a Quote:Final Comments or a Quote: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined." -thoreau

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