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In late August, Isaac flew out to San Francisco for wedding.  After the wedding, Isaac and his friend Jason took the bus up to Sacramento, and stayed with BMer.  Jason flew back home to New Hampshire and Isaac and BMer embarked on the greatest Roadtrip ever, from Tahoe, to San Francisco, To Santa Cruz, to Monterrey, to Santa Barbara, to San Diego, to Las Vegas, and finally to Denver.  Two Weeks, 43 hours total in the truck, and like a ton of miles later, we made it to school.  Here are some pics of the adventure.

Isaac, BMer, and Papa Smurf (My truck), Leaving Folsom Cali.

Papa Smurf Packed Up

BMer and Isaac in a Tree

The Tree Again

Kara and Shannon in a Tree

Isaac, Kara, Shannon, and BMer

Isaac, Kara, and BMer

Derek Jumps in Auburn

Isaac Flips in Auburn

Isaac Jumps in Auburn

BMer Jumps in Auburn

He Jumps Again

Isaac and Derek Swimmin

BMer and Barbara

BMer and Briana

BMer and Ashley

BMer and Lars

BMer and His Bro and Mom

BMer and Pops Prepare the Truck

BMer, Isaac, and Derek

Isaac and BMer Confer About the Trip

Isaac and Jason in San Francisco

BMer Ponders in SF

So Does Isaac

Da Bums can Play

Isaac and a Building

A SF 10/90 (Mullet)

Our View from the Hotel in Santa Cruz

Driving to Santa Barbara on Hwy 1

More Coastline from Cali

Isaac Falls from a Rock

But Brian Conquers It

The Water is Cold at Pismo, San Luis Obispo

Penguins in Monterrey

And Sharks

And a Stingray

Heather, our Host in Santa Barbara

And Her House, a Block from the Beach

Isaac in the Water

Driving in LA

My Arrowhead Bottle and Truck

Finally, San Diego

Sweet Picture of San Diego Beach

Rachel, Our Guide in San Diego

Isaac Surfing

He's Doin it Again

BMer Surfing

BMer Surfing Again

Cool Ocean Shot in San Diego

Um, This Was Our Cooler, that would be Egg Salad

Chillin in the Spa with Dave and Fam

Nekkid Baby in the Spa

Isaac Lights the Fire

And He Succeeds

Isaac Fights a Goat

On the Way to Vegas, We Hit this Coaster

Isaac strikes it Big

BMer Doesn't

BMer Exhausted in the Stratosphere

BMer Gets a Looksee

Isaac Gets the Grub

Hoover Dam

Isaac and Hoover Dam

and BMer and Hoover Dam

Isaac at Lake Mead

Isaac Puttin His Hair Up

There are more pics, but i don't want to post all of em, these are the best though.  We gots tons-o-stories so jus email us.  Thank you to everyone who provided a couch to sleep on during this trip.