GC Clones

These people, in my crazy mind, look, in the least bit, like a member of Good Charlotte.

Billy and Danny

Danny Smith plays Merton, a gothic dork, on the Fox Family show Big Wolf On Campus. I think he looks a hell of a lot like Billy. For your information, I saw him on Price Is Right in june and he won the showcase showdown! Fox Family sitcoms must pay shit.

Aaron and Conan

Everytime I look at Aaron, former GC drummer, I am always reminded of Conan O'Brien, my fave late night talk show host. And now I have proof that they look alike. That is Aaron's school pic, which resembles a mini Conan.

Tony and Benji

Tony Fagenson, the drummer for Eve 6, is totally sporting Benji's famous hairdo. This hairdo can be seen in Eve 6's "Promise" video.

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