June 15 2001-I saw action league today. It was amazing. I really didn't enjoy the other bands besides AL and F1. I had a good time hanging with simpletones too. We(Jerk Alert, no R.I.P) played with them once. I was very excited when Action League took the stage. John came out. He's an awesome guy. He has always been wicked cool with me. I hope he still plays guitar after this band because he's awesome.The band started out with Heroes. This is a great song. I play it on my drums all the time. The drummer Mike is awesome. He reminds me a lot of how I play. Like he does fills or little rolls were people wouldn't expect it. But in our head it sounds right. I notice the bass beats too that I like. I started skanking right from the start. Then they did right here right now. That is one of my favorite songs. Pie sings so good on it. I love how it sounds. I sing that one all the time too. I love how Sabrina plays trumpet on that song. She's very good. I like her style. SHe's a pretty cool person. I only talk to her online and once after a bill's bar show when she was leaving. I'm shy so I didn't say hi to her at this show. I don't know I'm done. On this song I love how both sax's play. It reminds me of how Dan and I used to play on Backup when Jerk Alert was still around. The sax's do great jobs on all the songs and make the band come together. I loved the turn out. There was so many people. I was happy for AL to out like this. It was the best show they ever did. Maha Baret was the last song. I love that song. It's great. I turned loose and exploaded like everyone else. There was Crowd surfing. You know it was good. I felt like I was back seeing my friends KITH playing a show and going nuts. I loved feeling this for a band I never thought would make me feel this. It is sad to see them go. I hope then the best in the future. -Sal The Roadkill

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